Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 714 714 Exploring the Fantasy 7

The illusion here is not that they entered the illusion as a whole, but that their consciousness entered the illusion woven by the copy, so they can definitely still see the entities of these two people.

It's just that because it's a conscious illusion, they can't enter other people's minds, so they don't know what the two people went through in the illusion, so they didn't come out for so long.

"Lord, I have two suggestions." Di Luo knew that this would not work, so he immediately put forward two suggestions.

"It doesn't matter, just say it." In fact, even if Di Luo didn't say anything, Su You was not ready to wait any longer. Apart from the threat of the illusion, the biggest problem at the moment was that they had not yet found the lost Luya.

To put it bluntly, even if something happens to these two people today, Luya can't let anything happen, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course, unless the situation is desperate, Su You will generally not give up on anyone.

But in desperate situations, if you don't give up on a few people, it will only cause greater losses.

"The first method is to wake them up directly and violently." Di Luo said while observing Su You's expression, because she needed to decide whether to make the second suggestion based on Su You's reaction.

But no matter how she looked at it, Su You's reaction was that there was no reaction... To put it simply, if she hadn't responded, Di Luo would have doubted whether she didn't hear him.

"What's the second way?"

Di Luo paused, then pulled out the puppet silk in his hand.

"Let's enter their fantasy world together and get them out."



"Is this their conscious world?" Su You looked around and found nothing special.

"Yes." Di Luo carefully controlled the puppet silk in her hand. After a few seconds, she reminded: "I have connected their two conscious worlds together, which means that we can be here Seeing both of their consciousnesses at the same time."

"Then you can bring them both out at the same time...but there should be disadvantages to this." Su You mentioned before that Di Luo could let them enter the illusion of these two people, that is, the world of consciousness, and bring them When it was brought out, he agreed without much thought.

Mainly because she had no other choice.

Apart from the agreed method, they have only two options: continue to wait, and temporarily abandon them.

As for the method of violently awakening them mentioned by Di Luo before, this is absolutely not allowed, because if they are awakened by violence when they are unconscious, it will be like being possessed, and they will be mentally harmed.

To put it more simply, both of them may have their nerves damaged and become fools.

After making his choice, Di Luo directly used the puppet silk to 'summon spirits'. It was only then that Su You remembered that the puppet master in front of him also had a special trait called 'spirit summoning body'.

And she should be using her special physique to bring them into the conscious world of these two people. "There are definitely disadvantages, and that is that the time we can be here is shortened because the cost of entering here becomes greater. At the same time, we will see two different people in a conscious world with their own fears. "

"Anyway, let's find someone first." Su You knew that Di Luo must have her own meaning in doing this, so she didn't waste time asking her why she had to connect the two people's consciousness worlds instead of breaking them one by one.

Although the world of consciousness is a world with its own system, because this world is formed around the fears of these two people, they can easily find the consciousness of these two people, and they can also see the tight reality that surrounds them. sources of fear.

The names of these two people are Gerry and Gewu respectively. At present, their state of consciousness is not very good.

Gerry was surrounded by darkness. It was clear that the place they were in was a completely white world, but only around him was a dark mass, and Gerry was lying in the center of this black, his whole body His eyes were closed, unable to see life or death.

"Is this man afraid of the dark?" Someone saw this scene and subconsciously guessed that Gerry was afraid of the dark.

The darkness here is not the darkness of dark creatures, but simply darkness without light.

"It shouldn't be that simple. If you were just afraid of the dark, normal people wouldn't be awake for so long." Di Luo shook his head.

"Then save GPU first. I may know what he is afraid of!" The speaker pointed to everyone to look at the dense red spots on GPU's body. "If I guessed correctly, this should be a poisonous weed called red star spot. As a result, red spots will appear on humans whether they eat or touch red star spots."

"If you just touch it and clean it in time, it will only cause itchy skin on the surface for a few days at most. But if you eat it, it will be because you can't stand the itching coming from the internal organs, and then..." The person who spoke may feel that he is connected. The words that came down were too bloody and cruel, so I hesitated and changed to a more euphemistic way of saying: "They can't help but want to scratch, but they can't, so they can only take it out..."

Everyone was silent.

The itching in the internal organs must not be scratched, but taking this out... it can only be said that they have already imagined what it will be like.

"Is there an antidote for this red star spot?" Vivian asked.

She had never heard of such a thing, but this may be because it is not a herbal medicine, or it may be a plant that is unique to some relatively remote places.

The continent is so big, it’s impossible for her to have been to every place and know everything.

"Uh..." The person who recognized the red star scratched his head in embarrassment: "I don't know if the Red Star class has an antidote, I just recognize it."

"Since we don't know, it means there is no antidote. If there is no antidote, then how are we going to save it?" Without Vivian opening her mouth, another person naturally asked this question.

"How about we destroy all these red star spots?" Destroying the objects of fear is indeed a way to wake people up from the illusion.

However, this method does not apply to the GPU.

"It's useless. He has been poisoned by the red star spot. Although he doesn't know whether he touched it or ate it, if he can't detoxify, he probably won't wake up." Di Luo was like a basin of cold water poured on everyone. on the body.

Just when everyone was helpless about the plight of these two people, the ground suddenly began to shake, and everyone could find that the scene in front of them became a little blurry.

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