Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 715 715 Exploring the Fantasy 8

Everyone subconsciously thought that there might be something wrong with their eyes, but even if they stretched out their hands and rubbed it again and again, they still couldn't restore their vision to its original state.

"Not good!" Di Luo's expression changed, and then he quickly took out a handful of something like silk thread.

No one saw clearly what she did, but the dizziness disappeared after she finished what she was doing.

"What just happened is that the conscious world has begun to become a little unstable. We don't have much time and we must rescue them as soon as possible."

The instability of the conscious world illustrates two situations.

The first is that they must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise they will be trapped here forever.

The second is that they must save people as soon as possible, otherwise the unstable world of consciousness will close itself, and those who cannot leave with their help will never be able to leave on their own.

"Then rescue them as soon as possible." Su You looked at Vivian: "I know you actually have a way to save the GPU, but this method is a bit special and carries great risks."

Vivian was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Su You could actually see the change in her expression that disappeared quickly just now.

"Yes, I do have a method that may solve the problem of red star spots, but this method is to fight fire with fire. If it fails, there is nothing to say, but even if it succeeds, it is likely to produce new shadows." Said simply Some of them just replace the things that the GPU is afraid of. This can only temporarily solve the current problem, but it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. After all, there are still things to fear.

"If you are sure, try it." Anyway, if you don't do anything, you will basically die in the end. If you do it, you will have a chance to survive, and you will not be afraid of shadows. These are not as important as living.

"I understand." The smile rarely disappeared from Vivian's face. She took her things to the GPU and started what she called 'fighting fire with fire'.

Everyone saw that GPU was fed something, and then he suddenly let out a miserable wail. His whole body seemed to be in great pain, and he was so uncomfortable that he rolled on the ground.

The people present were either residents of the territory or had lived in the territory for a period of time. They all knew about Vivian, a healing magician with a special personality.

But being famous is not as good as meeting. But when they met, they all felt that she was just a young girl, a little naughty at most, and not as scary as the rumors said... But after seeing this scene, their hearts were obviously There was a strong shake-up.

"It's done." After GPU wailed for about three minutes, Vivian asked someone to help hold him down, and then stuffed something into his mouth. Then GPU became like a deflated ball. The whole person shrank, and then lay straight on the ground.

At the same time, Ning Shi on Gerry's side also tried to dispel the darkness. After discovering that it failed, Su You made a lot of lights that could be used for lighting on the spot, and then used physical means to dispel it.

Although it looks a little unreliable, the result is good. After these lights are put into the dark area, although the darkness does not disappear, it can only be forced to leave Gerry's side because of the light.

They were accumulated like toothpaste, and finally, seemingly out of anger, they condensed into a monster that was almost the same size and appearance as Gerry, except that its whole body was transparent.

"That's it...this is not a dark creature, this is a shadow!" Ning Shi suddenly realized.

Although it is not clear why some people's psychological shadows are their own shadows, there are shadows wherever there is light, and shadows are not entities. They can see and touch them, and naturally they cannot attack, so they can only watch. This shadow bared its teeth and claws, but there was nothing that could be done about it. But again, because there was too much light around Gerry, the shadow could not get close to Gerry, so the two sides could only remain in a temporary stalemate until Gerry woke up.

"You...why are you all here?" Gerry was obviously confused after waking up. He was a little confused about the current situation and didn't understand why there were so many lights around him.

At first glance, people who didn’t know it thought they were performing some strange and bizarre sacrificial ritual.

Someone explained it to Gerry. After he understood the situation, he immediately took out his weapon and slashed in the direction of the shadow.

But it was obvious that the shadow had no entity and his attacks could not cause any damage, but he did not give up and continued to attack his 'shadow'.

"It's useless for you to do this, because there is light here, so it will not disappear." Su You seemed to see something, and then pointed at the shadow: "This is your shadow, why do you attack it? And why To be afraid of it? You should control it, because you are the master and it was created because of you.”

"Thank you Lord Su, I understand." After saying he understood, Gerry dropped his weapon and rushed straight towards his shadow.

The shadow, which was originally full of malice and wanted to wrap around Gerry and perform ordinary devouring actions, was frightened by him, so it began to run away.

So, what follows is a weird and inexplicably funny scene of people chasing shadows.

But obviously, Gerry won in the end, because although others could not help him catch the shadow, they could use light to trap the shadow in one place.

By the time Gerry successfully controlled his shadow, GPU over there had also woken up.

The moment he opened his eyes, the entire conscious world gradually disappeared, and everyone returned to reality.

The two people who were dancing like crazy people returned to consciousness. Their heads were in chaos. Vivian knew that time was short and she had no thoughts of teasing. With a random magic, both of their heads were clearer.

"Since everyone is fine, let's..." Before he finished speaking, everyone heard a huge roar from the other end of the treasure house.

Everyone was startled at first, and then immediately followed Su You in that direction.

"Luya!" The reason why Su You ran over just now without any thinking was because she heard the roar, which sounded like an attack caused by Luya. But when she really rushed over, she found herself in a state of embarrassment. When the little princess of the mermaid tribe saw her eyes red, she fell into a brief silence.

Soon, she came back to her senses and immediately stepped forward to comfort and stabilize Luya's mood.

It's just that Luya seems to be emotionally overwhelmed now. She may not even know who the person in front of her is, so she prepares to attack Suyou without any scruples.

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