Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 724 724 Song of the Ocean

"The Mermaid Tribe..." Yao Guang took out a piece of paper, glanced at it quickly, and then slowly said: "Lord, you have helped them solve the biggest crisis, and you have also sought support from the elves for them. What's next? Good fortune and misfortune have nothing to do with you."

Su You frowned slightly, because she heard from Yao Guang's words that the mermaid clan should still have unresolved hidden dangers, but she had no way to help with this hidden danger. The final outcome could only depend on the mermaid clan themselves.

Just when Su You was still worried about the mermaid clan, she noticed that something seemed wrong with Yao Guang.

"Compared with the affairs of other races, I think you'd better pay attention to the situation in the territory." Yaoguang put a hand on his aching heart and sighed helplessly: "After you leave, please let that powerful The healing magician is here."

Su You understood that Yao Guang had just said too much, so she did not stay here any longer. After calling Vivian for Yao Guang, she returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Returning to the city lord's mansion, Su You followed Yao Guang's prompts and opened the territory's information panel.

Five days have passed, and there are no obvious changes in the territory's information panel except for changes in numerical values. However, Yao Guang obviously didn't mean that just now, so Su You decided to keep a close eye on the territory's situation during this period.

Thinking of this, she took out what Anita had given her, which was a delicate red box. The box was only about the size of a palm. There was no lock on the box, so Su You could open it directly.

After opening it, Su You heard several prompts——

[Obtain Keyena’s note*1]

[Get the incomplete map·Part 1*]

[Get the incomplete map·Seven of them*1]

Looking at the things in his hands, Su You put the two maps aside and began to look through the notebook carefully.

The notes were very thick, but only four or five pages were actually written, so Su You quickly read the entire contents.

After reading it, I disassembled the entire notebook according to the tips given by Keyena on the last page.

A few minutes later--

[Acquire halo skills·Ocean Song*1]

[Get formation notes*1]

There is actually a halo skill!

Su You looked at the split skill book in her hand with some surprise, her eyes full of surprise.

Needless to say how powerful the halo skill is, let’s take this underwater illusion as an example. If it weren’t for the telepathic halo, it would have taken at least half more time for them to kill the guardian beast.

Although I don't know what this 'Song of the Ocean' does specifically, I think the effect will not be that bad...

Although Su You was well prepared, she was still shocked when she saw the effect of this halo skill.

[Ocean Song Skill Book (Territory Blessing Halo)]

Category: Others

Quality: red

Introduction: After using it, the territory will gain the 'Song of the Sea' halo, and all residents of the territory will receive the blessing of this halo. Song of the Sea has three levels. As the social level of the territory and the mermaid tribe increases, the level of the Song of the Sea halo will automatically increase. Song of the Sea I (unlocked when the relationship between the territory and the mermaid clan reaches 'recognition'): The halo owner will receive 5% attribute enhancement when acting on the beach. When conducting all resource collection activities or fighting, there is a 5% probability of dropping the item. times, with a 1% probability of obtaining additional drops of higher levels.

Song of the Sea II (unlocked when the relationship between the territory and the mermaid clan reaches 'friendly'): The halo owner will receive a 10% attribute enhancement when acting on the seaside. When performing all resource collection activities or fighting, there is a 10% probability of dropping the item. times, and there is a 3% probability of obtaining additional drops of higher levels.

Song of the Ocean III (unlocked when the relationship between the territory and the mermaid tribe reaches 'intimate'): The territory unlocks social activities with the mermaid tribe. Every once in a while, the mermaid tribe or other races in the ocean will come to the territory.


"What a good gift..." Su You touched the halo skill book and chose to use it without hesitation.

After using it, she took a look at the current social situation in the territory. The relationship between the Sunset Territory and the Mermaid Tribe is currently at '75'. This value does not seem low, but 75 social points only belongs to the 'knowledge' level.

If you want to be friendly, you have to increase the value to 80. If you want to be intimate, you have to increase it to 90!

"Unfortunately, the impact of personal social networking on territorial social networking is too small." After looking at the data on territorial social networking, Su You looked at his own personal social networking.

Personal social interaction: Elves (respected), mermaids (respected), orcs (friendly), dragons (common), goblins (common)...

Su You helped two races survive their biggest crises in succession, so the goodwill between her and these two races reached the level of 'respect', second only to 'worship'.

But as she just said, personal social interaction has too little impact on territorial social interaction, so even if the relationship between these two races is respect for her, because the entire Sunset Territory has few contacts with these two races, so Territory social interaction will not improve for her personal reasons.

And this is still a relatively good situation. If Suyou is not a lord, but just an ordinary resident of this territory, then even if the two races have reached the level of 'adoration' for her, there will definitely be no social interaction in the territory. Variety.

Su You looked at the halo effect twice more, but in the end she couldn't bear to waste this secondary effect, so she went to the warehouse and took out the 'goodwill gift box' she had obtained a long time ago.

【Good Feeling Gift Box】

Quality: purple

Category: Special

Introduction: It can be given as a gift to other people to increase a lot of goodwill. The same person can be gifted up to five favorability gift boxes; if it is given as a territorial social gift to other racial forces, it can increase the relationship value by 3 points. The same racial force can be given up to two favorability gift boxes.

There are three favorability gift boxes in total, and racial forces can give up to two, which can increase a total of six points of relationship. It just so happens that they are just five points away from the next level, so Su You directly uses two favorability gift boxes, targeting the mermaid tribe.

[Congratulations to Sunset Territory and the Mermaid Tribe for reaching 'friendly' social status. 】

As the system prompt sounded, 'Song of the Sea II' was also displayed as unlocked.

After that, Su You studied Keyena's formation notebook. It recorded many formations, some of which Su You knew, and some of which she didn't, including the two formations she saw in the water prison. A formation, and a formation that replicates another forbidden area.

At the end of this notebook, Su You also saw a line of handwriting specially left by Keyena——

'Thank you for taking care of Luya. '

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