Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 729 Chapter 729 Wild Storm Season

If Chi Jin really wants to become one of the managers of the territory, then she must convince others with her own abilities. This time is obviously a good opportunity.

"I understand." Chi Jin is not stupid. In addition to theoretical efforts, she is able to achieve what she is today. She has also practiced it. She has participated in the management of several territories before and understands that it is not easy for new people to integrate into management. Su You are willing to give her a chance, so she must take advantage of it.

Chi Jin acted very quickly. After Su You told her about Jin Luo, she went to find Jin Luo that afternoon.

Unsurprisingly, she didn't succeed.

However, Chi Jin did not give up. In the next few days, she almost always went to Jinluo after finishing the work at hand to persuade her to support her.

Although Jinluo didn't like people who asked her to take money, and even took so much money to do things, she didn't do anything to Chi Jin.

She came to him and Jinluo met to convince him, and Jinluo would listen, but her attitude of disagreement was still relatively firm.

Su You saw that neither of them had done anything, and Jin Luo didn't seem to agree to it in the short term, so she was ready to put aside her affairs for the time being and concentrate on exploring the situation of the natural disaster, but she didn't. What she thought was that before the natural disaster could find any specific clues, she met Jin Luo and Chi Jin in the city lord's mansion.

"You agree?" Su You looked at Jin Luo and pinched her ears in surprise, wondering if she heard wrongly.

There was no reluctance on Jinluo's face, but the fact that she had to spend so much money at once still made this 'money rat' feel a little bit pained.

Although the money is not hers, after all, she has so much money in her hands, and she has made a lot of money. After taking out a part of it, not only the total amount is reduced, but the part she can control to make money is also reduced.

But if it weren't for the fact that the benefits brought by Chi Jin's plan were indeed huge and Jin Luo was indeed tempted by the future she planned, she would definitely not have agreed and would not have appeared here.

"Of course I agree. After all, this is a sure-profit deal..." Su You was a little confused by Jin Luo's mysterious attitude, but she could also see her confidence in Jin Luo's words.

The confidence here may come from her own, because Su You later heard that Jin Luo agreed. In addition to the fact that this plan could indeed make a lot of money, there was another reason because Chi Jin gave a guarantee - Jin Luo can intervene in this plan at any time and make suggestions for this plan.

Jin Luo may not believe in Chi Jin, but she definitely believes in herself. In addition, she was already optimistic about this plan, but she did not agree because she was not familiar with Chi Jin.

Chi Jin also understood this, so he said this, at the cost of letting Jinluo join, so that she could believe in him.

The words had reached this point, and Jinluo felt that it would be inappropriate if she disagreed.

"In this case, you two should work together well and discuss any matters among yourselves." Su You was surprised by Chi Jin's method of persuading Jin Luo, but she also felt that this was indeed the only way she could think of to make Jin Luo agree. method.

"I won't let the territory lose money." If it were anyone else, they might say "I won't let you down" at this time, but Jinluo is always different. She values ​​money, so For her, financial commitments are the most serious and important.

Su You was not surprised that Jin Luo would say such a thing, but after all, Chi Jin didn't know her, and she wasn't very familiar with Su You, so she felt a little strange when she saw the way these two got along, but she didn't ask. Come out and just watch quietly.

"By the way, apart from this matter, this is the account book for this period. Although you believe me, it's better to take a look." In order to make money for the territory, Jinluo believed that she was doing her best, and every action They all strive to be safe and at the same time gain considerable profits.

Therefore, in such a short period of time, she was able to double the available funds in her territory. However, she would do her best because this territory was worthy of her, or the lord of this territory was worthy of her dedicated service. Therefore, while Su You was away, she still did her job well. And after Su You came back, she used her free time to make a ledger of all the earnings during this period and gave it to Su You.

She knew that Su You believed in her, but she also had to live up to this trust.

"Thank you for your hard work." Su You didn't say anything about trusting her and not reading the account books.

Jinluo didn't give her the account book to gain her trust. She did it just because as a lord, she should know these things. She just did what she should do.

After Jin Luo and Chi Jin left, Su You carefully read the account book. While she had a better understanding of the funds available in the territory, she also made new arrangements for the subsequent development of the territory.

However, before she could implement these arrangements, Su You was caught off guard by a sudden new territorial incident.



[The territory events have been refreshed, please check carefully. 】

Being woken up this early in the morning before the normal biological clock had reached, Su You was not in a very good mood.

She rubbed the Lingbao lying next to her in a depressed manner, and watched it wake up in confusion. Then she smiled and touched its head before putting the mink to sleep, and then began to check the system for special prompts. new territory event.

V: [Strong winds, thunderclouds, sweeping, circling! 】(new!)

VI: [Frost, ice and snow, polar night, eternal sleep! 】(new!)

"This is..." Su You thought for a moment, and then came up with two answers that she didn't want to have.

Storm season, and... polar winter!

The storm season is one of the wilder types of natural disasters. After all, it can be seen from the summary of the event that there are strong winds and thunderclouds. At first glance, it is a natural disaster that is not very 'quiet'.

And so it is.

The origin of the name of the storm season. 'Wind' refers to strong winds, and there is even a small probability of tornadoes; 'storm' refers to thunder and lightning. It is just thunder and lightning without rain, but the power is not small at all. It was struck by a bolt of lightning during the storm season. She has seen a lot of situations on a street.

But this is still a natural disaster, the kind that cannot be resisted, so no matter how much resentment everyone has, they can only smash their teeth and swallow it in the stomach, without any place to vent their anger.

A storm season that was already wild and extremely aggressive, followed by an extremely dark winter, made Su You seriously suspect that the system was trying to kill her and the people in this city.

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