Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 737 737 Storm Season 2

"There is something about the so-called 'large integer'..." She couldn't help but sigh as she looked through the window at the obviously abnormal sky outside.

I have mentioned before that there are large integers and small integers related to days. Today is the hundredth day since she came to this world. The hundredth day is a large integer. It is also the first day in Sunset Territory and what she will soon experience. Large integer.

It was obviously a sunny day yesterday, and the moon and stars were bright last night, but one night passed, and within a few hours, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and the entire sky looked like a bucket of ink was poured into the blue color, and it gradually became dark. Dyed with a dull color of black and gray.

It was obviously daytime, and there was obviously the sun in the sky, but I could clearly feel that the brightness around me was not as good as before.

On the street, everyone looked at the dark clouds above their heads and recalled the busy life of the past ten days. They vaguely guessed something.

"Is there a natural disaster coming?"

"Isn't it obvious? The weather was quite good last night, why did it suddenly become like this today?"

"I know, this should be a sign of the storm season coming... Everyone, please be careful today, don't accidentally get swept away by the storm."


The discussions of hundreds of people were very noisy. The bad weather would have made people depressed, and the sounds in their ears made them feel even more depressed.

But at this time, they didn't care whether they were arguing or not, they only focused on the scene in the sky as if a thick cloth covered the sky.

It was obviously not a problem for so many people to gather here. Although they knew that they were not gathering to cause trouble and did not intend to do so, patrols still came to disperse them.

While dispersing, the patrol guards also spread the news ordered by the lord.

"Today is the first day of the storm season. The storm will not be too strong, but it is best for everyone to travel together, stay away from open areas when going out, and try to move where there are many trees..."

"Although the storm season is dangerous, it also brings opportunities. Storms come from far away. They are extremely attractive and often bring some distant things. You can collect these things while ensuring safety... "

As the patrol guard's reminders and explanations came out, everyone's hearts changed from nervousness to fear, and finally to caution, excitement, and excitement.

They were not stupid, and most of them understood what the patrol guard meant.

The most dangerous thing about the storm season is that the storm will sweep people away, but if it is in a place with dense trees, the storm cannot get in. Even if it wants to get in, the trees must be destroyed first, so that they have time to escape.

But there is no cover in the open space, how can a person outrun the wind?

So they must avoid going to that dangerous location!

The second is the opportunity brought by the storm.

Wherever the storm passes, no leaves are left behind, and countless things will be swept into the storm. As more and more things are contained in the storm, the storm will dissipate because it cannot support it.

When the storm dissipates, the things in the storm will stay where they are. If you are lucky, it is really possible to pick up the treasures that fell from the sky!

Like the previous forest carnival, the storm season is also a natural disaster that presents both danger and opportunity.

For those who are weak, they can only hide from the storm, but for those who have strength and courage, this is a major opportunity for them to make a fortune!

Although not everyone present has the ability and courage to get things from the storm, after all, they have never really seen a storm. They have never seen it, and naturally they don’t know how dangerous it is, but they can imagine their own possibilities. income obtained. After hearing what the patrol guard said, almost everyone's first reaction was to call friends and find someone to go with them, and then left the territory and prepared to go to the wild to find the 'treasure' brought by the storm.

As they left, the streets that were originally crowded with people suddenly emptied out.

Several patrol guards breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at each other, and then continued their patrol work.

Today is only the first day of the storm season, and because of the experience of the previous double natural disaster, Su You knew that the two natural disasters would not come at the same time, but would occur several days apart, one after the other.

Otherwise, the difficulty of the two natural disasters is already high. If they come at the same time and don't even give them a chance to breathe, it would be a bit too much.

While the polar winter has not yet come, Su You is eager to let everyone go out and collect more things. Otherwise, when the polar winter comes, not to mention the temperature affecting movement, the shortening of the daytime alone will be fatal. This will greatly affect the time everyone can go out.

While everyone was busy "treasure hunting" outside, Su You also did two things.

The first thing is that he also organized a team to go out. The members of this team are nothing more than Lake, Doya, Diluo, Yuai, Zenyue and others. They are the most powerful group in the territory, and they They are familiar with each other and have a tacit understanding, so they act more skillfully and steadily.

Ning Shi seemed to be interested in the Sunset Territory because of his trip to the Mermaid Tribe, so when he learned the news, he also wanted to join in.

Su You would definitely not refuse the addition of a capable light magician. With the addition of Ning Shi, the team's combat effectiveness instantly increased to a higher level.

Suyou organized their outings with three main tasks:

First, always pay attention to the forest and storm conditions. If you find anything unusual, report back.

Second, when you go out, if you find someone in danger and the other person needs help, try to help as much as possible while ensuring your own safety.

Third, like everyone else, go out 'treasure hunting'.

The slight difference is that this time they brought a special partner with them on their treasure hunt, which was the guardian beast of the territory - Lingbao.

As the level of the territory increases, the strength of the Lingbao also continues to increase, and the aura of gain it provides to the territory becomes more and more powerful.

But Suyou suddenly remembered that Lingbao didn't seem to have used its true abilities very much, so much so that she almost forgot that this little guy was still a treasure-hunting beast.

After she remembered it, she decisively threw the Lingbao to Duoya and let him take them to take advantage of this special day in the storm season to go out and collect various treasures.

Although Lingbao was a little reluctant to leave her side, since he woke up in the morning, the whole mink couldn't help but be a little restless, and his mood also experienced subtle changes that he couldn't control. It was as if he had noticed that there was something outside. There are many treasures just waiting for it to explore.

In the end, Lingbao finally followed Duoya out because of his instinct (treasure hunting) and Suyou's wish.

After seeing them off, Su You started to do the second thing.

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