Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 731 731 Ranger and Diary

After the plan was finalized, Su You immediately found a few people and gave them some instructions. At the same time, he also told a few of them about the natural disaster and asked them to give some suggestions.

Su You knew that she relied on her previous gaming experience for many of her previous actions, but the events that had happened one after another in the past few days made her a little reluctant to continue to rely too much on gaming experience.

She could refer to past memories, but she couldn't completely believe it. In such a situation, in addition to making her own plans, she also needed to refer to other people's opinions, so she chose the ones with the most experience and the broadest knowledge in the territory. personal.

First of all, there must be Meike. His identity is destined to know a lot of things. Moreover, he himself has said that he has visited many territories for his cooking skills, including many territories that are experiencing natural disasters, so Su You needs Listen to him carefully.

Then there is Ed, he is a librarian. He may not necessarily have rich experience, but he definitely has a lot of experience, especially after the library in the territory expands step by step, in order to broaden his knowledge and better manage books. library, so he read every book in the library.

In addition to the books Suyou bought from merchants, dropped by monsters, and opened from treasure chests, there were also books collected by residents of the territory and others and finally sold to the library.

The collection currently in the library is not to say large, there are definitely more than 5,000 books. Although it is not as good as the real library, it is already a lot for a territory with a population of only 1,000.

Of course, none of this is important. The important thing is that Su You feels that there may be clues related to natural disasters in the library... To put it more directly, the system may provide some information related to natural disasters in the form of books.

So Su You asked Ed to carefully check the books in the library when he went back, and then pick out all the books related to 'natural disasters' and 'nature'.

This job must be difficult for others, but for the librarian who calls the library home, it is not difficult, it just takes some time.

Then there are the people from the bounty group that the territory recruited before. Due to the nature of their profession, the bounty group is destined to run around. They have been to many territories and naturally have a wide range of knowledge.

Caravans have similar characteristics to bounty groups...

After searching this circle of people, Su You really got some clues.

The first clue was given by Odd, who was the leader of the bounty group. He said that he once heard a story told by a ranger when he was leading a team on a mission. The protagonist of that story was a territory that was destroyed by natural disasters. .

"According to that person, this extreme night of winter is normal on the first day, and it is precisely because of this that they relax their vigilance..."

"Starting from the second day, the day time gradually shortened, from one hour at the beginning to two hours on the sixth day, which is exactly ten days, that is, from the tenth day it will be shortened again. I can’t see the sun anymore.”

Su You did a little calculation and found that it was indeed the case.

According to the current situation, the sun rises at five in the morning and sets at seven in the evening. This is fourteen hours of daylight here.

The first four days are shortened by one hour each day, and the next five days are shortened by two hours each day, which is exactly fourteen hours.

It seems that eternal night only begins on the tenth day, but because the daylight hours are gradually shortening every day in the first nine days, the actual daylight hours they can use are only 80 hours, which is less than three and a half days.

And it's not over yet. "In addition to the gradually shortening of the daytime, the temperature in the territory is also plummeting. The day before the polar night winter is still normal, but when it comes, the temperature will drop by five degrees in the first two days. From the third day Starting, it will drop ten degrees every day..."

"The reason why the ranger knows so much is because he once passed by the suffering territory. At that time, the territory could no longer be called territory, because it had become an uninhabited ruin. Out of his exploratory mentality, he rummaged through the ruins, and finally A diary was found in what appeared to be a residence.”

Everything this ranger tells is the owner of this diary, who was also the original resident of this territory who died due to the extreme winter.

Because there is no daylight after the extreme winter, they cannot go out, and the weather is too cold, they dare not go out, so the owner of the diary can only write the diary as a means of entertainment...

It’s just that he didn’t survive in the end, because the diary stopped on the twentieth day and there was no information. In the diary on the nineteenth day, the owner left something similar to his last words. This was probably because he himself knew that they couldn’t survive. Went down.

Su You could guess that the ranger who found the diary might be exaggerating to attract attention, but most of the contents should be true.

However, she did find something strange in Odd's narrative.

"Are you sure the ranger found the diary in the ruins?" Su You asked seriously.

Although Aude didn't understand why he asked this question, he still gave an affirmative answer after carefully recalling it.

"Yes, the ranger also emphatically mentioned that the people traveling with him found a lot of good things from the ruins." They say they are good things, but in fact they are just 'heritage' left by the aborigines of this territory.

Suyou's inner doubts increased, but she was not sure yet, so she was not ready to say it out for the time being, so as not to scare others.

The second person who gave a clue was a member of the caravan. Her family used to make a fortune as a traveling merchant, but it was not until her parents' generation that they could not continue due to some reasons.

But although her parents were not interested in traveling merchants, she loved them very much, otherwise she would not have joined the caravan as an adult.

Because of this love, she has been in the habit of reading the travel notes left by her ancestors since she was a child. Some of the travel notes mentioned natural disasters.

She seemed to sense that Su You attached great importance to this matter, and was afraid that her description was not accurate enough, so she directly handed over all the travel notes that she thought might be useful to Su You.

After Su You thanked her and gave her the corresponding reward, she quickly read through these travel notes, wrote down the important parts, and then returned them... After all, they were things passed down from her ancestors, although they looked like they were not. It had no actual value, but it was still a family heirloom in a certain sense, so she naturally had to treat it with caution.

It can only be said that they are a family that has been traveling merchants for several generations. The types of natural disasters mentioned in these travel books are actually over a hundred types, and one-third of them are even caused by the other party. Experienced personally.

Since he experienced it personally and survived, he must have a better understanding of natural disasters and how to deal with them.

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