Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 746 746 Storm Season 11

Today's Sunset Territory is no better than before. A name that is familiar to Su You must have something special, or someone who has contributed a lot and has a strong presence in front of her.

It's okay if such people don't want to buy skill books, but if they want to buy them, Su You has no reason to prevent them from buying them, so she actually has some skill books reserved on her body.

The Mingyue shells purchased from Ning Shi and others were only enough to make what was sold, but she later spent a few precious but not very practical materials to exchange for a batch of Mingyue shells at the exchange station. Although it was not It's a lot, but it can still print a dozen copies, which is enough for her to sell to these people.

Yes, although she has reserved the skill book, they still have to spend money or contribute to buy it. If it is given for free, it would be unfair to other people.

Naturally, Su You would not do such a thing like 'going through the back door' herself, so she went to find Lake, handed him these dozen skill books, and gave him the list.

"Ask the people on this list one by one. If you need them, buy them at today's price in the skill hall. If they don't need them, they may have other arrangements, so there's no need to ask again."

Lake recognized at a glance that these skill books were those that caused a sensation not long ago. He did not expect that the lord still had so many in his hands.

However, he listened to Su You's words and saw the list. As one of the first people to join the territory, these people were all later, so he couldn't deny it.

He knew that these people had made a lot of contributions to the territory, so he understood the meaning of Su You's move. She was giving benefits to the 'meritorious officials' of the territory.

"Don't worry, Lord, this matter will be left to me. I won't let other people know about it." At best, this matter is just a welfare, but if others know about it, there will be some feelings in my heart. uncomfortable.

So Suyou couldn't send things out in his own name, and it was inappropriate to do so in the name of the territory, so he had to let Lake do it.

After explaining things, today is over.

Su You returned to the City Lord's Mansion to rest. Before she even lay down on the bed, she felt something furry pass by her arm.

She was startled for a moment, then realized what she was doing, reached out and fished the lively dragon marten into her arms.

"I almost forgot, you went out with Duoya and the others today..." Suyou said while checking Lingbao's physical condition.

Although she knew that it was jumping around like it didn't seem to be hurt, Su You still wanted to take a closer look. Nothing could be more accurate than data.

【Treasure Hunt·Dragon Marten】

Belongs to: Sunset Territory

Name: Lingbao

Level: 15 (124587/200000)

Potential value: 99

Favorability: 100 (full)

Territory Favor: Intimacy

Skills: Advanced Tracking, Intermediate Treasure Hunt (Activated), Combat Bloodline (Activated)

Status: Slightly tired, happy

Introduction: A white ferret that ate the inner elixir of a dragon... (omitted)


"Huh? Upgraded?" If she remembered correctly, Lingbao was only at level 14 when he went out this morning. Unexpectedly, he was already at level 15 when he came back, and the experience bar for level 15 was already halfway through.

'babble! Lingbao seemed to understand what she was saying, and nodded vigorously, with a cute look of asking for praise.

Suyou rubbed its head, and then began to check the reason for its upgrade.

Among the many messages that were blocked by her, Suyou found a message to gain experience from Lingbao - [Guardian beast found a herb, treasure hunting experience +100, level experience +1500]

[The guardian beast finds a treasure chest, treasure hunting experience +500, level experience +6500]

[The guardian beast found a garbage dump, treasure hunting experience +1, level experience +5]


"...Garbage dump?" After reading the general experience acquisition process, Su You had a strange look on his face.

But she soon understood why Lingbao, a treasure-hunting beast, found a place like the 'garbage dump'.

'Eey! Wow! 'Perhaps it's because it has been around humans longer, and it has evolved into a dragon marten and become a guardian beast of its territory, so Lingbao can understand more and more human languages.

At the same time, it can also understand the specific emotions of humans speaking certain short sentences.

For example, it understood Su You's doubts about the garbage dump, so it danced and started to explain.

However, Lingbao did learn to understand human language, but Su You still didn't understand Diao language, so one person and one Diao could only stare.

But after all, they had a tacit understanding for so long, and Su You could barely tell that what Lingbao wanted to express was that the garbage dump was not simple.

As for the specific location of this garbage dump, we have to wait until tomorrow to ask Duoya, or let them go to that place again tomorrow to find out.



On the second day of the storm season, the sky seemed darker than yesterday. At the same time, anyone who left the room could feel that the air flow around them became extremely intense.

It felt like invisible creatures were fighting around them, and the air flow caused by the fight was flowing around them, so that they could clearly feel that there was a faint smell in the air. The smell of danger.

Su You knew in her heart that this was probably to prepare for the arrival of the polar night winter, so the storm season would be less aggressive in the first few days, but they would use every means to remind them of the impending danger.

But when the polar night winter comes, the two natural disasters will quickly begin to have a drastic impact on the environmental weather of the entire region.

'Hmm...' Lingbao beside him let out a lazily cry. After Suyou finished tidying up, she hugged Lingbao and went out.

When she pushed the door open, Su You felt a strong cool breeze. She stabilized the hat on her head, put on a wind-blocking cloak, and put the Lingbao in. In the spacious mezzanine inside the cloak, he walked on the street as usual.

If you were dressed like this in the past, it would definitely attract everyone's attention. At this time, because of the strong wind, many people also took out the raincoats and cloaks they bought during the acid rain as wind protection tools. Therefore, Su You This kind of dress is really not eye-catching in the territory.

Su You came to Duo Ya's house and knocked on the door. Because it was still early and Duo Li, who lived with Duo Ya, had not gone out yet, so the person who opened the door happened to be Duo Li.

"Lord, what's wrong with you? Are you here to see Duo Ya?" Duo Li hasn't gone out yet and doesn't know the situation outside, so she doesn't know why Su You dresses up like this.

"It's windy outside. Remember to bring wind protection when you go out later."

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