Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 726 Chapter 726 Awakening

"...Why does she know about things in another world? Could it be that she..." In addition to not understanding why Keyena moves so freely, Su You also doesn't understand why she can say with such certainty, "We are two." People of the world' such dangerous words.

Although the Queen has memories, and she also knows that Su You is different from them, she would not have guessed that Su You was from another world, and it was even less likely that she would have thought that this world was originally just a game, and Su You was just participating in it. Just a player in the game.

Keyena's behavior of breaking the fourth wall really scared Su You.

But because she knows that Keyena should be kind to her, she is not afraid of her for this, but she has more and more dangerous guesses about the reasons behind the creation of this digital world.

For example...artificial intelligence awakens...another example...

A familiar sense of isolation came over her, and Su You knew she couldn't continue thinking about this problem.

At the same time, she also knew that she had probably guessed something, so the system prevented her from continuing to think. This feeling of being controlled by others was uncomfortable, but she was powerless.

"She has seen me..." Since she was not allowed to think about the first thing, Su You began to think about the meaning of Keyena's second sentence.

The queen has memory, so she knows herself, and Suyou can understand.

Keyena also has memories, and she also knows herself, but Su You can't understand it, because she has never seen Keyena in the past games, and has never even heard of such a person.

And if what Keyena said was 'she has seen herself', then Su You could explain that he had accidentally met her during the game, but he just didn't notice it.

But Keyena's words clearly meant that the two of them met in a situation where they knew each other... Even if they didn't know each other, they must have met in a situation where each other could see each other.

But Su You has no relevant memory at all.

Keyena has seen her, and she has also seen Keyena. This can only happen in two places, the game or reality.

'Could it be that Keyena is also a person in the real world, and they have met in the real world? ! Su You was startled by her idea, and then immediately denied it. After all, Keyena herself said that they were from two worlds, so she must not be from the real world.

"There is another possibility..." Su You recalled the feeling of being blocked in her thoughts before, feeling a little depressed inside.

After a few seconds, she chuckled and put away everything on the table.

Since someone doesn't want her to discover the truth so early, then it's just a waste of time for her to dwell on this. If she has this time, she might as well rest more, or go to the territory to visit more.

Coincidentally, there were two recruitments in the tavern that she had not yet dealt with. Now that she had time, she could go there.

Before Suyou went to the Mermaid Tribe, she thought that she could not return to the territory immediately, which would definitely waste the refresh time of the tavern recruitment, so before leaving the territory, she used the existing resources and two building upgrade cards to upgrade the level of the tavern to level nine. .

In addition to improving the attributes of the residents recruited, the probability of recruiting top residents and special residents, and the number of optional residents, the ninth-level tavern also has a very special function, which is that it can accumulate the number of recruitments.

Before level nine, Su You must manually recruit or give up recruitment before the tavern will start timing to refresh the next batch of residents. In this way, once Su You forgets or does not have time to recruit residents, the refresh time will be wasted. The recruitment interface of the tavern It will only stay at this moment forever.

But after level nine, even if Su You didn't recruit residents in time, the refresh time would still continue to rotate. After the countdown ended, the next batch of refreshed residents would continue to accumulate.

There are currently three batches of residents recruited in total, which means that Su You can go without recruiting for up to half a month, and then recruit all three batches of residents at once.

However, this is not very necessary. If there is no real need to go out and recruitment activities cannot be carried out in time, Su You will definitely recruit a batch of new batches. This way, he can obtain top-level residents as soon as possible and let them come to the territory as soon as possible. Join the territory and contribute to the territory.

... When Su You came to the tavern, it was in business mode. As usual, she found an inconspicuous seat and sat down, and then began to check on the two groups of residents who had accumulated during this period.

In addition to the previous benefits, the upgrade of the tavern also brought more choices to Su You.

For example, every time the tavern is refreshed, Su You can choose three out of ten people, which greatly increases the options.

Among the first batch of residents, Su You found an orc and a goblin. The 20% probability was not low compared to before, but it was a pity that this orc had no valuable strengths. This goblin's Although the mechanic level has reached an advanced level, his characteristics are mediocre and inferior to the other eight, so Su You did not choose him.

After some decision-making, Su You chose an intermediate wood magician, a master physician and a senior manager.


Sex: Male

Age: Youth

Loyalty: 75

Favorite: 30

Talents: Magic (85), Formation (70)

Skills: Intermediate wood magician (bottleneck), junior array mage

Trait: Affinity (special affinity will have special effects on small animals and plants), Allergy (unlocked)


Gender: Female

Age: middle-aged

Loyalty: 70

Favorite: 35

Talent: Physician (90)

Skill: Master Physician (Bottleneck)

Traits: Proficient (proficient in a certain skill, but can only focus on one skill in a lifetime), obsessed with medicine (proficiency in medical-related skills grows faster, but not very concerned about other things except medicine)

【Chi Jin】

Gender: Female

Age: Youth

Loyalty: 65

Favorite: 30

Talent: Management (90), Operation (85)

Skills: Advanced management skills, intermediate business planning skills

Traits: Business acumen (good at business operations, unique ability to analyze the market), independent thinking (having own independent thinking ability), perfectionism (striving for perfection, unable to accept flaws)


Since the level of the tavern has become higher, Su You's recruitment has become more and more difficult every time. Just because every resident is so good, she has to struggle for a long time before she can get the final answer.

However, this time there was an unknown risk of natural disaster, so Su You was not completely clueless when making the choice.

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