Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 730 730 Extreme Night Winter

The polar night in winter, literally means that the night is longer than the day, and as time goes by, the night will become longer and longer, and in the end there may even be no day.

'Winter' does not refer to the season, but to the temperature. During this natural disaster, the temperature in this area will drop rapidly. It may only take a few days to go from normal temperature to subzero.

And because of the polar night, there is very little sunlight, so the temperature will remain extremely low for a long time. Unless the natural disaster ends, there will be no recovery.

In Sunset Continent, Su You learned that the lowest natural disaster low temperature record ever was minus 90 degrees Celsius!

It’s not easy to explain what this temperature is, but it’s definitely a temperature where it’s easy to freeze someone to death.

It's just because this is a game world, full of unscientific magic and other energies, otherwise it would be impossible for normal people to survive in such a temperature.

But even with these things, humans still need to consume a lot of resources if they want to live normally at such low temperatures.

"In the storm season, strengthen the building, collect daily resources, and prepare props to withstand the strong wind..." Although Su You suspected that the system wanted to kill her, she also understood that if the system really wanted to kill her, there would be no need to go to such trouble. .

The reason why the system is arranged in this way may indeed be to make things difficult, but it definitely leaves a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, Su You felt a little uneasy about whether the current situation of the territory could withstand these two natural disasters at the same time, but the preparations that should be made were still the same.

She had encountered storm season many times before, so she knew what to prepare for.


"Polar Night Winter..." Su You had never encountered this natural disaster before, but she also learned about it from others. Coupled with her own understanding of this natural disaster, she could also make a list.

The first is the polar night. A long period of darkness means there is no light source and it is difficult to move. Therefore, sufficient lighting-related equipment and props must be prepared so that you can still have the opportunity to go out even in the dark.

The second is the low temperature. The fuel required for heating must be stored in large quantities, otherwise it will easily freeze to death.

Moreover, due to the low temperature, the water source will also freeze. Even if they have a water reserve, it will be useless, because not only the wells will freeze, but the water in the reservoir will also freeze.

Unless Su You stores a large amount of water in her backpack, drinking water will also require fuel to thaw... But obviously, as an absolutely safe existence independent of the mainland, Su You's backpack must store more important resources. Therefore, it cannot be used to store water, so fuel is definitely the most important resource in this natural disaster, bar none.

In addition to fuel, there are also warm clothes. Although the territory grows cotton and other related materials for making clothes, the temperature of the polar winter is not something ordinary cotton clothes can withstand, so Suyou also needs to arrange for Dori to make cold protection. Higher grade clothing.

In addition, food is also a very important resource. Low temperature and no light. Even one of these two conditions will seriously affect the farming efficiency and even directly cause the farmland to stop producing, so food must be prepared in advance.

But Su You is not worried about this, because she has already made preparations before. Although the food in the territory's warehouse cannot guarantee good food, if it is just to fill their stomachs, it is enough to guarantee three thousand people for two months. food needs.

There are currently more than a thousand residents in the territory, and the floating population is about 3,000. However, before the natural disaster begins, many people will definitely leave the territory. Even if they do not leave, Su You will issue a warning in advance to those who remain. The maximum amount will not exceed three thousand, so the resources she reserves are also calculated in units of three thousand.

The natural disaster hasn't started yet, so Su You is not in a hurry to 'scare' them away. After all, the more people there are, the faster the resources can be collected. Similarly, the fewer people there are, the less materials will be consumed during natural disasters.

Under normal circumstances, it will take about ten days to half a month from the occurrence of a territory event to the official triggering of the event. This period of time is enough to increase the food reserves in the warehouse by at least one-third, so the food resources by then should be enough for the entire territory. Everyone in the territory needs to eat for three months. If you save some money, four or five months will be enough.

A natural disaster can last for a month at most. As long as no accidents occur, there will be absolutely enough food, so Su You needs to think more about how to protect this food than storing more food.

Based on actual data, it can be concluded that 53% of the people who died due to natural disasters on the Sunset Continent died of hunger or thirst due to food shortage; 29% died of natural disasters that caused people's hearts to wander and fight for resources. Death; of the remaining people, 13% died due to various accidents; only 5% died due to natural disasters themselves.

In other words, as long as there is enough food, the first two ways of death can be avoided. No one will starve to death or die of thirst, and no one will fight for resources. The number of survivors can be as high as 80%.

But if the system clearly wants to make things difficult for her, then it is absolutely impossible for her to live peacefully with so much food in the warehouse...

"Cellar, space package..." Su You wrote these two words in the center of the paper and marked them emphatically.

The cellar is underground, so natural disasters are basically impossible to harm it, and naturally it is impossible to harm the food stored below. In this way, the safety of the food is guaranteed.

However, the existence of a cellar can only prevent natural disasters, but not man-made disasters. Therefore, the location of the cellar must be hidden, and few people must know about it.

As for the space bag, it goes without saying. Like her player backpack, it exists independently of the mainland. The things stored in it are also absolutely safe. After all, a person can only carry one space bag, so holding one that stores food People who belong to the Space Pack must be absolutely loyal.

However, Su You doesn't worry about this. There are many people she can trust in the territory. She is not afraid of not finding anyone she can trust, but she is afraid that letting those people hold a large amount of food will be in danger, so she still has to use space bags to store food. Think carefully and don't make random arrangements.

As for herself, it doesn't matter. The system is not so crazy that it can directly deal with players who have no fighting ability.

"It's really troublesome..." Su You sighed, then resigned and filled up the relevant planning arrangements on three densely packed pieces of paper. In the end, it was not enough, so he prepared a new piece of white paper separately, and then filled the first three pieces of paper with each other. The contents on the paper were organized and listed in a certain order.

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