Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 722 722 Exploring the Fantasy Land 15

When they started to attack, Suyou also asked Duoya and the other three people with tentacles to rest for a while.

As for the soldiers, there is no way to rest, because they have to continue to bear the damage. If they rest, others will have to be beaten.

However, when the two of them heard that Su You said that the reward for this trip was doubled, and that they were allowed to pick an item from the Deep Sea Monster as an extra reward later, they suddenly felt that their waists were no longer sore, and their legs were sore. There is no pain anymore, and the arm waving the shield has become stronger than before!

Others sounded envious, but they were just envious. No one thought it was unfair. After all, they were beaten for more than three hours in a row, and if nothing else happened, they might need to be beaten for up to six or seven more hours...

During this ten-hour battle, they had to focus on avoiding attacks all the time, risking their lives every second to defend them from harm. This was double the reward, and there were additional rewards. , this is what everyone deserves!

High risk, high reward, it makes sense!

After seeing the two forms of the Abyssal Monster and figuring out the mechanism of this boss, the battle became extremely smooth. In addition to the long battle time, which made everyone extremely exhausted both physically and mentally, the Abyssal Monster There are no other difficulties with the demon.

However, being able to fight for ten hours is a skill, especially if you have to ensure that you don't make mistakes, which is even more difficult.

But they all managed not to make big mistakes, and some small accidents were not enough to affect their progress towards victory.

A few hours later, with the deep-sea giant monster howling unwillingly, it lost its last bit of health and fell to the ground. As it fell, various golden lights appeared on the ground, and at the same time, it fell to the ground. There is a huge golden treasure chest.

However, no one had the energy to pay attention to this at this time. Even Su You was a little dizzy from the fatigue of commanding for ten hours without blinking, let alone the combatants who also needed to perform physical labor and mental labor at the same time.

The first thing everyone did after the Deep Sea Monster fell to the ground was to lie down. Even Vivian, who was usually a little concerned about her own image, found a place to nest. Duoya moved feebly and lost consciousness. arms, and then rested next to Vivian.

Everyone else looked like they were half-dead. Even the two warriors who were named to choose rewards didn't bother to check what they could choose. They lay down on the ground, closed their eyes, and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

If it weren't for the thunderous snoring, everyone else would have been frightened awake by their appearance.

Although Luya is a mermaid and her physique is slightly stronger than that of humans, she can only sit on the ground and gasp for air, and her limbs no longer have much strength to move.

[Congratulations to No. A1-16 for successfully leading the team to kill the leader of the deep sea monster and clearing the 'Underwater Fantasy'. Relevant rewards have been distributed to the mission hall. 】

[Due to the loss of the guardian beast, the 'Underwater Fantasy' will close in five minutes, please leave as soon as possible. 】

Although Su You wanted to give everyone some time to rest, the dungeon was about to close in five minutes, so with the help of Anita, she immediately took everyone out of the fantasy dungeon after clearing away the fallen items on the floor.

After leaving the dungeon, those who were originally lying or sitting on the ground became lying or sitting in the ruins of the water prison.

Su You called a few non-combatants who still had strength and asked them to send them all back to Liuli Palace.

As for herself, she, Luya and Anita went to see the fifth elder and the elder Bai Kou.

After all, they had 'abducted' the princesses from two families for more than ten hours. Now that they are back, they must be sent back intact, so that they can feel at ease.


... On a new day, everyone had finished resting. Two warriors who had contributed a lot on the previous day happily chose two drops from Su You as extra rewards.

Although Su You said you can choose whatever you want, they were not greedy. They both chose what they needed, not the one with the highest value.

A man chose a piece of good purple quality ore and said he would go back to find someone to build the best shield.

Another person chose a skill book that is available to warriors. After learning it, his defense will be even higher than before.

Although the skill book is extremely valuable, the quality level of this skill book is not high, it is only blue quality, so its value is not much different compared to purple quality ore.

Once they have finished selecting their items, the Mermaid Tribe's trip will be over.

Suyou asked them and others to use the Return Stone to return to the Sunset Territory, while only Ning Shi and Youai were left with her.

Ning Shi wants to stay because the mermaid tribe still has some problems related to dark creatures that she needs to help solve. Youai stays because he is a water magician and is the most suitable to operate here, and the water system can be used both offensively and defensively. Tiger balm series.

Su You stayed to learn about the subsequent situation of the mermaid clan.

Although the mermaid clan's matter has been completely resolved, it still has many secrets. After a day or two of inquiring, Su You finally understood part of the inside story.

This part of the inside story is related to the Great Elder.

She had previously felt that it was a bit inexplicable that the Great Elder wanted to go to Poseidon to atone for his sins. Although the Great Elder was stubborn, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Mermaid Tribe. Not to the point of being a 'sinner'.

It wasn't until Suyou later learned that Keyena's 'death' was also related to the Great Elder that she sighed with a complicated mood.

After the Mermaid King went out that year, he released news to give the fishmen an opportunity to attack the Mermaid Tribe. The Great Elder did not know about this. If he had known about it, he would not have gone out with the Mermaid King.

If he hadn't also left the mermaid clan, it wouldn't have been Keyena's turn to sacrifice herself.

However, when the fishmen attacked the mermaid tribe and the fifth elder asked someone to send a message to the mermaid king, except for the mermaid king himself who was unwilling to go back to help due to selfish reasons, the great elder also did not go back.

The reason is very simple, simple and even a little ridiculous, because he feels that since Keyena has been blessed by the Poseidon, she should contribute to protecting the mermaid tribe.

Of course, more importantly, he knew that Keyena was as strong as him and she could handle all this, so he thought that neither he nor the Mermaid King needed to go back to help, and they also had their own things to be busy with.

The Mermaid Tribe's patrol of the sea is very important and cannot be interrupted easily, because this is an important action that can establish the Mermaid Tribe's prestige and elevate it to a unique status.

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