Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 718 718 Exploring the Fantasy 11

"If I had to choose, I would go to the trial tower."



Su You and Anita's opinions were surprisingly consistent. They both felt that they should go to the trial tower first, because this was the choice they made when they were not affected by the illusion at first.

They will not easily change their choices because of Luya's experience in the illusion.

Of course, this does not mean that Luya deceived them, but that the illusion wanted to send them wrong information through Luya.

When you don't know whether the clues are true or false, following your original thoughts is the best choice in theory.

So the group of people came to the mermaid tribe's trial tower. Along the way, they still encountered many monsters blocking them, including phantoms, water elements, etc. they had seen before, as well as brand-new monsters they had never seen before.

However, their combat effectiveness can only be considered below average, so at most it consumes their physical strength and supplies. However, they are not short of supplies. If they have supplies, they have sufficient physical strength. Therefore, the most they do is to delay time. .

"This is the trial tower. That direction is the entrance to the trial tower. There are seven floors in the trial tower, but the seventh floor seems to be sealed and no one can enter. I don't know the specific reason." Luya He told everyone the information he knew about the trial tower. Because of their previous encounters in the treasure house, they were all wary of this seemingly ordinary trial tower.

They were afraid that when they entered this place, they would encounter the same situation as before, enter an illusion, and only wake up after experiencing pain.

Although the negative state has been eliminated, the memory still exists, and they are unwilling to recall those bad experiences.

"Anita, are you going in this time?" Suyou asked everyone to get ready, and also asked the elf princess next to her if she would join them this time.

After thinking for a moment, Anita nodded slightly: "I can contain some of my own strength."

"Okay, let's go in together." Although they haven't gone in yet, Su You already has a feeling that they have reached the final decisive point.

This feeling does not have any clear warning, maybe it is just a premonition after experiencing many copies.

And this premonition also became a reality after they tried the tower.

One floor, nothing.

There is nothing on the second floor.

The third floor also had nothing.


Until they reached the sixth floor, they didn't encounter any living creatures, whether they were enemies or friends, let alone any cores.

Further up is the seventh floor. Just as Luya said, the seventh floor is indeed sealed, but this seal seems a little different from what they imagined.

Su You's understanding of the seal was that it used certain formations to lock the road to the seventh floor. However, in fact, the seal here was actually a physical seal. There was a 'no entry' note posted on the entrance door, and There were two very long notes, and the two notes were pasted crosswise on the door. This scene looked strangely familiar.

Duo Ya saw that Su You had no objection, so she stepped forward and pushed the door tentatively: "You can push it open, it's not locked." Su You opened the door without waiting for Du Ya to ask if she wanted to go in.

"If it is locked or truly sealed, then we still need to worry about how to get in, but since there is nothing now, there is no reason for us to back down."

Whether it's inviting you to the urn or the empty city plan, Su You is not afraid. Anyway, we have come to this point, and we have to face what we have to face sooner or later.

So they met the guardian beast of the illusion——

[Illusion Guardian Beast·Deep Sea Giant Monster]

Blood volume: 5000000/5000000 (five million)

Attack: 2000

Defense: 1000

Introduction: A creature that has lived in the deep sea for an unknown period of time accidentally entered the illusion during a certain action, and was finally swallowed by the illusion, becoming the guardian beast that protects the illusion.


[Always-changing]: As the guardian beast of the illusion, the deep sea monster can change its own form and attack method by changing its shape when the situation changes. The form and attributes are different.

[Original Body of the Deep Sea (Passive Skill)]: When the Abyssal Kraken is in its true form, its blood volume is reduced, all damage received is doubled, the Abyssal Kraken's own attacks are doubled, and attacks can be avoided.

[Howling (only available in the state of the Abyssal Prime)]: The Abyssal Monster summons the surging undercurrents on the sea floor, causing impact damage to the enemy.

[Bloodthirsty (only available in the state of the Abyssal Prime)]: The damage caused by the Abyssal Kraken in the next ten seconds will provide it with the full amount of healing. After this skill ends, the Abyssal Kraken will Forms a shield that absorbs the total healing amount.

[Illusion Spirit Body (Passive Skill)]: When the Abyssal Monster takes the form of a guardian beast in the fantasy realm, its blood volume increases, all damage received is halved, and the Abyssal Monster's own attack is halved.

[Spirit Summoning (only available in the fantasy spirit state)]: The giant monster of the deep sea transforms into some entity monsters, and these monsters will give priority to attacking the creatures closest to it.

[Drain]: When attacked by a creature with higher strength than itself, the deep sea monster will absorb the energy of the creature with higher strength than itself, and then transform into an illusion with the same strength.


This was the first time Suyou saw a monster with so many skills, and it was also the first time she saw a monster with such a high HP.

You know, before this, Su You had only seen one monster with a blood volume higher than one million, and that was the dark bear leader when the dark creature attacked the territory. Its blood volume was as high as one million, and its attack power was as high as one million. The defense and defense are not low either, but these statistics are obviously not enough in front of the deep-sea monster.

One Abyssal Monster is worth five Dark Bears. Although it can switch forms and its health volume may be reduced after switching, as of now, its health volume is only five million.

"Anita, this monster will absorb attacks higher than its own strength, and then transform into corresponding illusions." Just as Suyou guessed, the system had indeed made some restrictions to prevent Anita from helping.

Among so many people present, Anita is the only one whose strength is higher than that of the Deep Sea Kraken, so there is no need to say more about the restricted objects of this skill, and it is also a passive skill, and it is the only passive skill that can be used in both forms, so He even told Su You directly not to think about using Anita to get through easily.

"That means I can't attack it?" Although Anita also guessed that this would be the case, she still felt a little regretful.

You must know that she has not moved for a long time since she recovered. It is rare to meet such a big guy. Although her strength is a little worse (?), she can still use it to move her hands and feet.

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