Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 751 751 Storm Season 16

"Among the things we threw away, there are things that are very important to us. Now I need to go back and get them back." After saying this, Aqiao looked at the others, and finally turned his eyes to Duo Ya , because she found that among these people, the woman in front of her seemed to be the 'captain'-like leader.

"If you think there is a problem, if you are willing, then I can take you there together... I don't want anything in that pile, I just want to get our own things back." Aqiao said this. In order to prove what he said, the other was to find himself a 'bodyguard'.

Although the lion appeared out of nowhere, and they might just be unlucky and happened to meet the big guy coming out of the depths of the forest, it was still very dangerous for her to move alone in the forest.

If she could travel with these people, if nothing else, she felt that her safety would at least be guaranteed.

As for those things, she doesn't particularly need them, she just needs their own things.

"Wait a minute, let's discuss it." Seeing that Aqiao had already said this, Duoya already believed her, but she still wondered why a lion would appear in such a place, so she really wanted to go there. To find out.

After all, the Lord Lord also said that in addition to using Lingbao to explore and find treasures, their group also needs to observe whether there is anything wrong in the forest. Although the incident encountered today is not particularly strange, it can be explained. statement, but it also falls into the category of something wrong.

However, she couldn't make the decision on her own, she needed to discuss it with others.

Although she is indeed the 'captain' assigned by the lord, the most important thing for a team is to be united as one, and she cannot make everything by herself.

But it was obvious that the result of the discussion was consistent with what she hoped for, and everyone else said they could go and have a look.

Since everyone agreed, Duoya did not hesitate. After agreeing with Aqiao, she would lead the way, and the rest of them would be responsible for protecting her safety.

After arriving at the destination, Aqiao only took what belonged to them. The treasures in the pile and other things around them were collected by Duoya and others.

"Then how to deal with this lion?" Youai pointed at the big guy on the ground, looking a little helpless.

First of all, the level of this lion must be very high. With such a size, it weighs at least four to five hundred kilograms. It is full of treasures. Even if it does not include animal blood, animal skins and teeth, the meat alone is worth one or two hundred gold coins. .

It would be a pity to just throw such a huge amount of wealth here.

"The arrow I just painted was just drugged, but it's actually not dead yet." After Duoya said this, she was silent for several seconds.

Not only her, but everyone else was also silent.

Because no one expected that the lion was not dead yet, they always thought that Duoya’s two arrows just killed the lion!

But who would have thought that there was actually drug on the arrow? !

"So this..." Youai's expression twisted for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

Duaya suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked the only tamer in the territory if he needed the lion.

"Lilith, do you still need lions in the animal taming park?" Duoya's idea was very simple. He didn't kill the lion just now not because he didn't want to kill it, but because he didn't have time to kill it.

There are only two ways to save Ah Fei, one is to kill the lion on the spot, the other is to make it unconscious. Although there were many of them, they were still far away and the time was very short, so Duoya chose the second method.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, the lion can either be killed and decomposed directly and then collected into the space bag, or it can be kept and sent to the animal taming park.

Duoya didn't know the situation in the animal taming park and couldn't make a decision directly. Moreover, they had to go to the 'crime scene' with Aqiao, so they obviously didn't have time to send the lion back.

But no matter what, everything is still decided by Lilith.

"It shouldn't be necessary. Not to mention that the animal taming park is almost full. Even if it is not full, this lion was not in good condition before, and his eyes were injured by humans. In the future, his combat effectiveness will be damaged, and he will be particularly hostile to humans... "Lilith gave the answer and reason without much hesitation.

In fact, the injury to the eyes and the loss of combat effectiveness are secondary. The most important thing is to worry that this lion will hate humans.

Although the beasts in the animal taming park were forcibly taken away by the beast tide, they were affected by pollution after all. After regaining their consciousness, they could vaguely understand that they took the initiative to attack humans, and then humans captured them.

Not only did these humans not kill them, but they saved them and were even willing to keep them... To be honest, this is completely different from the situation with lions.

Even Lilith, who always treats people and things with kindness, would think so. Obviously, this lion brings great hidden dangers to the territory.

"In this case, let's kill and decompose it." After listening to Lilith's words, Duoya made a decisive decision, and then directly called the people around him to kill the lion.

This lion is ferocious and has a high level, so the things it drops are naturally good, but they are not in the mood to look at these things at this time.

Because the matter of the space bag cannot be known to others, especially Aqiao is still a complete stranger, so after killing the lion, Duoya only asked Lilith to stay and deal with the lion, while she took Aqiao and others People set off.

Lilith knew what she was doing by staying, so after everyone left her sight and made sure there was no one around, she quickly put these things into her space bag. Then, she took Xiao Hui and kept them close. Follow up with Duo Ya and others at a short distance.

Her 'following' was not considered covert, because she only needed to keep A Qiao from seeing her, and everyone else actually knew she was following behind.

After Duoya and the others arrived at their destination, Lilith waited for about ten minutes before catching up and joining them.

At this time, Aqiao was concentrating on looking for the things the three of them left behind, so she didn't notice when Lilith came, but even if she did, she wouldn't care, because this group of people is obviously not simple. The matter has nothing to do with you.

"Did you find anything near here?" Duoya glanced at Lilith, and after receiving a confirmation response that she had packed her things, she turned to ask others.

As an assassin, Jing Que was very sensitive to special signs around her because of her professional habits, so she was the first to discover the problem, and she also discovered the biggest problem.

"I found that less than a hundred meters away from here, there are still traces left by the dissipation of the storm..."

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