Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 744 744 Storm Season 9

Although lava scales are rare, they are just stones after all. They only grow in a special location, so its quality level is only blue, but in fact its quality can be considered purple.

Because the runes carved from the lava scales will be purple as long as they are successful. Unless they are damaged, they will be blue or lower.

Master-level skills are made of purple-quality materials. If there are no special bonuses, the initial success rate is about 70 to 80 percent, depending on the difficulty of the item being made.

Combat runes are relatively difficult to make, so the initial success rate should be only 75%. However, Qian Shuang did not stop after reaching the master level, so the success rate should now be 80%.

"There are four hundred combat runes, which is enough." Su You collected all the lava scales and planned to send them to the rune house later, and then give them to Qian Shuang to make combat runes.

Of course, in order to further improve the success rate, Su You will also teach Qian Shuang some skills in making combat runes. At the same time, she will also ask Cang Lan to seize the time to make a higher-level rune seal carving knife.

Sometimes, a suitable tool can also improve the success rate.

As for the purple marrow stone, because the quantity was too small, she couldn't make anything good, so she planned to save it for now.

Although it is not impossible to mix in other materials to forcibly make a few pieces of excellent equipment, this is really a bit wasteful. The Sunset Territory does not lack these pieces of excellent equipment for the time being. What she needs is the 'best quality'.

In addition to these two things related to the dragon tribe, there are also two things related to the orc tribe in this box, namely 'ginseng lotus seeds' and 'animal pattern fruit'.

The former is a round fruit the size of a lotus seed. This is a rare medicinal material. Although it is still not up to the level of the Thousand-Year Stone Emulsion Su You obtained before, it is of the same quality as the Stone Milk Flower.

However, ginseng lotus seeds are one of the few whose medicinal properties increase according to the age, so as long as the age is high enough, it is not impossible to reach the level of Millennium Stone Emulsion.

Su You was lucky. The batch of seven ginseng lotus seeds received by Chanyue were all a hundred years old. The oldest one was even nine hundred years old. It was only a few short of a thousand years old. If it really became a thousand-year-old ginseng, Lotus seeds are as rare as Millennium Stone Lotion, or even more rare.

After all, the stone cave is not easy to destroy and it is not difficult to survive for thousands of years. However, ginseng seeds are plants and are relatively fragile. They may die if you are not careful. It is really not easy to survive for thousands of years.

Otherwise, she felt that she had mistaken the system. These seven ginseng seeds alone were worth tens of thousands of gold, not to mention the large box of lava scales, several purple marrow stones, and several animal pattern fruits.

As its name suggests, the beast pattern is related to orcs at a glance. Its greatest function is to be eaten by enlightened orcs and used to enlighten their minds.

Every orc is a prototype when he is born. The so-called enlightenment is transformation. When a young beast transforms, its parents usually prepare beast-marked fruits for it. The more beast-marked fruits a young beast eats during its enlightenment, it means that it has transformed. The stronger the latter.

Most orcs can generally only eat one beast-marked fruit, and they can't eat more. Anyone who can eat the second one is stronger than ordinary orcs; if there is an orc who can eat the third beast-marked fruit, then This orc will be regarded as a key training point by the orc tribe, because it has unlimited potential in the future. As for the orcs who can eat the fourth, fifth, or even more beast-marked fruits, there is only one orc from ancient times to the present, and that is the founder of the orc tribe.

It is said that it was born to feed on beast-marked fruits, and it had eaten countless beast-marked fruits before it transformed. Because of this, it was able to have such strong strength, founded the orc tribe, and became known as the dragon tribe, the elf tribe, and the mermaid tribe. Four major races.

But after this orc ancestor, there has never been an orc in history who can eat more than three beast-marked fruits. Even the number of orcs who can eat three beast-marked fruits is less than a hundred. Compared with the orcs, With a population base of hundreds of thousands, it can be said that it is one in a million.

Although this beast-marked fruit is not precious, it is still a rare thing. After all, the orcs rely on this thing to cultivate the next generation, so the resource of beast-marked fruit is firmly in their hands.

Although it is something to cultivate orcs, the principle of cultivating beast-marked fruits is that the fruit contains energy that can stimulate potential. The more you eat, the more potential you will stimulate. If you cannot eat it, it actually means that your potential has been fully stimulated.

There is an age limit for stimulating potential, but adult orcs can also eat beast-marked fruits. Although they cannot stimulate their potential, they can quickly restore their strength, just like a magician's magic recovery potion, but this is too wasteful. So they don't do this and generally use other methods to recover.

Similarly, this beast-marked fruit can also be used by humans, but it cannot be eaten directly. Otherwise, the mediocre energy for the orcs will cause humans to explode and die.

Animal pattern fruit and mild herbs can be used to make a medicinal liquid that can enhance body strength. This medicinal liquid is not taken internally, but for external use. The method of use is to add it to water and then take a medicinal bath.

Over a period of time, the skin and muscles will become stronger due to the energy of the animal pattern fruit.

It just so happened that Su You not only knew the beast-marked fruit, but she also knew the formula of this medicinal solution. These seven beast-marked fruits could make at least ten times of medicinal solution, which would be equivalent to helping ten people improve themselves. The physical quality seems to be very small, but Su You only needs to use it for a few trusted people, so ten copies are enough.

In addition to the four specially selected items, there are also many rare ores and herbs in these miscellaneous items. Because they are rare, no one knows them. Chanyue also purchases them at a basic price that is neither high nor low. of.

The sellers didn’t know the value of these things, so they felt the price was right and just agreed to sell them.

Of course, you will definitely lose money, but the territory said when collecting these items that the purchase price for unknown items will not be high. If you feel you are losing money, or you think you can sell it at a higher price, you can choose not to sell it. , but since you sold it, there is absolutely no possibility of going back on it.

In addition to materials, there are several skill books in this box. These skill books can be placed in the skill hall for rubbing. Most of them are relatively common skills, and only one is a rare general combat skill. .

This is a skill book that can increase the recovery speed of life, magic, physical strength and other attributes. Because it is a passive skill, this effect can be triggered without any conditions, so it is valuable.

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