Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 738 738 Storm Season 3

The second thing is to allocate supplies to various stores belonging to the territory. The supplies here mainly refer to supplies for the extreme winter.

Considering some things, Su You did not sell these things before the natural disaster came, but now that the natural disaster has come, she must let everyone put all the things she had prepared on the shelves as soon as possible, so that everyone would not have time to buy.

Sewing shop: cotton coats, cotton trousers, cotton shoes, cotton gloves, windshields, quilts, etc.

Tavern: Fire Wine (reduces the rate of body temperature drop), Spirit Wind Wine (reduces the probability of paralysis and stiffness in the body due to low temperature), etc.

Restaurants: Spicy series (reduces the body temperature drop rate), boiled series (reduces the body temperature drop rate)

Medical Center: Deer Blood Pill (acquire the 'warm-proof' state and not be afraid of the cold for a certain period of time), Warming Potion (instantly increase your own body temperature), etc.

Furniture store: fireplaces, fire pits, heating stoves, night lights, etc.

Blacksmith shop: hand stove, heating tripod, portable lamp, etc.

Carbon fire store: ordinary fuel, high-quality fuel, coal, etc.

Rune house: cold-resistant runes (elementary, intermediate), lighting runes (elementary, intermediate), wind-protecting runes (elementary, can withstand slight storms), etc.


More than two dozen stores and dozens of products are being put on the shelves one after another.

Because most people in the territory have gone out to hunt for treasures, there are only a few sparse people on the streets. Although these people have not gone out, most of them have their own things to do and will not pay special attention to whether there are any shops on the streets. Something is new on the shelves, so not many people have discovered these new items yet.

However, when the time came to noon, people returned from treasure hunting one after another. They happily took their loot to the mission hall to exchange for some money and points, and then used the exchanged money and points to exchange for things, or to buy things.

Most of what the combatants consumed was equipment and medicine, so after they exchanged the things in their hands for money, they went to two places, one was a blacksmith shop, and the other was naturally a medical center.

Everyone went to each store in a different order according to their different needs, but this did not affect the same surprise they showed when they saw the content on the new signs in the blacksmith shop and the medical center.

"Boss Cang, I know about the portable lamp, but what are these hand stoves and warm cauldrons?" The person who spoke was an old customer of the blacksmith shop, otherwise he wouldn't know Cang Lan's name.

Cang Lan saw that many people had come to the store, so she took out something from the shelf that was similar to a teapot, but more delicate and compact than a teapot.

"This is a hand stove." Cang Lan introduced the hand stove to everyone. Then, she picked up a piece of coal from the side that was only the size of a fingernail. She lit the coal and threw the coal into the hand stove.

"This hand stove will be used in the polar winter in a few days. Its function is to continuously provide temperature. The material used in the hand stove is fine iron alloy, which is not easy to damage and will not deform due to a little temperature." Canlan While the story was being told, a pair of hands never left the surface of the stove.

In less than a minute, she handed the fuel-filled hand stove to the nearest person. And this person happened to be the guest who just asked the question.

He took this gadget, which was somewhat novel to him, and the moment he took it, he was tingled by the warm feeling.

Although the temperature has not yet reached the low temperature range, it is as if to welcome the arrival of the polar night winter, so today's temperature has obviously dropped compared to yesterday, but it is still within the acceptable range.

When your cold hands touch a warm object, you can't help but want to absorb more warmth.

But before he could enjoy it for a while, he was looked at by others around him who were full of curiosity and expectation and felt a little embarrassed.

"Um...this gadget is quite comfortable to hold in your hand. Do you want to give it a try?" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a person next to him who couldn't wait to say thank you and took the hand stove away from him.

His hands had lost their warmth, and he was a little dissatisfied. But he also knew that the stove was not his own, and the other party even thanked him... That's right!

This hand stove is so easy to use, so shouldn’t he just buy one?

Although I can’t use it now, I will use it in a few days!

The customer who was the first to enjoy the hand stove immediately approached Canlan and proposed to buy the hand stove.

Because in addition to the names of the new products, the sign also indicated their prices, so the customer directly put the money for the hand stove on the table.

"Here are six silver coins. I want to buy two." Although a hand stove is enough for one person, he still has a frail sister at home.

Although he believed that the lord could lead them through the two natural disasters, just like the last time, his sister's physical condition was not good. For ordinary people, just a slightly cool temperature might make her catch a cold or even make her sick. in bed.

Now that he has this thing, he doesn't have to worry all day long in order to cool down in a few days.

"There is not much inventory of the product. Originally, one person could only buy one copy of this thing, but I know your situation. If you write a certificate, this second hand stove is considered to be bought for your sister." Just like Cang Lan said It's the same thing. Because time is tight, the inventory of everything is relatively limited. Everyone can buy something, but more is gone.

But after all, the person in front of him is an old customer whom he knows and is familiar with, and he is also a resident of the territory, so Cang Lan is also extra tolerant.

She knew that the other person had a sister who was in poor health and could not force the other person to come to her store to buy in person, so she asked this person to write a certificate proving that he bought two hand stoves, and the quotas for the two hand stoves were respectively His own and his sister's.

From now on, neither he nor his sister can buy a third hand stove here unless there are special circumstances.

"Thank you, Boss Cang!" This customer didn't know about the limited purchase, but he could guess the reason. After all, he and his sister had suffered a lot in other places, and had seen others deliberately monopolize necessary resources and sell them at high prices. Give it to them so that they have to buy it and beg others to sell it.

In the coming polar night winter, the demand for all temperature-related materials will definitely increase sharply. If there are no restrictions, and some people buy in large quantities and finally hoard them until natural disasters break out, then they will have no choice but to eat. This is boring.

"This is the proof." He quickly wrote a certificate and put his fingerprint on it.

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