Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 745 745 Storm Season 10

Su You's first thought after obtaining this skill book was to immediately send it to the skill hall for rubbing and provide it for the residents of the territory to learn from.

And she did so. After sorting out the debris, she took the skill book called 'The Law of All Things' and went to the mission hall.

There are not many materials for the method of rubbing all phenomena, and the most valuable material among them is the bright moon shell. You can tell from the name that it is something from the bottom of the sea, and it can also be regarded as a specialty of the mermaid tribe.

The moon shell is a shell the size of a fingernail. It can be used as medicine after being ground into powder. Several prescriptions related to the moon shell are all about improving attributes, so the moon shell is also a rare good thing.

But obviously, Suyou, who just came back from the mermaid tribe and brought back countless specialties, has this thing.

Although the mermaid clan didn't give much, there were more than a hundred small shells. It takes two moon shells to print a skill book, so fifty copies can be made here.

"There should be others over there..." Su You was not the only one who got gifts from the mermaid tribe, others also got something more or less. Although they didn't necessarily have Mingyue Bei, Su You still went to ask. ask.

In the end, she purchased more than fifty Mingyue Shells from other people for the price of one gold coin, and changed hands with more than twenty skill books.

Su You looked at the eighty skill books and felt that they were a little lacking, but soon, another batch of Mingyue Bei came to her door.

"I heard that Lord Su is acquiring Mingyue Bei. I have more than a hundred here. Do you want more?" Ning Shi's initiative to come to the door surprised Su You, but she really needed it, so she was not polite and gave it to others as usual. He paid more than a hundred gold coins to buy Mingyue Bei, and then the number of skill books increased by fifty.

One hundred and thirty skill books may seem like a lot, but compared to the territory's population of more than 1,000 people, less than one-fifth of the people can get the skill books.

Su You thought about it and decided not to sell this skill book to anyone else. Instead, she planned to sell it only to her own people. The purchase condition was money plus territory contribution.

Considering that the price of synthetic materials is not particularly expensive, the cost of a skill book is less than five gold coins, and two of the gold coins are Mingyue Bei's money, so the price of skill books is divided into two types.

The first type is ten gold coins plus a thousand territory contribution points.

The second type is two gold coins plus three thousand territory contribution points.

The first method is for residents who have money but have joined the territory for a short time and have not made much contribution. The second method is for residents who do not have much money but have joined the territory for a long time and have made many contributions to the territory.

One thousand contribution points is not too much, except for people like Doritoya who joined the territory in the first place. Even Jingque, who just joined the territory not long ago, now her contribution points are already over 800. This was even when she was busy training people and didn't bother to accumulate.

Otherwise, if a normal person completes tasks every day, they can save a thousand contributions in a month. If there happens to be a natural disaster or a siege, the rate of obtaining contribution points will be doubled.

Especially in order to save natural disaster resources the previous week, there were many tasks with high contribution values ​​in the task hall, so there was really no need to worry that no one could afford to replace them.

After setting the price, Su You also sent an announcement to inform everyone. Otherwise, given the current situation, everyone would probably be thinking about treasure hunting to make money, and might not have time to come to the skill hall at all.

But as soon as the announcement was made, it not only attracted the residents of the territory, but also attracted many travelers and homeless wanderers. Although it was already dark when Suyou made the announcement, perhaps because of today's rich harvest, everyone was too excited to sleep, so it was already the usual time to go home, and most people were still outside on the street.

Coincidentally, in order to cope with the extreme winter, Suyou doubled the lighting facilities in the entire territory. This not only ensured the range and quality of lighting, but also used backup lighting when a certain part of the lighting facilities was damaged.

At this moment, the Sunset Territory was as bright as day, so even though they knew that today was the beginning of a natural disaster, they did not feel any discomfort.

The streets were so busy that Su You's announcement was seen by many people the moment it was sent out.

Before that, the content of the announcement was about Su You informing everyone about the natural disaster. Everyone had read this announcement, so when they found that there were still people paying attention to the announcement and talking about it, more and more people gathered around Come over.

As they gathered around, those who already had a sense of urgency hurried to the skills hall, fearing that if they went there a little late, they would be late to buy the method of all things.

After the first group of people excitedly bought all the methods, the second group of people who came because of the announcement also came to the door of the skills hall.

In less than half an hour, less than one-third of the nearly 150 copies of the Law of All Things were left. In other words, a hundred people had already purchased the skill books.

Su You guessed that this would be the case, so she did not leave the skill hall. After they finished purchasing, she would take a look at the information of the people who bought the human skill books and make statistics on their situations.

By the time this skill book is completely sold out, it will be an hour later.

According to statistical results, more than 80% of those who bought skill books were combatants. In addition, about 70% of people chose to use the first method, which consumes more gold coins to purchase skill books.

It’s not that many of them don’t have three thousand contributions, but they all know that in the territory, the contribution value has many functions. In addition to redeeming skill books, there are also high-level equipment, props, materials, medicines... these are all It can only be redeemed with contribution points.

So when money is sufficient, they are definitely more willing to use money to buy.

Su You doesn't care which method they use to buy. She set up two methods just to set a threshold and prevent people who have just joined the territory from buying these skill books. Otherwise, if they buy the skill books by luck, some of them will join. It's a bit too uncomfortable to have been in the territory for two or three months but still don't have a skill book.

Moreover, these people who had just joined the territory were not very loyal, and Su You was afraid that they would run away after buying the skill books, and she would be the loser.

After all, the market price of this skill book is definitely more than ten gold coins. Even if it is doubled several times, someone will still buy it. If it is placed in an auction house in a large territory, the price will only go up.

"These seems they have to go to Lake and ask him to arrange this matter." Su You looked at the list of purchased skill books and found that some familiar names were not included.

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