Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 734 Level 734 Building Strength

The more things he experienced, the more convinced the man was that his decision to join this territory was the right one.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to do a mission. If you have nothing to do, you can take a few missions. Don't say I didn't remind you that the rewards for the missions released by the lord before the big event are very generous. If you miss it, Don't regret it." The man waved his hand and took the time to prepare to complete the task.

He was lucky enough to get several of the easiest tasks, such as collecting fuel, transporting materials, and one was a temporary worker in the construction team.

After completing these three tasks, he can earn at least five or six silver coins, which is equivalent to his income in the past three or four days!

He could earn three or four times his previous income in one day. If it weren't for the fact that natural disasters were really bad, he would have been looking forward to a natural disaster every day!

After listening to the man's words, the newcomers didn't care whether they believed that this territory could survive this natural disaster safely. In short, they believed that the rewards for the missions in this mission hall were indeed generous.

Because there are many people similar to the man before... almost half of the territory is rushing to complete tasks.

If two people are competing to do something, it may not be a good thing, but if everyone is competing to do something, it is definitely not a bad thing!

"How about we also go pick up a few tasks?" One of the newcomers turned around blankly, only to see that the places where several people should have been standing were empty. He immediately realized that the previous people had left them behind after getting the news. He went to take the mission.

For this reason, he cursed secretly and then rushed into the crowd.



"Lord, the strength of all the buildings in the territory has reached level ten. No matter how strong the storm is, it cannot immediately destroy any building in the territory. As long as the building does not collapse, we can repair the building!" The person who spoke at this time was the most powerful person in the sunset territory. Awesome architect, Ain.

It's not accurate to say that he is the most powerful, but he is indeed Su You's most trusted architect, and he is also Su You's only choice when there are important construction projects that need to be arranged.

Although there are still several architects in the territory, most of the time they work with Ain, and only sometimes they lead people to carry out certain engineering projects.

At first, when those people heard that they had to obey Ain's orders after joining the territory, they were a little dissatisfied.

Because there are one or two people who are indeed not inferior to Ain in strength, but they all know that Ain came to the territory in the early stages of its development, and he is deeply trusted by the lord, so even if they are not convinced, they dare not openly do what.

Some people think that they can definitely squeeze Ain down in front of the Lord with their own strength.

But this idea changed after understanding Ain's character.

They discovered that Ain was not a petty person. He would not exclude them just because they were colleagues, or use his position in front of the lord to say something secretly.

On the contrary, if there is any work in the territory, Ain will give it out if he can, and he will not do it all by himself and starve others to death.

Ain has been recognized by everyone for his ability and character, so the construction team in the territory is in harmony, and no one has any dissatisfaction with Ain.

At least so far, the territorial construction team has never had any problems.

Of course, this does not mean that they do not want to be the first architect of the territory... Everyone wants to be the first person, but they cannot guarantee that they will become the first person, and they cannot guarantee that others will become the first person. Will he still treat them like Ain? In this case, it is better to maintain the status quo. Everyone is living happily now anyway, so there is no need to actively provoke competition and affect the future.

It is precisely because of the unity and harmony of the construction team that they were able to complete the huge amount of work arranged by Su You in such a short period of time.

You must know that their work this time is to upgrade the strength of all the buildings in the territory to the full tenth level within a week. However, the number of buildings in the territory currently totals more than 200, all of which are seven or eight stories high. There are more than 80 residential buildings.

But the total number of people in the construction team is less than fifty, and even including temporary ones, there are only more than one hundred and thirty people.

One hundred and thirty people compared to two hundred buildings, one person per building is not enough, so they can only send out tasks and continue to recruit temporary construction workers.

Due to the huge amount of work, they have to work every day during this week. These people don't even care about calculating how much money they can make this week. They only focus on how to complete the tasks at hand faster.

Thanks to the unity and harmony within the construction team, several architects helped each other and drew one after another in the shortest time, which could save time and materials without affecting the results. drawing.

When the project officially started, everyone helped each other. Where there was a shortage of people, people would be transferred from the temporarily idle team; where there was a shortage of materials, those with abundant materials would be sent over.

Until all tasks are completed, everyone breathes a sigh of relief and feels a doubled sense of accomplishment.

They happily reported the situation to Ain, who tallied up everyone's information and finally put it into Su You's hands.

"You have done a good job. I will inform Jinluo later that you can receive 50% more remuneration. The rest of the building captains will receive 40% and the team members will receive 20%."

Although Suyou was very confident in Ain, she didn't expect that Ain could actually lead everyone to raise the strength of all buildings to level ten within a week, so her standards for Ain were lower.

Her minimum requirement is to upgrade all residential buildings to level ten. After all, these are places where people live. If they are really collapsed by the storm, it will be life-threatening.

As for other buildings, such as inns, restaurants, hospitals and other frequently used and very important buildings, they have also been upgraded to level ten.

But there are still training grounds, stables, and some other shops that are not particularly important. The level of these buildings only needs to be built to level six.

The total number of residential buildings and important buildings is only over 100, so the workload can be reduced by almost a quarter.

But I didn't expect that Ain actually led hundreds of people to raise the strength level of all the buildings in the territory, so it was appropriate for Su You to give more rewards.

"Ain, on behalf of everyone, thank you Lord!" Ain is naturally happy to be able to get more money, and no one will think that he has too much money.

After understanding the construction situation on the bright side, Su You motioned to Ain to continue.

Ain calmed down for a moment, then carefully took out a piece of paper from the middle of his clothes and handed it to Su You.

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