Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 736 736 Storm Season 1

It may seem like a lot of money is spent, but after people have tea, they can do more every day. The more they do, the more they earn, so they are also willing to buy tea from tea masters.

It is no exaggeration to say that the tea master's tea also contributed to the successful completion of the task this time.

Su You had wanted to recruit this tea artist a long time ago, but just when he left the teahouse, the territory couldn't wait to take action. In order to avoid people thinking that the territory would "grab food" with outside shops, leaving a negative impact on future business development. Due to the hidden danger, Su You could only give up this idea temporarily.

It just so happened that Ain stabilized the tea master and prevented anyone from running away. Otherwise, Suyou would have to keep the tea master first even if he did not care about the reputation of the territory.

Although physical strength potions can also restore physical strength, the recovery is limited. Moreover, the potions are made from medicinal materials after all, have a cooling time for use, and are not low in price. Ordinary people cannot keep them for daily use.

The advantage of stamina potions is instant recovery, so they are best used in emergencies.

Tea, on the other hand, is constantly replenishing and is reasonably priced, making it most suitable for daily use.

The tea master stayed, but after all, she had no merit. In addition, Su You had stopped renting out shops before, because the flow of people in the territory was already very abundant, and the business system had already taken shape. She wanted to keep her position. Arrangements will be made after the territory level increases, so she cannot give the tea master a shop for no reason.

This is not only inconsistent with the regulations, but unfair treatment will also arouse people's dissatisfaction... Once some things are made an exception, it will be difficult to form a norm.

But now that Ain has made a contribution, it is not too much for her to give her a one-year shop. As for how they arrange it, that is their business.

"We can start organizing things." Su You squinted her eyes, and then started to work by herself.

If it were before, she would definitely have called for help. There was no shortage of people around her who could be trusted and could help. However, this time the situation was special and she was not ready to let others participate in this work for the time being.

Even Ain, who knew the location of cellars and basements, didn't know where Suyou would put things, because there were actually more than one cellars and basements. Some were really for use, and some were just for storage. Cover 'people's' eyes and ears.

After spending a whole day, Su You went back and forth about thirty times through his backpack and a fourth-level space bag, and finally moved 70% of the food and some rare materials and props to the cellar and basement.

Currently, only 30% of the food that is easy to store is left in the warehouses on the territory, but it is still enough for everyone in the territory to use for one month. If you add in the unused ingredients, you can still have one more month.

The natural disaster will only last for a month at most. If the warehouse on the surface is not destroyed, then the food will be enough for them to survive the natural disaster, but if there is an accident, it will be time to use the 'reserve food'.

In terms of materials, all materials of purple quality and above were moved to the basement, and some blue quality but rare materials were treated in the same way.

The props that have been processed into finished products are placed in the warehouse on the outside, except for those that are obviously not used. This is because the finished props take up too much space and cannot be compared to the materials that can be stacked in hundreds. , only counts one grid space.

Only one equipment can be placed in each grid, and most of the finished props can only be stacked ten to twenty. It is impossible for the temporary basement to have such a large space to accommodate all the items, so they are still placed in the warehouse.

"Let's put all the remaining space into fuel." Su You said to himself, and then divided all the fuel collected by everyone in the past few days into several portions.

One part was placed in the warehouse on the territory, one part was placed in several space bags, and the last part was piled in the empty basements used to hide from others.

Although it is just a cover-up, the basement is still safe at the moment. It is more secure than the warehouse on the outside. It is not particularly distressing even if the fuel is something that is not very valuable compared to other things.

In the warehouse on the ground, Su You only kept a warehouse full of high-quality fuel that had been processed and could be used directly, totaling more than 100,000. One hundred thousand fuel may seem like a lot, but in fact, fuel is not disabled at all when dealing with really severe cold conditions.

For daily use such as making a fire and cooking, a piece of ordinary fuel is enough to provide about two hours of burning time. High-quality fuel is synthesized from multiple ordinary fuels and can burn for more than ten hours.

But if it comes to winter, because the temperature drops and fuel consumption is intense, four or five pieces of high-quality fuel will be consumed in a day, which is equivalent to one piece of fuel that can only be used for five or six hours, and the time is directly cut in half.

Calculated based on 3,000 people, even if each person only consumes four pieces of high-quality fuel, that is 12,000. One hundred thousand fuel cannot last even ten days.

Not to mention that the temperature in the polar night will be even lower. The daily fuel consumption will not only be four yuan, but the fuel in this warehouse will be used up in a week. If there is a more serious situation, it will only be used for one day. Complete a warehouse.

Of course, there must be more than this fuel in the entire territory. Suyou has a dozen fuel storage warehouses like this, each one is filled to the brim, and most of them have now been moved into the basement and hidden.

One million fuel, not to mention more, is definitely enough for one month's use.

Moreover, Qian Shuang (Rune Master) also made the cold-resistant runes with the help of Su You. Because the cold-resistant runes are not high-end, the materials are easy to obtain, and the price is not high, so everyone can buy the runes to resist the cold when the time comes, and It doesn't have to be a fire.

But after all, time was tight, and Qian Shuang could not make too many runes by herself. Considering the time and cost-effectiveness, she only made elementary and intermediate cold-resistant runes.

Primary and intermediate cold-resistant runes can only withstand normal low temperatures. When the temperature drops below minus 40 degrees, everyone can still only rely on runes and fuel to stay warm.

But that's pretty good.

After sorting it out, Su You breathed a sigh of relief, and the biggest stone in his heart was finally relieved.

With sufficient supplies and strong external defenses, she didn't believe she couldn't survive this difficulty!



The 100th day of the digital world, this is a special day.

[The disaster season is coming, the type of natural disaster this time: double natural disaster. 】

[Content of natural disasters: Storm season, polar night winter. 】

[Duration: 30 days]

[Random natural disaster event: 0/3]

Su You woke up, checked the system messages, stared at the newly appeared word 'natural disaster' for a few seconds, and then closed it.

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