Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 750 750 Storm Season 15

"Lyle, Zenyue, you two should go back first." Duoya glanced at the two people who were not in very good condition, then turned to talk to the people around her.

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Lyle knew that Doya wanted them to go back mainly because he wanted to escort these two people. Otherwise, in the forest during the storm season, with an injured person, any accident would not be an accident. .

If the person you finally saved dies, it will be a huge loss.

"It just so happens that there are a lot of things going on in the mission hall, so I'm going back first." Zenyue understood what Duoya meant, and she nodded towards Duoya.

Duoya smiled and handed her a box he was carrying: "Take these things back with you by the way, so that we don't have to carry them around and cause more trouble."

Zenyue took the thing naturally, and then escorted the two women back with Lyle... Of course, it was to escort another thing...

After they left, Aqiao, the only one left behind, was ready to kneel down without hesitation.

Duo Ya was not frightened when she saw that peerless treasure just now, but now she was shocked by her actions.

"You don't need to be like this. We are only following the orders of the lord. The lord said that if we see anyone in need of help outside, we will try our best to help." Duoya forcibly pulled the person up. At the same time, the person beside her The others also quickly retreated to both sides, fearing that they would kneel down.

They all knew that they had done nothing, and it was Duoya's arrow that really saved Ah Fei.

Although the lion was also injured, it was definitely not something they could solve in a short while, but Ah Fei was in danger, so Duoya could only take a gamble.

She is an archer and has many arrows on her body. Her conditions were limited. She could only use the lowest level ordinary arrows, and she didn't even have arrow feathers at the beginning.

But now that the territory is rich in resources, in addition to collecting resources to make arrows herself, Su You will also take materials from the warehouse and ask the warehouse to make a batch of arrows specifically for her.

Different arrows have different damage, attack speed, and range. In addition, she also has arrows with various effects, such as slowing down, poisoning, stun, etc...

At such a long distance, in order to save people, Duoya had no choice but to take a gamble, so she chose three arrows filled with drug, and then fired three volleys.

It turned out that Ah Fei was very lucky. Although one of the three arrows missed the target and fell on the ground, the remaining two pierced the lion's eyes and forehead respectively.

The two arrows were superimposed with poison, and Duoya attacked the lion's already injured eyes and fragile forehead, so the lion was finally fascinated, which allowed her to escape from the lion's mouth...

If you really want to count it out, the rest of them did nothing. At most, Ning Shi helped with a sip of milk.

Even Duoya avoided such a great gift, so they were even less qualified to bear it.

After some pulling, Duo Ya was able to pull the person up.

"If you really want to thank me, why don't you tell me what happened to you and what happened to this lion? Did you stray into the depths of the forest?" Looking at the people who had stood up, Duoya breathed a sigh of relief. .

When Aqiao heard what she said, he replied without hesitation: "Okay, this is what happened..." She slowly told the whole story of what happened to the three of them.

"We, like everyone else, originally just wanted to see if we could find anything good to exchange for some money. Although the three of us have fighting ability, our strength is not particularly high. At least we all know that we will definitely not be able to deal with the people deep in the forest. wild beasts, so we never thought of exploring the interior of the forest.”

Aqiao first explained the reason why the three of them went out, and then answered Duoya's question about whether they had entered the depths of the forest.

"Actually, we don't know where this lion came from. About an hour ago, we found a small storm in a place that had just dissipated, so we wanted to see if there was anything left behind." Usually. , everyone will surely be willing to explore the deposits left behind by the storm that has just dissipated.

Because the storm had just dissipated, they must be the first to explore. In this way, if there is any treasure, it has definitely not been taken away, and the possibility of finding something good is naturally greater.

It’s just that the probability of encountering a dissipating storm is still too small, so everyone usually chooses to go to places with few people and look for relatively remote storm dissipation points, because the accumulation in such places has a high probability of not being destroyed by other storms. people have explored.

Of course, if by chance you encounter a storm that dissipates before your eyes, you are definitely lucky. No one will let go of this opportunity to explore a new 'treasure'.

Today is only the second day of the storm season, and there are already people fighting over the debris left behind by the storm that has just dissipated.

Regardless of the outcome of this matter, we can also see from here everyone's enthusiasm for this dissipating storm.

Aqiao and the others were lucky enough to see a small storm dissipate before their eyes, and there was no one else around them, which meant that they could 'swallow' what the storm left behind.

But while he was rummaging through the resources in the storm debris, he was stared at by a lion that appeared out of nowhere.

They became the prey of this lion.

After that, they lost everything they had in order to escape, and were finally caught up. Ah Fei desperately injured the lion's eyes, providing them with a glimmer of hope for their escape...

"So you met the lion in the outer circle of the forest?" Duoya frowned, finding this matter a bit incredible.

As a hunter, she knows the movements of each creature best. Ferocious creatures such as tigers, leopards, lions and wolves mostly move in the depths of the forest. Unless someone provokes them, they will only leave the forest in order to chase humans. , otherwise it would be almost impossible for them to appear elsewhere.

But Aqiao and the others were unlucky enough to encounter this situation.

Although Duo Ya sympathized with their plight and was willing to save them, she was a stranger after all, so she would not completely believe what they said.

Aqiao seemed to see Duoya's doubts and doubts, and she gave a wry smile: "It's normal for you not to believe it. After all, even when we saw this big guy, we doubted whether we were wrong."

"That's it. When we were escaping, for the sake of convenience, we threw all our belongings near the pile where the storm dissipated..."

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