Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 743 743 Storm Season 8

In addition to busy identifying items and purchasing resources today, Zenyue also needs to sort out all the things she purchased today.

Because the things brought by the storm are all random, everyone's harvest is not uniform. In addition, there are too many people selling things, so Chanyue only has time to calculate the value.

After the other person takes the money, she has to deal with the next person, so she has no time to sort out the things she just received. She can only place them randomly. At most, things that cannot be piled up and squeezed are placed separately to avoid damage to the items. , but there is really no time left for other things.

Now that she finally had free time, no one was selling anything in the mission hall, and she couldn't be idle, because she still needed to sort all these things into categories.

When Su You came over, 70% of the things here had been sorted out. Since all the things were collected by Zen Yue, she was mainly doing the sorting because she recognized these things. Others could only help move things. , clean up and do some cleaning.

Seeing Su You coming, Chan Yue took a sip of water and began to introduce to her the details of the mess on the ground.

"Overall, today's harvest is good, but the expenses are a bit high. I received a message from Bu Guo in the afternoon. It was Jinluo who asked her to ask why there were so many extra money notes today."

As mentioned before, since the bank was established, the purchase price of more than five gold coins in the mission hall was paid by Zen Yue who gave the money slip, and then they took the money slip to the bank to withdraw the money.

Ordinary people only earn about one silver coin a day. In comparison, five gold coins can only be sold for such a high price unless you are extremely lucky and encounter some rare things.

But if rare things are so easy to find, they are not considered rare. Therefore, the money slips issued by Zenyue are usually only one or two at most a day. If everyone is unlucky, no one can even get one in a day. A money note means that no one earns more than five gold coins today.

But today is different. Chan Yue has written more than twenty money notes today. Even if they are all worth five gold coins, there are more than one hundred gold coins here. What's more, half of them are worth ten gold coins or more. One hundred gold coins. There are as many as three of the above, and one is even worth two hundred gold coins!

With such a large amount of money, it was normal for Jinluo to send Bu Guo over to confirm the situation out of caution.

It can also be seen from here that it did cost a lot of money to purchase items in the mission hall today, but Su You saw a lot of valuable things in this pile, and they were all things they needed, so she didn't think so. Expensive.

"You can make these things according to your own arrangements and give them to whom. You don't have to ask me anymore." Su You just came over to see how the situation was at Chanyue's side. Seeing that she was doing a good job, she naturally didn't Intervene.

However, before leaving, Su You still took away the box containing the sundries. There were many kinds of things in this box. Basically, Chanyue didn't recognize the things, couldn't name them, and couldn't see their uses. , she lost them all inside.

But just because she didn't recognize it didn't mean that Su You didn't recognize it. The reason why she took this box away specifically was because it contained several things that she knew and were very useful.

"These other things, especially the herbs, remember to tell Vivian when you send them there. If there are any herbs you don't recognize, you can come and ask me." Suyou got the good things and was anxious to go back and use them, so She doesn't have time to find Vivian now, nor does she have time to help her write out the names and properties of these herbs.

"Yes, I will tell Vivian." Chanyue nodded to express that she understood, and the implication should be that she would personally deliver the box of herbs to Vivian.


After leaving the mission hall and returning to the city lord's mansion, Su You found an empty room and took out all the things he brought back from the mission hall from his backpack. "Purple marrow stone...and there are so many lava scales. Could it be that the dragon clan will be the one to have an accident next time?"

"No, there are actually ginseng seeds here, which are the most precious treasures of the orcs, and this beast-marked fruit, which is a thing for orcs to enhance their strength, and it can be considered a treasure..."

Su You muttered to herself, while her hands kept moving to pick out the items in the glove box, and then put them away in categories.

The classification here is not based on the types of the items themselves, like Zen Moon, but based on their 'place of origin'.

For example, the purple marrow stone and lava scale she mentioned before, the former is a special ore from the mountains where the dragon tribe lives. It is ordinary to the dragon tribe, but because the mountains are rich in dragon energy, the ore also contains a trace of dragon power.

As long as you can get some purple marrow stone, you can mix it with other ores to make top-quality equipment.

If something contains a trace of dragon spirit, if it is armor, it will be invulnerable to water, fire, and invulnerability. If it is a weapon, it will be extremely sharp, and the attack strength will soar.

As for the lava scale, although it has the name "scale", it is not a real scale. It is a kind of stone located around the magma in the Dragon Mountains.

Because the shape of this stone is flaky and its distribution is similar to biological scales, it is called lava scales.

Although it is stone, it is also very strong. If it is used in buildings, even if dragons come, their ordinary attacks will not cause much damage to the building.

Of course, this top-quality material cannot be used to build a house. It can also be used as a material for seal carving runes.

Because it is a stone next to magma, it has a strong fire attribute and is suitable for carving combat runes, such as explosion runes, flame runes, etc.

So far, Su You has made so many runes and taught Qian Shuang many runes, but most of them are auxiliary runes, such as acceleration, lighting, and invisibility. There are almost no combat runes. The main reason is that There just wasn't the right material.

The runes themselves require a lot of energy to function, and the battle runes also need to cause damage, so even more energy is required. Ordinary materials simply cannot withstand the energy contained in the battle runes. During the seal carving process It will explode due to energy overload.

However, there are a lot of lava scales purchased this time, more than 130 lava scales. Each piece is about the size of two adult palms. Normal runes are about the size of a palm. Not counting leftovers, each piece is enough. Cut into four or five rune materials, this amounts to close to 600 materials!

"Qian Shuang has recently broken through to the master level, and he should be able to use lava scales now..."

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