Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 739 739 Storm Season 4

Canglan read the note once, and then put it away after confirming that there was no problem.

"By the way, Boss Cang, you only talked about this hand stove, but you haven't introduced what a warm tripod is!" He successfully bought two hand stoves, and he was very happy, but when his eyes glanced at the brand, he I remembered there was a new thing I hadn’t seen before.

His voice was not quiet, and the blacksmith shop was not big, so everyone who had been tinkering around a hand stove for a long time was also attracted by these words.

"The warm tripod is right there." Cang Lan pointed at a copper tripod placed in the corner.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and then they saw a metal 'big lump' about one meter high.

As before, Canlan demonstrated how to use it in front of everyone.

After all, the size is more than ten times larger, so more fuel will be needed.

In the past, the hand stove only used coal pieces the size of fingernails, and it was ready for use. But when using the warm cauldron, Cang Lan added three fist-sized coal pieces into it.

Seeing this amount of fuel consumption, some people couldn't help but flinch. They all thought that they could just buy a hand stove. Not to mention that a hand stove only costs three silver coins. The warm tripod is more than ten times as much, which costs a lot. Fifty silver coins!

In contrast, if the effect is the same, then they will definitely prefer to buy cheaper things.

Moreover, the fuel consumption of Nuanning should not be underestimated. If these three large pieces of coal are used on a hand stove, they can be used dozens of times.

But soon, some people gave up this idea.

It took about a minute, and everyone could feel that the surrounding temperature was rising at a rapid rate.

Unlike the hand stove which can only bring warmth to the hands, the warmth emitted by the warm tripod can 'wrap' the whole person. These are obviously two different feelings. Which one is more comfortable? It's definitely the latter.

However, the price of the warm tripod and the fuel consumption still put everyone off.

But soon, someone decided to buy Nuoding.

"Boss, the five of us want to buy a warm tripod together, do you think it's okay?" As soon as these words came out, everyone was instantly enlightened.


They only think about buying a warm tripod and using it for themselves, but they ignore that the biggest difference between a warm tripod and a hand stove is that one emits heat and can warm many people at the same time, but the other hand stove can only be used by one person.

Since it can be used by multiple people, wouldn't it be enough to just find a few friends to buy it together and share the cost of the warm tripod and the fuel cost equally?

While everyone was thinking, Canlan also gave her own answer.

"Of course you can. Each person can only buy one Nuoding. If it is a joint purchase, you must first discuss the quota for one person to contribute to the purchase. The quota will not affect the ownership of Nuoding."

Although the Warm Cauldron can be purchased and used by multiple people, the quota cannot be deducted from everyone. Otherwise, if something happens to this Warm Cauldron, wouldn't this group of people have no Warm Cauldron available in the future?

This is obviously unreasonable. Canglan's words made these five people a little embarrassed, but they soon discussed the result.

"The five of us are buying together. It's better for each of us to contribute ten silver coins, and I will use mine to purchase the warm cauldron." A man with short hair and blue clothes took out the fifty silver coins that five people had raised and handed it to Cang Lan.

Although she didn't know why this person had both a quota and money, Cang Lan didn't say much. She was only responsible for selling things, and just reminded her about the quota, which was within her scope of responsibility.

But other distribution issues are not her responsibility.

"Then fill in this." Cang Lan took out a certificate form for purchasing a warm cauldron. After the man in blue finished writing it, he took a new warm cauldron from the back and handed it to the five of them.

Seeing the five people holding the warm tripod and preparing to leave, some people who wanted to buy together couldn't help but stepped forward to ask them how they allocated it. They wanted to refer to it.

"The quota is mine, and I also contributed a share of the money. Afterwards, the warm cauldron will be placed at my house, and the four of them will be responsible for all fuel expenses during the natural disaster." The distribution plan is not a secret, so after discussing it with his partners, the man in blue decided to Tell others generously.

Although the Warm Cauldron was purchased jointly, the quota was allocated by him after all. If the Warm Cauldron is gone, the other four people can buy it again, but he can't, so the Warm Cauldron must be placed at his home, so it is considered lost. If it's bad, he can't blame anyone else.

And it was for compensation, so the other four people covered the fuel expenses during the natural disaster. He contributed a share of the money and a purchase quota, and then he just had to sit back and enjoy it.

As for the ownership after Nuanding, let's wait until the natural disaster is over.

I have to say that the distribution method of these five people is quite good, and many people were moved for a while.

However, they are excited because they all hope to be the one who contributes the quota.

The contribution quota seems to be a loss, but in fact, as long as you contribute one silver coin and one quota, you don't have to pay for the subsequent fuel costs. In fact, many people know that although the price of Nuanding is expensive, when the weather really cools down, Fuel costs are the highlight!

According to Su You's previous budget, a piece of high-quality fuel costs fifty copper coins. Because the temperature in the polar winter continues to drop, the fuel used in the early stage is small or even unnecessary, and more fuel is used in the later stage, so on average it should be consumed every day. Seven pieces of fuel, here is three hundred and fifty copper coins.

About twenty days of low temperature cost seven thousand copper coins. If the four of them were averaged, each of them would have to pay more than seventeen silver coins.

This is more money than buying a warm tripod!

In other words, as long as you contribute one quota, you can save more than a dozen silver coins. Isn't it a profit?

The man in blue saw that everyone had their own thoughts after listening to his words. He glanced at his companions, and finally couldn't help but remind him: "I know you all think you have earned your quota, but we brothers are Brothers who live and die together, you don’t care about this little money. If you buy a warm cauldron with someone else, what if the other party regrets it?"

His words are not false. The five brothers have been close friends since childhood and have been through life and death countless times. Originally, anyone could buy a mere warm tripod, but everyone was rushing to buy it for themselves. , let the other four enjoy it, and finally they couldn’t reach a conclusion after arguing, so they decided to buy it together.

He also knows that he makes money, but this profit is based on the five of them knowing each other and trusting each other.

If he were a stranger, he would never be able to contribute a quota.

What if he fails to get a quota and some of them have conflicts for some reason and someone wants to withdraw from the cooperation?

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