Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 742 742 Storm Season 7

Vivian didn't expect her to ask this question, but because it had nothing to do with her, she didn't speak.

Qiuyue originally just mentioned it casually, not expecting to get an answer from her, but after she thought of this possibility, she couldn't help but start to worry for the restaurant...or for the lord.

"If someone is forced to give up eating these dishes because they can't eat spicy food, wouldn't they have no way to withstand the cold during natural disasters? I wonder if the lord has thought of this... If not, I have to go to the lord and tell him." Qiuyue As he spoke, his body had left the chair, as if he was ready to go out.

But before she took two steps, Vivian reached out and grabbed her by the collar.

"Don't think so much at such a young age. The lord can definitely think of everything you can think of. There must be more than just these dishes in the restaurant to keep out the cold." Vivian was only concerned about the medical clinic, so she only knew that Su You was interested in this. A lot of things were prepared for the natural disaster, but she really didn't know how other stores arranged them.

However, she believed that the Lord would not make such an undue negligence.

It is simply the lowest level of mistake to prevent someone in the territory from eating food due to taste issues.

But having said that, Qiuyue is still a little worried.

"In's not that I don't believe the lord, but when I went to the restaurant, the new product sign on the restaurant only said boiled fish and chili cuisine."

Vivian pushed her back to the chair, then stretched out her hand to pinch her face. Qiuyue didn't resist and just sat obediently, but there was still a trace of worry on her face.

"Although I don't know how to cook, I also know that the spiciness of the dishes can be adjusted. If you can't eat something too spicy, you can buy less spicy ones," Vivian said as she picked up the boiled vegetables from the box. Pulled out a piece of paper: "Well, you probably didn't know about this, so you chose the default spiciness level."

Yes, the piece of paper Vivian is holding is the spiciness note for this plate of boiled vegetables. It states that there are five spiciness levels: mild, medium, default, high, and very spicy. .

Excluding people who can't eat spicy food, the spicy level that normal people can accept is between medium spicy and default. Vivian's ability to adapt to spicy levels is okay, so she can accept it, but Qiuyue can't.

After Qiuyue heard this, she quickly took the paper and took a look. She was relieved at first and felt funny about her unfounded worries, and then she felt a little regretful.

"I must have not paid attention when I was shopping. If I had known, I would have chosen spicy or mild..." Otherwise, she wouldn't have been completely untouchable after just a few bites!

Vivian couldn't help laughing, then she cleaned up the remnants on the table and told Qiuyue to continue studying.

In fact, there were many people who didn't pay attention to the spiciness like Qiuyue. Everyone only knew that there were new dishes in the restaurant today, and they also knew that the new dishes might be related to future natural disasters, so after they got off work, they rushed to the restaurant one by one.

Because they were so hungry, and the spicy smell of boiled water wafted through the restaurant, making their mouths water, they couldn't care less about anything else.

In addition, there were an unusually large number of people queuing up today, so they didn't want to waste time and affect the people queuing up behind them, so they didn't pay attention to the 'warm reminder' on the sign about the spiciness level.

When asked about the spiciness level, they didn’t know how to choose, so they just chose the default. This resulted in nearly 50% of the people screaming at the spiciness, their faces turning red, and looking like a fire-breathing dragon.

Of the remaining half, half of them can tolerate spicy food, so they didn't react at all. The other half found out about the spiciness issue and asked about it carefully, so they chose a level that was acceptable to them. That's why they didn't react. Join the 'Spitfire Army'. As the number of people increases, some people see the lessons learned from the past, and fewer and fewer people experience similar situations later.

Generally speaking, unless they are people who really don't like spicy food at all, they are very satisfied with today's newly added dishes. Even if they don't like spicy food, they will not think that the food is not delicious, at most Just complaining about how I am not lucky enough to enjoy this kind of food.



It was evening, and it could be said that the natural disasters of the previous day had almost no impact on everyone. Even if they did, most of them were good impacts.

The most common one is nothing more than someone hunting for treasure and finding something good.

It has to be said that the storms on this day were not big, but they brought a lot of things from afar. The two of them went out with empty hands, but when they came back, they basically came back with a full load.

Various equipment that is damaged but can still be used after repair; strange-looking plants; unknown animal skins and claws; large and small ores; scattered wild creatures dropped...

With so many things, everyone can make a lot of money. In just one day, the money spent on purchasing materials in the mission hall has been tripled.

In other words, on average, everyone's income is three times what it was before, and even if it's less, it's twice as much.

Although more things have been collected than before, the territory has enough money, but such consumption in the short term is not a big deal. Moreover, the money these people get from selling things will eventually buy things from the territory. Going around and around, the money will eventually be spent. It still fell into Su You's pocket.

Their money comes and goes without much change, but the items recovered in the mission hall are all real.

Because there were too many types of these things and the quantity was too messy, Chanyue couldn't sort them out by herself, so Su You called a few people to help. At the same time, after finishing what she was doing, she was ready to go and take a look today. Did you get anything good?

The result was that you didn't know it. After reading it, Su You couldn't help but start to wonder if she had wrongly blamed the system... He didn't want her life, he was clearly here to give her warmth!

"Here are all herbs, most of which are uncommon. Lord, if there is no problem, I will send them to Vivian when the time comes."

"These boxes are filled with ores, most of which are common copper and iron ores. Gold and silver ores are in these two boxes. Some rare ores and enchanted ores are in the smallest box."

"These two boxes contain damaged equipment. The equipment in the box on the left is less damaged. My suggestion is to leave it to Canglan for simple repair and use."

"The equipment in the box on the right is too damaged, but most of the equipment uses good materials, so it can be resmelted into new equipment."


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