Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 717 717 Exploring the Fantasy 10

"Then the second brother asked me if I knew who this powerful force was." In fact, this is where Luya really doubted the second prince.

Under normal circumstances, if the second prince is really a good brother who cares about his sister, then after feeling the unknown powerful power, his first reaction may be to care about Luya and tell her to be careful not to come into contact with this power.

Because in his eyes, he didn't know whether this power was an enemy or a friend, and this was still a dangerous illusion, and he needed to be careful everywhere.

But the fact is that the second prince's attitude acquiesced that Luya knew this powerful master. Although he asked in a questioning tone, the questions he asked revealed his truest knowledge.

"This is just my suspicion. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking it..." Luya must be hoping that she's overthinking it, because this at least means that this second brother is real... although she's 'She killed her second brother, but she knew that she had not struck a fatal blow, and her attack was still a hair away from the fatal position.

"Luya, from the beginning to the end, you have always doubted the second prince from your own perspective, but have you ever thought about it from his perspective?" After Suyou tried hard to understand what Luya had experienced, she could already understand in her heart I am 100% sure that this so-called 'second prince' is fake.

Not only is this a fantasyland arranged by the system for players, and it is impossible for other NPCs to come in, the most important thing is that this second prince has always behaved like a normal person who has been imprisoned in the fantasyland for so many years.

"The illusion will construct illusions based on your weaknesses and confuse you, just like you can see the second prince."

"If he is really the second prince, what do you think he will have experienced in the illusion for such a long time in the past?"

Luya could figure out the answer almost without thinking, because she had already experienced the same thing... If the second prince was real, then he would have experienced countless illusions in the past, and these illusions would contain everything about him. Relatives, there may also be people he hates and hates.

But no matter who it is, after experiencing so many illusions, but still able to act and think normally, he will definitely not easily trust others, even if they are his relatives.

Because from the perspective of the second prince, Luya might also be an illusion created by an illusion to deceive him.

"His real flaw is that he tries too hard to show his closeness and affection for you, but someone who has lived in the illusion for so long will not trust anyone." Unfortunately, the illusion itself cannot understand this kind of thing. Emotional, so it can only deduce the image of the second prince she thinks based on Luya's memory.

But this image is an ideal state, not a reality.

With Su You's words, Luya was completely convinced. Her mood gradually recovered, but she was still a little depressed.

Su You knew that it was actually good that she was in the current state. After all, she had hurt her closest relative with her own hands. Although she knew it was a lie, it was impossible not to feel uncomfortable.

Faced with this situation, Su You could only change the topic first.

"Did that illusion reveal any additional information to you?" It was obvious from Luya's words just now that her illusion was different from theirs.

Their illusions are all repeated scenes of their own fears, and Luya's illusion is that this illusion copy directly fabricated an illusion, and then used a normal posture to induce Luya to perform certain actions. Under such circumstances, this illusion will have some consciousness of the illusion itself, so if Luya is clever enough, she can completely reverse the situation and see if she can directly extract the location of the core from the mouth of the illusion itself.

"I don't know if this counts. The illusion disguised as the second brother seemed to have been trying to take me to the water prison. I didn't agree after I discovered something was wrong with it. I told him that I wanted to go to the trial tower. I doubted that There may be an exit from the illusion. He didn't seem to have anything wrong. He just said that the trial tower is dangerous and there are many illusion monsters there..." Luya carefully recalled her conversation with the illusion and worked hard to search for useful information. .

In the process, she seemed to have forgotten what happened before, which made Su You relieved. At the same time, she was also happy that she could come out of it so quickly and provide so many clues.

"There are two possibilities for the attitude of the illusion. One is that the core is really not in the trial tower, so he doesn't care if you can't get through. The other possibility is that he deliberately shows the illusion that there are no special circumstances in the trial tower."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too." Luya nodded, her thoughts successfully diverted, and she stopped thinking about the things that made her feel bad.

"You just mentioned the water prison? Illusion really wants you to go to the water prison?" The water prison can be said to be a very special place, because the water prison in reality is the entrance to the illusion copy, so there may be something special there.

"Yes, it said that the water prison is the safest, and no monster will approach the water prison." After saying this, Luya paused, and then expressed her thoughts: "I don't think it is lying."

"You mean, you think the water prison is safe?" Su You actually thinks it's not impossible.

The safety here is actually only relative to whether there are illusion monsters. If there are no monsters in the water prison, it is indeed safe, but if there are some other things over there, it is hard to say...

"Since there is nothing here, let's go out and meet Anita first. As for whether to go to the trial tower or the water prison first, we will discuss it together."

It had been more than two hours since they entered the treasure house. If Suyou was worried about Anita's safety, it was obviously unnecessary. She was mainly afraid that Anita would think something happened to them and do something to this illusion.

After once again confirming that there were no clues in the treasure house, Su You and his party left the treasure house and came to the location where they had entered the secret door.

Here, a beautiful elf leaned against the wall, turned her head when she heard the sound, her light eyes brightened slightly.

"If you don't come out, I'm going to dismantle this treasure house." Anita said in a calm tone that made the entire illusion tremble. Although it may be an exaggeration, she is indeed ready to destroy it in a while. Went in to find someone.

"Worrying you." Suyou smiled, and then briefly explained what happened inside. After that, she asked Anita for her opinion on the next action.

"Anita, do you think we should go to the trial tower or the water prison next?"

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