Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 723 Chapter 723 is having a good time

At that time, the great elder had reached a level of paranoia about the development of the mermaid clan. He believed that the mermaid clan should be the overlord of the ocean, so he would do his best to achieve this goal.

But Keyena's superior strength is based on the fact that she has two shark beads, but at that time, Keyena had dug out one of her own shark beads in order to save Miriel, so she only had one shark bead. Keyena's strength is far from being able to easily protect the mermaid tribe.

So she chose to sacrifice herself.

"...Actually, Ana has always felt that protecting the mermaid tribe was her mission. Her whole life from childhood to adulthood revolved around this matter. Until she died, she never blamed the great elder." Although this It's been a long time since the incident happened, but the fifth elder couldn't help but show a bit of resentment when he mentioned it again.

Keyena indeed does not blame the first elder, but the fifth elder does not have this attitude. After all, in addition to being the twin-beaded son of the mermaid tribe, Keyena is also her junior sister and the child she looks up to as her biological sister.

At first, the fifth elder thought that the Mermaid King and the First Elder were trapped by other things and could not come back, but she never thought that one did not want to come back, and the other felt that there was no need to come back.

So after knowing the truth, the Fifth Elder hated the First Elder to death.

Because of this incident, the two people who might have been together completely broke off their friendship... The fifth elder and the first elder actually had some other feelings at the time, but after this incident, this little thing disappeared.

"So that's it..." Su You could understand Keyena's thoughts at that time. She indeed had no objections or resentment towards her sacrifice.

Because in her opinion at that time, it was her responsibility to protect the mermaid tribe. She had to go to a desperate end because of her lack of strength, and her lack of strength was because she dug up the shark beads to save others, so one life was exchanged for another. Everything is her own choice.

It's just that it's not good for Miriel to know about this, otherwise she will definitely think that she killed Keyena.

From the perspective of a bystander, Su You had a clear mind after watching the farce from more than ten years ago. She definitely didn’t think Miriel was at fault, because it was Keyena’s own choice to save her, and it was also her own choice to sacrifice. But as a person who has stepped on the life of his best friend to survive, he may not think so.

After agreeing with the Fifth Elder to hide all these things from Miriel, Su You prepared to leave.

She already knew almost all the old stories of the mermaid clan, and the rest was only the information from Keyena, such as how she survived and what she had done in these years... She said that she would wait until she left. She will give herself a gift, and Su You assumes that she will answer her questions when the time comes, so she is not prepared to stay in the mermaid tribe any longer.

"Miss Su, wait." When Su You was about to leave, the fifth elder suddenly called her.

Su You paused, feeling vaguely that something was wrong. She looked back to see the changes in the fifth elder's mood, and her eyelids couldn't stop beating wildly. They didn't stop until the fifth elder spoke.

"Tell me, is she doing well now?"



"Oh, I really want to follow Yu Yi to your territory." After hearing that Su You said she was leaving, Lu Ya looked full of reluctance, but she had no choice but to leave. After all, Su You was not a mermaid and could not survive under the sea. , not to mention she also has her own responsibilities.

The purpose of this trip is to deal with the mermaid clan. Now that the mermaid clan's affairs have been settled, what follows is the mermaid clan's own private affairs, so she should leave. "If you have the chance, you can come to the territory to stay for a few days." Su You comforted with a smile.

After chatting with Luya for a few words, Su You left Liuli Palace with Ning Shi and Youai. Outside the door, Anita waved to her.

"Are you going back?" Anita guessed seeing her like this.

"Well, the crisis of the mermaid tribe has been resolved, and there is no need for me to stay here. Moreover, I have been away from the territory for many days, and I am also very worried about the situation in the territory." Counting from the day I arrived at the mermaid tribe, this has been It was the fifth day, and this was the first time Su You had left the territory for such a long time.

Not to mention that she was worried about the situation in the territory, the people in the territory would also be worried about her.

"I will stay here for a few more days, and wait until the mermaid tribe is completely stabilized before going back." Anita smiled and continued, "In that case, I won't waste your time anymore... By the way, I'll come over. When we were there, a mermaid asked me to give this to you, saying it was to thank you for saving her."

Suyou looked at the small box handed over by Anita without saying anything. After putting it away, she said goodbye to Anita. Then the three of them took out the return stone and left the mermaid tribe directly.

The location where the return stone is located is at the entrance of the City Lord's Mansion. There are few people here, especially since Su You hasn't been here these days, and no one will come to this place, so no one knows about Su You and the others' return.

Su You asked Ning Shi and Youai to go back to rest, while he went to Yao Guang's residence after checking the operation of the territory.

On the way to find Yaoguang, Su You did not forget to sort out the pile of supplies in his backpack, and then handed them over to the corresponding people in categories. As for the things that could not be found for the time being, and the golden bag that had not yet been opened, She also gave all the big treasure boxes to Dolly and asked her to help organize them.

Because of this move, Dolly and the others knew that Suyou had returned. Seeing the intact lord, everyone was relieved of their worries for the past two days.

"I have something to go to Yao Guang first. I'll leave these things to you." Su You threw the things into the sewing shop and ran away as if to be lazy, leaving Duoli and this pile of priceless things alone. East and West looked at each other.


Arriving at the door of Yao Guang's house, Su You looked at the door that was open through a gap, and pushed the door straight in without being surprised.

Inside the room, Yao Guang sat in front of the table. The table was different from the mess before, but there were many papers neatly placed on it.

"Congratulations, Lord, on your successful return from this trip." Yaoguang said congratulations first, and then as if he guessed what Su You wanted to ask, he directly told her the answer: "Yesterday, I saw that the stars belonging to the elves have been restored. Originally bright, I think the elves have completely overcome this crisis."

Su You didn't wonder why Yao Guang guessed her thoughts, but she did feel happy about these words.

"What about the mermaid clan?" The elves have survived the crisis, and with the special existence of the queen, they probably won't encounter any other troubles in a short time, so Su You must still be concerned about the mermaid clan.

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