Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 725 Chapter 725 We have met

Three days have passed since he returned from the mermaid tribe. During these three days, Su You has been mainly doing three things.

The first thing is to use the resources brought back from the mermaid clan and the fantasy copy to upgrade the level, including but not limited to building level, territory level, resident level, etc.

In the five days since I left the territory, the territory has not stopped functioning. People who should come will still come, and there will be many talents who should be recruited.

The last time the territory was upgraded, the territory was not far away from the upgrade conditions for the next level, so when Su You checked again this time, she found that the territory had met the conditions for two consecutive upgrades.

When the level of the territory's buildings kept up, Su You directly upgraded the territory by two levels.

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for reaching the upgrade standards and successfully upgrading the territory to a medium-sized town. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】

[Congratulations to the Sunset Territory for reaching the upgrade standards and successfully upgrading the territory to a large town. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】

【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: large town (population reaches 1500 people, prosperity reaches 30000, and the building level reaches certain requirements, it can be upgraded to a small city)

Territory status: Open territory (an open territory can attract everyone to visit)

Territory security: 91

Territorial social interaction: Elf tribe (intimacy, 97/100), mermaid tribe (acquaintance, 81/100), dragon tribe (neutral, 12/100), orc tribe (neutral, 8/100)

Territory happiness: satisfied

Territory prosperity: 19563

Territory reputation: 3958

Territory population: 1098

Territory aura: [Blessing of Life III] (from the idol Doris), [Treasure Hunting Bloodline III] (from the guardian beast spirit treasure), [Battle Bloodline III] (from the guardian beast spirit treasure), [Harvest Halo III] (from the halo Tips), Song of the Sea I, Song of the Sea II

Territory events:

I: [Dark creature attack incident, omitted]

II: [Natural favor event, omitted]

III: [Pollution has harmed the forest and made the creatures in the forest miserable. For saving the forest, you will be grateful from them. 】(will disappear soon)

IV: [Mermaid incident, omitted] (resolved, will disappear soon)

V: [The surrounding environment has accelerated its deterioration due to the invasion of pollution. Although you have tried your best to save it, it has still left an indelible impact. Soon, the natural crisis will come again...] (will be refreshed soon)


After upgrading the territory, Su You discovered that there were some additional notes behind the territory events that could serve as reminders.

For example, 'will disappear' behind event III, 'resolved' behind event IV, and 'will refresh' behind event V.

These words may seem useless, but they can let Su You know more things in advance.

Event III is about to disappear, which means that the beasts in the forest can resume their original peaceful lives.

There is nothing much to say about Event IV. The matter of the mermaid clan has been resolved, and this event should indeed disappear...

But this incident did not disappear immediately after Su You left the mermaid tribe, and it continues to this day. Su You suspected that there may be pollution in the mermaid tribe that has not been resolved, so the ocean may still be affected, so this territorial incident It's not completely resolved, so it hasn't disappeared. But now that it has been marked 'will disappear', it means that the mermaid tribe should have solved all the pollution.

Then there is Event V. The "is about to be refreshed" in Event V. Su You suspects that another natural disaster is coming soon. Refresh and disappear have two different meanings. The latter can mean that the event has been resolved, while the former means that the event has been resolved. Still there, just with some changes.

Thinking of what Yao Guang said to him before, Su You thought that this natural disaster might not be that simple...could it be another double natural disaster?

Su You didn't know about this.

However, since she already knew that a natural disaster was coming, she must prepare in advance. So the second thing Su You did in the past few days was to send people to explore the changes in the surroundings, speculate on the type of natural disaster that would follow, and then go crazy Hoard resources.

This second thing couldn't be completed in a while, so after Su You arranged the related tasks, she started to deal with the third thing.

This third thing is related to the two incomplete maps Keyena gave her.

At first, when Su You saw the two maps, she thought they looked familiar, but she didn't remember where she had seen them before.

It wasn't until two days later that Duoya also saw these two maps, and then she mentioned that she had brought back a map when she led everyone to explore the mine not long ago... and the name of this map was exactly the same as these two maps. !

With Duo Ya's reminder, Su You quickly recalled the incident, and then dug out the [Incomplete Map Part 2] that Duo Ya had given her at that time.

The maps Keyena gave were [Incomplete Map Part 3] and [Incomplete Map Part 7]. Judging from the names and information, these three maps should have been originally one.

It's a pity that Suyou only has three copies of this map with at least seven parts. Even if the 'second' and 'third' are connected, she still can't see anything from the parts they put together. .

If Suyou had previously regarded the map that Duoya brought back as an ordinary, suspected treasure map, then because the next two map fragments were made by Keyena, she began to seriously doubt this map. It should be related to the main plot.

Because when Su You was studying these two maps, he discovered that there were two sentences behind the maps.

These two sentences were very interesting, so interesting that Su You felt a little creepy the first time she saw them.

First sentence: We are people from two worlds.

Second sentence: But we have met.

After reading these two sentences, Su You's first reaction was that Keyena, like the Queen, is a special being with memory!

But when she thought about it carefully, she felt that something was not quite right.

The queen has memory, but she is unable to change the demise of the elves, but Keyena is different. Not only can she change the fate of the mermaids, but she also does it!

Although without Suyou's help, the mermaid clan would definitely still suffer heavy losses, Keyena's freedom of movement has far exceeded that of the queen!

Su You couldn't think of an answer to this question for a while.

However, Su You can understand why Keyena is the one with memories and not the Mermaid King.

After all, the original king of the mermaid tribe is Keyena. She is the son of the twin pearls, the darling of Poseidon, and the most special being of the mermaid tribe. Therefore, it is not surprising that she is the one with memories.

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