Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 741 741 Storm Season 6

After all, the reason why everyone is crowded is because they are afraid that they will not be able to buy something. But now that it has been explained clearly, everyone can buy something. Regardless of whether they believe it or not, at least they are not as nervous as before.

There are only dozens of people in the store, and even if everyone buys the upper limit, it will still not exceed 300 sets. However, Dolly just had so many cotton clothes brought out, which is definitely enough to supply these people in the store, so they are making sure that they After I was sure that I could buy something, I queued up obediently as before.

Dolly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and then quickly asked several employees in the store to come over to help collect the payment. After saying a few words, Dolly hurriedly left the sewing store. She was going to another store now. Take a look at the situation, and also remind the owners of other stores to make it clear to their customers that the supplies are sufficient.

I can’t tell you exactly how much supplies there are, but at least I want to give everyone a reassurance to prevent them from having random thoughts and making the entire territory uneasy.

With Duoya's reminder, in addition to Vivian's medical clinic and Meck's restaurant, other shops gradually returned to their original order.

As for hospitals and restaurants, one has Vivian, who has unpredictable temperament and cunning methods, and the other has a high-level fire magician, so the order in the store has never been disrupted, because they don't dare at all. chaos.

No matter how bad-tempered a person is, when he enters these two places, he must behave according to his duties.

Even the patrol guards couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they patrolled these two stores, because they all knew that these two stores were not the least likely to have accidents.

But even so, Vivian's face was darkened by the long queue in the medical clinic.

During this time, she was researching some other potions to keep out the cold. She had not rested well and was not in a good mental state. She finally worked out the things, but she still had to continue to 'work', and her workload was even greater than before. , it’s strange that her face looks better.

But fortunately, Qiuyue has successfully started her career, and Lan Zhou, whom Su You had previously recruited, is now hired to help in the medical clinic, so Vivian can take a break from her busy schedule and lie down on the chair to rest while she is otherwise busy.

Even though other people in the medical center were busy with their feet off the ground, no one dared to take even half a step closer to the rocking chair.

This is not only because they are afraid that Vivian, a magician with strange methods, will teach them a lesson, but more importantly, they all learned from Qiuyue that the potion they bought was researched by Vivian for several days and nights... People on the mainland already have a filter for magicians. Now because of Vivian's efforts, they have no time to be grateful, and they are even less likely to disturb her.

Vivian lay on the chair and rested until evening. Then she opened her eyes and lay lazily on the chair, unwilling to move.

At the entrance of the hospital, Qiuyue, who had returned from buying food in a restaurant, saw that she was awake and happily put the lunch box on the table.

"Master, wake up! I bought your favorite dishes, as well as Master Meck's newly researched boiled set meal. I heard everyone said it is delicious..."

Qiuyue was somewhat introverted and had a dull personality before because of her life experience, but since she came to Vivian's staff, she has received care from all aspects, and because she has to treat patients, necessary communication is indispensable. , so her character gradually became cheerful. From the initial fear of being chased away by Vivian after saying a word, to now I can ignore Vivian's frown and talk loudly for several minutes. Such changes can be said to be caused by someone who is unwilling to admit it. Pampered.

"I told you not to call me master or teacher, I don't accept students." Vivian frowned and said, she really didn't want to have a student, because having a relationship means having responsibility, and she didn't want to involve anyone. Responsibility, although what she does is unknowingly better than many masters.

"Ah, it's not important. Come and eat first. Don't be hungry." Qiuyue is used to Vivian saying this, but every time she calls her this, she just needs to stop mentioning it and wait until next time. Vivian doesn't particularly care about the title.

Vivian knew as soon as she heard that she wouldn't change, but she really didn't want to dwell on this matter, so she didn't think about it anymore and dragged her tired body to the table to prepare to eat.

Just as Qiuyue said, the meals packed on the table are indeed her favorite flavors. The new boiled set meal looks pretty good. The red oil is paired with a variety of ingredients. The color is rich and attractive, and the fragrance is Endlessly seductive.

"Hmm... It's not like Meck's cooking, but it's pretty good." Vivian is not picky about food, but she also has a good mouth. As soon as she ate it, she felt that this dish was not made by Meck himself, but it was probably him. The skills of his other cooks.

The other chefs in the restaurant are not as high-level as Meck, and the food they make is naturally not as delicious as Meck's. Especially the food made by Meck uses his own fire magic, which makes the dishes contain a trace of magical energy.

Ordinary people may only feel inexplicably comfortable after eating it, but they can't explain the reason, but if a magician eats it, they will feel that the magic in the body flows faster.

This discovery was made after Meck's strength recovered, so everyone's guess at the time was that the special combination of high-level fire magicians and cooking skills would produce special effects, which was similar to Dolly's situation.

"Huh? Is there any difference? I think it's delicious." Qiuyue's mouth is not that sensitive, so she didn't notice the difference. She only thought it was delicious, but because it was boiled food, it was spicy. It was so heavy that I could only eat and drink water at the same time. My whole face was obviously red from the spicy food, but I still couldn't help but want to continue eating more.

But before she could move her chopsticks, the boiled vegetables in front of her were moved away by Vivian.

"If you can't eat spicy food, eat less, otherwise you'll have to wait to take medicine tomorrow." Vivian placed the plate of boiled spicy dishes in front of her, then ignored Qiuyue's salivating eyes and slowly finished the food one bite at a time.

Although Qiuyue was still very greedy, she also knew that she couldn't bear to eat spicy food, otherwise it would only cause diarrhea, so she had no intention of eating it.

However, she recalled what she saw when she went to the restaurant to buy food, and asked curiously: "In addition to boiled dishes, today the restaurant also has a lot of spicy dishes with chili on the shelves. It is said that these are for a few days later." I prepared it for the polar night winter, saying that eating these dishes can make my body warmer. It seems to be effective now, but what should I do if someone doesn't like spicy food?"

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