Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 713 713 Exploring the Fantasy 6

"Sorry for making you worry." Duoya wiped the sweat from her head and tried hard to calm herself down from the illusion.

"It's okay. Sit here and take a rest. There are two people over there who haven't come out of the illusion." Su You took out the stool he had just made from his portable workbench and placed it beside him.

Duoya nodded and sat next to her.

Because it was a long bench, Duoya could only occupy less than half of the space. Seeing this, Vivian moved directly from her original position.

"Do you need desensitization treatment?" As soon as she sat down, Vivian said something to Duoya that she didn't understand.

"Take off... what kind of treatment? What is this?" Duo Ya just came out of the illusion, and her head was in a ball of mush. Not to mention that she didn't hear clearly what Vivian had just said. She didn't even know when the other party was sitting. Those who came here didn’t know.

"It's desensitization treatment, a new word that the Lord told me." Vivian briefly explained the meaning of this word. Simply put, it means that what they are afraid of and what they are afraid of, they must gradually accept these things they are afraid of through a series of methods. Something to fear.

This process is called desensitization treatment.

Just now, they followed Luya into the secret passage and arrived at the treasure house smoothly, but they all found themselves in a familiar place after entering, and this was the illusion that the copy had woven for them.

The fantasy world that most people enter is their own home, because it is the most familiar, most relaxing place, and the easiest place for them to indulge in it.

Even if some people wake up from the illusion and realize that all the beauty is an illusion, there may be others who choose to continue to indulge because they are unwilling to break away from the beautiful illusion.

Except, there are also people who successfully identify the illusion and choose to leave, but after leaving, they are unable to get rid of the emotional impact they have received in the illusion.

To put it simply, most people are easily troubled by their seven emotions and six desires. The illusion has grasped this point, so it uses this point to weaken their combat effectiveness.

For example, Duoya's current situation is actually not very good.

Although she knew that everything she had just seen was an illusion, used to deceive and stimulate her, she still couldn't get rid of watching her father being surrounded and killed by wolves, and she could only stand aside. He looked like a controlled puppet, unable to move.

She watched as the wolves gnawed away at her father's body bit by bit. In the end, even the bones were taken away, leaving no body intact.

Not to mention that this is her biological father, even if you just see a stranger being treated like this, it will leave a psychological shadow for anyone with average psychological quality.

What's more, Duo Ya already had this shadow, and the one lying there being tortured was her father.

So she couldn't break free from it, and could only be tortured by the illusion over and over again, watching her complete body turn into white bones... a total of sixteen times!

This is the scariest thing about the illusion.

After it determines your fear, it will replay these things countless times and forcibly destroy people's will.

"Duoya!" Vivian looked at the people around her with their eyes a little distracted and felt bad. Then, while shaking them, she took out the refreshing potion she had just made from her space bag. The effect of the potion is as its name suggests. It mainly makes people clear their minds. It can play a big role in the illusion, but it cannot completely eliminate the negative effects caused by the illusion... After all, it cannot erase memories, nor can it make people Have the courage to resist fear, it is just an ordinary potion.

The cool and exciting smell hit her face. Duoya closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes were clear.

"Thank you...can the treatment be carried out now?" Duoya tried hard to stop herself from recalling that terrifying episode, but she knew that she couldn't do it by herself, because even if she couldn't help but think about it, this illusion He will also deliberately stir up her memory with bad intentions.

For example, she had just seen that in the treasure house where they were now, there was a bow wrapped in shabby cloth in a corner.

This bow was exactly the same as the bow she saw next to her father in the dream!

But obviously, how could such a dilapidated bow appear in the mermaid clan's treasure house?

So this is what Illusion put here intentionally!

"Of course, this bow is your shadow?" Duoya was the third to last person to escape from the illusion, so before her, Vivian had already helped others undergo the same desensitization treatment.

Therefore, she was accustomed to the presence of certain props in the treasury that were obviously out of place, but had a great impact on these people.

"Yes." Duoya nodded and admitted, but the fear she tried to suppress still made her breathing quicken.

But soon, with the help of Vivian, she gradually escaped from the nightmare-like memories.

Su You watched the negative status below Duoya's status bar completely disappear and exhaled slowly.

Although it is said that this negative status will only exist within the dungeon and will disappear after leaving the dungeon, no one can say whether they can successfully clear the dungeon if the negative status exists.

And the most unfortunate situation is that this negative state can be superimposed. Once it exceeds their endurance, the negative state will deepen and become a 'permanent state'. That is to say, after leaving the dungeon, the negative state will still remain. will exist and become their permanent shadow.

In order to avoid these situations, Su You would rather spend more time here and let Vivian treat them one by one, and only then can he dare to continue the dungeon with peace of mind.

Fortunately, Vivian did have the relevant dispersal skills, otherwise she would have been ready to leave the dungeon directly.

That's right, the so-called desensitization treatment is actually just a form. What really works is a skill learned by Vivian, a healing magician, that can dispel negative mental states.

As for why she made a simple skill so complicated... In fact, anyone who knows Vivian's personality should be able to guess a thing or two.

For example, Duoya was troubled by a negative state just now, so she didn't notice anything was wrong. When the state disappeared, she discovered that there were many loopholes in Vivian's words and deeds just now.

But she didn't care, because Vivian didn't do anything excessive. Otherwise, let alone whether she would be angry, the lord would not have allowed her to act recklessly at such a time.

At this time, half an hour had passed since Duo Ya escaped from the illusion. Everyone looked at the two people who were still in a state of "demon confusion" in the open space in front of them, with worry on their faces.

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