Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 749 749 Storm Season 14

If she hadn't been wearing protective equipment and a defensive rune, she would have died directly under the lion's claws!

She used the defense of her equipment and runes to forcibly damage one of the lion's eyes. This move made the already violent lion even more angry.

Although they took advantage of the lion's injured eye and ran away, how could a human being outrun the lion?

What's more, it's still the storm season. They encountered four or five medium or small storms along the way. In desperation, they could only wait for the storm to pass before they could pass, but this would undoubtedly waste a lot of time. .

So the lion smelled the smell and came over again.

Because her hands and feet were injured, she was unable to escape, so she had no choice but to give up and give the chance of escape to her companions.

The two of them are very skilled, and since the person who attacked the lion is herself, the lion's first target of hatred must also be herself, so as long as she stays, her companions will definitely have a chance to escape.

If they had to take her with them, then her burden would only drag down the two of them... Just like what Aqiao, the long-haired woman, said just now, the two of them were just left to be buried together.


When Ah Fei was recalling the past in a daze, the golden behemoth, several meters long and with a strong physique, had gradually approached her location.

The expression on Ah Fei's face is still calm, but no matter who it is, when death is approaching, they can't help but feel fear...

Her body couldn't stop shaking. Even though she tried hard to control her movements, her body seemed to be out of control of her brain and simply refused to obey her orders.

The rustling sounds seemed to be in her ears, and Ah Fei's brain seemed to be filled with thunder. Her face, which was already unhealthy due to excessive blood loss, became even paler.

She didn’t know how long had passed. Due to her long period of inactivity and excessive tension, her body had become completely stiff. The cold temperature made her head send out dizzy commands, but she still held on with the last bit of strength. , turned his head slightly, wanting to see where the lion was...

Why has there been no movement for so long...and whether she is safe...

But what she didn't expect was that when she turned around, she faced a pair of bloody beast eyes!

For a moment, danger alarms filled her body, but she had no ability to escape.

Ah Fei was motionless, and the lion was also inexplicably motionless. Just when she had begun to wonder if the lion was going to let her go, the lion finally showed its ferocious face, and opened its bloody mouth. Ah Fei had already You can smell the strong fishy odor in its mouth.

She was already weak, and due to long-term nervous tension and fright, and now being smoked by this smell, her brain completely shut down, and she fainted as soon as her eyes closed...

The second after she fainted, two familiar figures rushed towards her. At the same time, the lion that was about to devour Ah Fei fell to the ground.

"Ah Fei! Ah Fei!" Ah Qiao and Ah Ming quickly came to her side, tremblingly stretched out their hands to check her breathing, and then felt for her pulse. When they were sure she was breathing, and the pulse under their hands was beating slightly. Finally, they both breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Behind them, it was Duoya and his party.

Ning Shi watched the interaction between the three of them and couldn't help but think of some things in the past. Her heart softened and she took two steps forward.

"I can temporarily heal some of her injuries." In fact, Ning Shi can completely cure this person. The healing ability of the light system is not as good as the treatment system, but the wounds on Ah Fei's body are actually just external injuries, and there are no special wounds.

But in this way, she needed to use a lot of magic. After all, although Ah Fei's wound was the simplest external injury, it was serious. Most importantly, her treatment would affect Vivian's subsequent treatment.

Her magic will remain on this person. In order to prevent the magic elements from conflicting, Vivian must first clean up the excess magic elements and then use her own healing magic to treat him. This is obviously a waste of time.

Therefore, Ning Shi had better just give a simple treatment and save the person's life. To put it simply, give the person who is about to lose blood a sip of milk to ensure that the blood volume is in a relatively healthy state.

Otherwise, given Ah Fei's negative state, if she went back like this, she would probably lose her health halfway and the blood tank would return to zero.

"Thank you very much." A Qiao and A Ming didn't know Ning Shi, but they also knew that this group of people saved them.

If they wanted to take action, they would have taken action long ago. There is no need to wait until now.

What's more, they could also see that Ah Fei's condition was really bad. Although he was not dead yet, if he was taken back like this, he would probably die on the road. And they had nothing on them, so they could only count on others.

"No need." Ning Shi walked to the unconscious woman and chanted a piece of magic skillfully.

Then, under the shocked eyes of the two people, she returned to the team.

A Qiao and A Ming had just arrived in the Sunset Territory not long ago, so they didn't know the situation in this territory, let alone that it was a territory with a relatively small number of magicians.

Therefore, when they saw Ning Shi using magic, they were as shocked as if they had discovered a golden mountain.

But soon the shock turned into deep gratitude, and because Ning Shi was a magician, this gratitude was even higher than the ordinary life-saving grace.

"Ah Ming, take Ah Fei back first..." After confirming that nothing happened to her friend, Ah Qiao quickly calmed down and asked Ah Ming to take the others back, while she herself needed to stay to deal with the aftermath.

The aftermath here not only includes thanking them for the rescuers, but she also needs to return to the place where she found the lion before and get back the things they left there.

Of course, she also knew that it was obviously an irrational act to go back in such dangerous circumstances. If she was unlucky, she would undoubtedly die, but there was no way. What they left behind was really important to them. Too important, too important...

When their lives are in danger, they can be left behind in order to save their lives.

But once they are out of danger, they have to find that thing back quickly...


"Then I will take Ah Fei back first." A Ming also guessed what Ah Qiao was going to do, but she also knew that Ah Fei's current condition was very bad. She had to return to the territory immediately and send her to the hospital.

She knew that she couldn't persuade A Qiao, and she didn't have time to waste here, so she changed her previous hesitation, carried A Fei on her back with A Qiao's help, and prepared to return.

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