Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 733 733 Those who don’t know are fearless

After chatting for a while, Su You changed the topic to the two natural disasters this time.

When she heard about Storm Season, Anita told Su You a lot of relevant information in a calm tone. But when she heard about Polar Night Winter, although Su You couldn't see her expression, she could inexplicably read her tone. I noticed that her expression at this time should be very strange.

"Su You, are you sure your territory is about to encounter the polar winter?" Out of sight of Su You, Anita stood up and hurriedly left the palace where she temporarily lived in the Mermaid Tribe.

"Yes." Su You gave an affirmative answer, and then continued: "In order to survive the natural disaster safely and smoothly, I collected relevant information about the polar night winter from various places. However, the polar night winter is very rare, and it is difficult to survive safely. There are very few territories that have survived this natural disaster, so there is a lot of missing relevant information."

Suyou spoke out all her speculations and suspicions without hesitation. After she finished speaking, she found that Anita did not respond immediately. After waiting for about ten seconds, she heard Bai Kou coming from the other side. The voice of the elder.

Only then did Su You understand why there was always some slight movement on the other side when she was talking just now. It must have been from Anita when she went out to look for Elder Bai Kou.

"Miss Su, I know a lot about the Extreme Winter, but I can't tell you everything. It's just because this is a natural disaster in human territory, and other races are not allowed to interfere..." Bai Kou's tone was a little helpless, but she didn't. It means impatient or reluctant.

Su You could tell that Elder Bai Kou might really know the complete information about the Extreme Night Winter, but natural disasters were like an 'exam' for human territories like them. Others knew the answers, but they couldn't violate the rules directly. Reveal the answer or it is against the rules.

Since the rules are violated, there must be punishment, even if the exam has nothing to do with the leaker.

If it weren't for the fact that he saved Anita and had an excellent relationship with the mermaid clan, Elder Bai Kou wouldn't have said a word, let alone tell him clearly that she knew everything.

"Elder, don't force it. I have already collected a lot of information myself. If I can get more clues, I will be more confident that everyone in the city will be safe. If not, it doesn't matter." If Su You had known about this, they would If you can't tell me, then there will definitely be no contact. After all, there is no need to embarrass others with this matter.

But since they have been contacted, and Elder Bai Kou has also expressed his willingness to reveal part of his thoughts, she will definitely not refuse.

"Thank you for your understanding." Elder Bai Kou pondered for a few seconds and then said seriously: "If you want to spend the polar winter safely, then the more you are afraid of something, the more you have to face it. You can't just avoid it."

"There is another saying you should remember, 'He who does not know is fearless'."

Although Elder Bai Kou's two reminders were a bit inexplicable and completely confusing, Suyou still thanked her seriously, and then chatted with Anita for a few more words before interrupting the communication.

"The more you are afraid of something, the more you have to face it..."

"He who doesn't know is fearless..."

Su You recited this sentence carefully several times, and had a vague idea in her mind. The two sentences seemed to have no connection, but they both seemed to emphasize one word, and that was 'courage'.

The more you are afraid of something, the more you have to face it. It takes courage to face the things you are afraid of.

Then there is the phrase "the ignorant is fearless". The original meaning of this sentence is 'people who don't know anything will become more brave and fearless because of their ignorance'.

First of all, the word 'ignorance' here is not derogatory. Secondly, this sentence is also related to courage. "I understand." Su You's eyes brightened slightly, and her unstable heart relaxed a lot as the clouds opened and the moon appeared.



Some time before the natural disaster struck, Su You arranged the things he had planned one by one, from collecting fuel, to strengthening the building, to preparing related props...

Everyone performed their duties and the entire territory was in order. Until the day before the natural disaster, everyone did not stop working on it.

A few days before the natural disaster was about to come, Su You issued an announcement just like last time, telling everyone about the double natural disaster.

Perhaps because they have already experienced a double natural disaster, the people in the Sunset Territory have excellent psychological quality in facing this matter. Even if some people feel panic due to the double natural disaster, more people still seize the time to take on more tasks. .

For them, the double natural disasters are not only dangers, but also opportunities.

Many people have earned a lot of money from the previous double natural disasters and have been able to live without worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives. Naturally, everyone hopes that they can do the same, so when they see the mission hall full of stacks, the reward is twice the usual amount, or even When more tasks came to them, they rubbed their hands excitedly and rushed to accept these time-limited and limited tasks.

Others who were originally scared and wanted to escape, when they saw the people around them facing the double natural disasters calmly and living as usual, their uneasy hearts calmed down and then turned into doubts.

"Aren't you afraid of the double natural disaster?" A newcomer to the territory couldn't help but ask the male residents around him.

The man curled his lips indifferently: "I'm afraid, but is it useful? Is fearing that natural disasters won't come?"

The person who asked the question was speechless for a moment. He did not expect that he would get such an answer.

Looking at their expressions, the man knew that these people were 'newcomers' who had never experienced anything before.

"Seeing that you are all newcomers, I would like to remind you that as long as you listen carefully to the lord and do whatever tasks are assigned, double natural disasters are not a big deal." When he said this, the man's tone was full of confidence and an inexplicable feeling. pride.

The newcomers were even more confused. They didn't quite understand why the other party was feeling this way.

However, the man didn't mean to show off. He told the general directly that the territory had survived a natural disaster before, and it was still a perfect one, with basically no casualties in the territory.

"You and I were the same at that time. I didn't believe that we could survive the two natural disasters. After all, too many territories perished due to the two natural disasters, but we still did it." At that time, the man was not a member of the Sunset Territory. , but after the natural disaster ended, he decisively chose to join the territory.

A territory that can survive even double natural disasters has unlimited potential!

Later, we experienced a beast tide, and it was a beast tide mixed with dark creatures. It was also a perfect defense. Not only that, but it also took the initiative to attack the lair of dark creatures, and even brought back many beasts to be tamed...

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