Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 716 716 Exploring the Fantasy 9

"Lord Lord!"

"Lord Su!"

Seeing Lu Ya's actions, everyone was startled. Duo Ya was even more prepared to rush over and pull Su You away without hesitation, not caring that doing so might affect her.

However, as the person involved, Su You was very calm.

How could she, a powerless lord, really enter such a dangerous dungeon without making any preparations?

The biggest advantage of being a lord is that they can recruit talents, have a large number of items and props, and they can also learn all skills related to output.

For example, the previous runes were made by herself.

Therefore, there are five defensive runes directly equipped on Su You, and they are all high-level runes. Although it is definitely not able to resist attacks at the level of Anita, it is more than enough to resist attacks at the level of a high-level magician.

It's just that each time you resist, one will be consumed. The five on Su You's body are only enough to resist five attacks.

Five looks was very little, but it was enough for her to control Luya.

"Vivian." Suyou called out, and Vivian immediately came over to check on Luya's condition, and then tried to dispel Luya's negative mental state just like everyone else.

But she failed.

Fortunately, after Suyou took control of Luya, she no longer had the desire to continue attacking. Although her eyes were still blank and dull, her whole body was as motionless as a puppet.

"I'll try a few more times. If it still doesn't work, you may need to drink a magic power amplifying potion." The so-called magic power amplifying potion is a potion that can increase the level of the magician's skills for a short period of time after use.

For example, Vivian is now a high-level magician, and her skill strength is also high-level.

After using the magic amplification potion, her skill strength will become master level. If it is a simple magic, it may even reach grandmaster level strength.

However, everything is relative. The amplifying potion looks powerful, but it also has side effects. People who have used the potion cannot use a large amount of magic within a certain period of time, otherwise they will enter a weak state.

But fortunately things are not bad.

Perhaps because Luya's level was not much higher than Vivian's, she used the dispelling skill three more times, and finally the negative mental state on her was lifted.

"Fortunately, there is no need to use potions." It's not that Vivian doesn't dare to use potions, but she is reluctant to use them.

The side effect of the amplification potion will only increase the magic consumption in the next period of time, but this is nothing to Vivian who has a large number of magic recovery potions in her hand.

But the amplification potion itself was rare. She only had two bottles in hand, so she could save as much as she could.

Now that Lu Ya has been found, Su You is not in a hurry to leave. Luya did not wake up after the negative state was dispelled. Instead, she fell into a coma. However, she had just checked her status and found that there was nothing serious wrong, so she relaxed and let everyone rest where they were. At the same time, wait for Luya to wake up.

For about ten minutes, Lu Ya's eyelids moved, and then she opened her eyes and looked at Su You in confusion, as if she had forgotten everything that had just happened.

"You... Youyi... I..." She called Su You, and then she seemed to remember what she had done to her, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Su You knew at a glance that she must have remembered what happened just now, so she immediately spoke to comfort her.

"I'm fine. As you know, I have a lot of runes on my body, and you were also possessed by an illusion just now. Those actions were not your intention." Su You's comfort did not make Luya feel better, and her eyes overflowed with tears. Then he lunged towards her.

"Youyi...I killed my second brother..."

Su You originally thought that Luya was still blaming herself for doing something to her, but she didn't expect to hear such a sentence suddenly. Her mind went blank for a moment, and she no longer knew how to say the words of comfort she had already thought of.

But...why did Luya say that she killed the second prince?

Isn’t the second prince dead?

Did she just see the second prince... Since this is an illusion, the second prince Luya saw must be fake. The illusion was deliberately created to confuse Luya, so Luya killed the fake second prince, but for a moment she She couldn't accept that she had attacked the second prince, so she became like this.

This is the only situation Su You can think of at the moment.

"Luya, didn't we already know about the disappearance of the second prince before? There is no way he is here..."

Luya seemed to be convinced by her, she looked up at Suyou: "Fake? I...but he really looks like the second brother...very, very similar...I have tested him many times, but he really There are no flaws.”

"But you still took action, so it proves that there must be something about him that makes you suspicious." If there is really no flaw, how could Luya have the courage to take action against someone who is suspected of being her second brother?

So Su You thinks that this so-called 'Second Prince' must still have flaws, but these flaws are a bit insignificant, or Luya regretted killing this illusion, and coupled with the influence of the illusion, the subconscious in her mind made her She thought she had killed the real second prince.

"Actually, I'm not sure...Second Brother said that he has been locked up here for a long time and has not found a way out, but I remember Yuyi that you said this is a secret realm that has only been opened for a long time..." Luya's The idea is simple. Although the person in front of her is her second brother, his authenticity is unknown, so she must still believe Su You more.

And Su You said that this secret realm has nothing to do with the mermaid clan. It is an additional secret realm that was created after she came here, so it is obviously impossible for the second prince to enter this fantasy realm before her.

Especially since Su You had experimented before, she was the only one who could see this copy of the illusion, so it was even more clear that this copy was prepared for 'players' like them, and had nothing to do with aborigines like Luya.

"So it's because of this that you found out that he was fake?" Su You thought it was normal for Luya to think this way, but she didn't think it was enough.

Just her words alone should not be enough for her not to doubt the second prince.

"No, it's not..." Luya shook her head. She rubbed her head and her tone was a little difficult: "He said that he suddenly felt a powerful force entering the illusion today. This powerful force can destroy the illusion. , I suspect he is referring to Miss Anita."

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