Among the more than one hundred natural disasters, they include the storm season and the polar winter. The storm season is a record of personal experience, while the polar winter is just a rumor heard by the other party when passing through a certain territory.

The description of the extreme winter in the travel notes is similar to what the ranger Odd mentioned. The only difference is that although the territories that encountered the extreme winter mentioned in the travel notes suffered heavy casualties, there were survivors.

But the territory that the ranger visited suffered a devastating disaster. No one in the entire territory was spared, and there was no survivor.

Because there are survivors, this travelogue is more convincing than the previous rangers.

When she saw the text recording the second half of the Extreme Night Winter, Su You became more and more frightened as she read it. When she finished reading all the text records, a trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead unconsciously.

'Since the dawn of time, everyone has been in fear all day long. But within two days, some people inside the house heard disturbing noises coming from outside. Some people were curious and went out to check, but in the end no one was returned. '

The above is a paragraph of text from the last page recording the polar night winter.

This passage is not difficult to understand. To put it simply, when the polar winter enters the eternal night, special creatures seem to appear outside. Some people go out to check, but most of them die at the hands of these creatures.

If Su You had seen this travel note first, she would probably have doubts about whether the survivor being 'interviewed' was lying, or exaggerating, or whether the other person was actually a 'survivor'.

But after hearing what Odd said about the ranger, she began to believe it.

Because the question she just asked was related to this - was the territory the ranger saw really ruins?

If it is a ruin, how was it created?

You must know that the polar winter is just the absence of daylight and low temperature. It is fatal to humans, but it has no destructive power on buildings. Unless it is a storm season, it may turn the entire territory into a ruin.

But the ranger also said that the diary did not mention double natural disasters, so their territory should have become like this just after experiencing the polar night winter.

Now, combining what the ranger said with the records in the travel notes, Su You can get the answer. In addition to the 'Eternal Night' and 'Low Temperature', the Extreme Night Winter will also spawn certain monsters after entering the Eternal Night.

The eternal night and low temperature are already difficult to endure, but they didn't expect that there are monsters waiting for them...

"..." Su You opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Finally, she rubbed her head and continued to look at the storm season recorded in her travel journal.

After some inspection, Su You got some not-so-good news, that is, the storm season was the same as the storm season in her memory, and there was no difference.

The owner of the travel diary has experienced the storm season, so the travel diary can still guarantee the authenticity of this content.

"The storm season is not difficult to deal with, but this is the polar winter..." Su You carefully checked the notes, but in the end could not find any information about the 'monster'.

Originally, she had doubted whether this monster might be a dark creature. After all, night was the best time for dark creatures to act. However, according to the descriptions in the travel notes, Suyou was biased towards the fact that this kind of monster was directly spawned in the territory.

Although the dark creature will refresh in the dark night, its setting is to destroy the "City Heart Fire", so it must not be refreshed inside the territory. Otherwise, if it were accidentally refreshed on Cheng Xinhuo's face, wouldn't it be easy to destroy a city?

Even if it is not refreshed very close to the city center fire, this is not very reasonable. After all, the territory is set up as an absolute 'safe point' without being breached. How can a safe point be able to spawn monsters?

So the possibility that this monster is a dark creature is very low.

Su You thought about it again and again, and finally patted her forehead helplessly and whispered to herself: "I forgot that I could ask others."

The 'other people' she mentioned here are naturally not other people in the territory, but people outside the territory, such as the mermaid tribe and the elves.

Now it has been less than ten days since she left the mermaid tribe. The mermaid tribe is suffering from internal and external troubles. Luya may not have much time, so Su You is not planning to contact the mermaid tribe, so her target is naturally the elves.

It just so happened that, in addition to contacting Anita to learn about the natural disaster, she could also ask about the current situation of the mermaid tribe.

As soon as she thought of it, Su You rang the voice call, and almost instantly, there was a response from the other side.

Su You was surprised for a moment. The other party seemed to know what she was thinking and explained with a smile.

Anita: "I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. I was hesitating whether to contact you, but I didn't expect that Su You would come to me instead."

Su You didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, but this could also explain why her 'call' was 'connected' instantly.

"That's quite a coincidence." Su You replied with a smile, and then asked Anita why she wanted to contact her.

Anita: "It's not a big deal. It's just that the little mermaid princess you are friends with, Suyou, seems to have encountered some small troubles, but she can solve them herself and doesn't want others to know... I also got it by accident. You know, she doesn’t seem to want me to say it.”

But Anita still said it. After all, she just promised Luya not to tell other mermaids, but Suyou is not a mermaid.

Su You understood Anita's meaning as soon as she heard it. She thought for a while and then said: "If it is something she can solve, then there is really no need to know. I believe she can solve it by herself... But if there is any trouble, then I need to ask you to help me a little bit."

Su You had been away for so long, and she didn't know what happened behind the mermaid clan, so naturally she didn't know what problems Luya had encountered.

But since she doesn't want others to know, and is confident that she can solve it by herself, there is no need for her to explore... Moreover, the Sunset Territory cannot protect itself now, so how can she have the time to care about other people's affairs?

"For Su You's sake, if the little princess is really in any trouble, I will naturally take action... But currently the mermaid clan has been roughly reorganized. I will return to the elf clan in less than two days, but if I don't Surprisingly, these two days should be enough time for her to complete her plan."

Although Anita's words did not tell her what Luya was going to do, it still aroused Suyou's curiosity and made her want to know what Luya wanted to do.

But since she had already decided not to care or ask, she would not regret it halfway.

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