Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 747 747 Storm Season 12

Su You reminded her first, and then answered Dolly's question.

"I'm here to see Duoya, and I want to ask her if she met anything when she went out yesterday." Suyou walked in, and Duoya just came out of her room.

"Okay, let's talk. I'm going to the store first." Doli's move was not to avoid suspicion. Even if Su You didn't come today, she would have gone out at about this time.

"I remember that there are some windproof tools in the sewing shop's warehouse, which can be put on the shelves today."

"I know." Dolly smiled and left.

Duo Ya caught the Ling Bao that came towards her while the two of them were having a conversation.

"Did anything strange happen to you when you were out yesterday?" Su You didn't mince words and directly asked about the purpose of the trip.

Because it was what happened yesterday, Duoya didn’t think much about it and said directly: “Compared with ordinary times, I definitely gained more, but if I have to say if there are any other differences, then there is none. "

Su You knew that Duoya was always careful and would not lie about this kind of thing. Since she said nothing, at least in her eyes it was nothing special.

"Then when you went out yesterday, did you encounter any garbage dumps?"

Duoya didn't know why she asked this, but she nodded and added: "I have encountered it before. There were a lot of storms yesterday, and there were also a lot of storms that dissipated in front of us. Most of the storms did not bring anything good. things, so after they dissipated, only garbage was left on the ground.”

They are out hunting for treasure, so naturally they cannot pay too much attention to the garbage. Even though they know that there may be treasures hidden in the garbage, because they have treasure-hunting beasts, they don't have to consider whether it is necessary like others. When digging through the trash, there is no need to hesitate about which pile of trash to dig through.

Whenever Lingbao finds a place with a treasure, it will stop, and the next work is left to them. Lingbao only needs to watch from the side, or go looking for the next 'baby'.

"Okay, I understand." Su You nodded, then reached out and touched the Lingbao: "It must have discovered something, but there were probably other people around at the time, so it didn't say anything."

"What you mean is that Lingbao has discovered something amazing, which will cause many people to..." Duoya paused, and then continued: "I understand, today I will ask everyone to avoid other people's actions. "

If it were just an ordinary thing, or a rare one, then you definitely wouldn't have to be so cautious, but since it has reached a level where even spiritual treasures know how to hide it, then this is definitely at the level of a peerless treasure.

Their own people can be absolutely trusted, but they must not be seen by others, so Duoya's idea is very simple. First, arrange a few people to guard the surroundings to prevent others from getting close to what they are doing, and then let them take this unique treasure. Put it in the space bag.

If there are a lot of people around, or if there are already people here before they arrive, then Duoya can ask people to find ways to attract them.

There are many ways to lure people away, especially now that it is storm season, there are even more things that can be used.

"If someone has discovered these things..." Although she knew the possibility was low, Duoya still asked this question just in case.

"Take it, just take it. This only shows that we have no connection with this thing." Su You would not do such things as killing people and stealing goods, because it was unnecessary. Even if there is a box of shark beads in front of her, she will not be moved, otherwise the mermaid tribe's forbidden land would have been looted by her long ago. Anyway, she has the return stone, so she took it and ran away. The mermaid tribe is in crisis. Wait. They found that there was no way to find it, and there was a high probability that the murlocs would take the blame in the end.

In this magical continent, everyone needs to pay the price for their actions. If she really does something outrageous, the 'Law of Balance' will naturally come into play.

"What about Miss Ning?" Duo Ya was not surprised by Su You's answer, so she asked Ning Shi again.

After all, Ning Shi was the only 'outsider' in their team. It would have been okay to bring her with them if it was an ordinary treasure hunt, but it was hard to tell in this situation.

Duoya is unwilling to test people's hearts. If he succeeds, there will be no great benefits, but if he fails, he will have to pay a huge price. The benefits here are not balanced.

Su You thought for a while and said, "You can take her with you. She is very powerful, but she can't beat so many of you, and she is also very smart." Being smart means knowing what to do and what not to do.

To put it bluntly, even if she really wanted this thing, she would definitely not be stupid enough to do it in person.

Moreover, Duoya and the others have a lot of life-saving things on them, including return stones. As long as they send the things back, they will be safe, so they are not afraid of any premeditated plans on her part.

Of course, Su You still preferred that Ning Shi would not do anything, just like Su You didn't attack the mermaid tribe's forbidden area.

Ning Shi is the one that the Mermaid Clan wants to stay. If she is really greedy and wants to gain something, she can pretend to stay, and then use the return stone Su You gave her to make a fortune and run away. The Mermaid Clan will definitely do that in a short time. There's nothing you can do against her.


After telling Duo Ya about this, Su You handed the Lingbao to her and walked out the door with empty hands.

Duoya, after sorting out the things she needed to bring, went to the gathering place and prepared to talk to others about today's arrangements.

"Today's goal is special, please listen to me..." Duo Ya roughly recounted what Su You told her. Ning Shi was also present during this period, but she did not specifically avoid it. He had to take her with him anyway. She'll find out, so it doesn't matter if she knows now or later.

"Then I will stay outside." Lyle offered to stay outside. It wasn't that he didn't want to be the first to know what kind of treasure would make treasure hunters so cautious, but he knew that there would always be someone who needed to stay outside. With.

"I'm with Lyle, so I can also use magic to check if there are other people around." Yoe also said this consciously.

His thoughts are similar to Lyle's, and he also knows that their lord is a generous man. If there is something good, their reward is indispensable, and they will know what it is sooner or later. There is no need to rush, the most important thing at the moment is I'm sure I'll get the thing.

Duo Ya looked at the two of them and smiled before the third person spoke: "What are you in a hurry for? I don't know what it is yet and where it is. I will make arrangements when I get there."

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