Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 753 753 Storm Season 18

In the short time since Duo Ya and Jing Que left, the others had already cleared out all the valuable things from the piles left by the previous storm.

At the same time, Aqiao had also found the things belonging to the three of them.

After the group returned to the territory, Duoya asked Aqiao where the three of them lived. After hesitation, Aqiao still said it.

Anyway, these people did not harm them in the wilderness where there were no people. Once they entered the territory, there were rules of the territory, and the three of them still lived in a crowded place like the inn, so it was even less likely that they would do anything.

After asking about their residence, Duoya said goodbye and took Lingbao to find Suyou.


"Lord, we went out today and discovered something..." Duo Ya explained the matter that the storm might have swept up living creatures.

Just like when the two of them speculated on this result, Su You couldn't help but frown after hearing the news.

"Medium-sized storms can bring in a lion, and large and giant storms will definitely bring in more powerful creatures. Of course, it may just be a small change in the number." The wild creatures in Sunset Continent are roughly the same as reality, but they also exist It is a beast that does not exist in reality, has stronger attack power and is more ferocious.

There are hundreds of kinds that Suyou knows alone.

For example, Fengjiyu is an eagle-like creature that can spread its wings enough to achieve the effect of "blocking out the sky" when it reaches adulthood; and there is also the Overlord Elephant. Although it has an elephant in its name, except for its body shape, its other appearance has nothing to do with an elephant. ;There are also Golden Foot Zhi, Thunder Spider, Underworld Frog, etc...

These monsters that did not exist in reality were called 'exotic beasts' exclusive to Sunset Continent at the time.

This kind of strange beast cannot be seen in ordinary forests, and it is not only found in forests. They can only be refreshed in places with a long history and where some ancient treasures are grown. biology.

But now that there is a storm, anything can be swept away, and Su You will not take any chances and think that these rare beasts will not appear.

Anyway, she has played with double natural disasters that she may not have seen for hundreds or even thousands of days. Now it is her second time to experience it, and nothing is impossible.

"I will make an announcement later. You can also help pass a message to the gatekeepers and ask them to remind everyone to go together in the next two days." Although everyone will read the announcement, I am afraid that some people will not see it or not take it to heart. superior.

Some people like to be alone and will not find companions. Their strength may not be low, but the gap between this natural disaster and the last one is too big. This cannot be solved by their strength.

There are also people who have their own small groups, and it is difficult for them to integrate into other people, especially since the value gap between the things explored this season is too big. Every time one more person joins the exploration, the things they will receive will be less, so they also I don’t want to be accompanied by too many people.

"By the way, are there any problems with the three people you rescued?" Su You always felt that in addition to pure natural disasters, there must be some other things that are not necessarily a disaster or a blessing.

It was only the second day that the people she sent out encountered someone who was helping others. This does not look like a coincidence... Of course, it is a coincidence for others, but for a system where everything can be arranged , maybe this is its special arrangement.

"One of the comatose people is called A Fei, and I don't know much about it because she hasn't woken up. The one named A Ming didn't notice anything special, but she seemed to listen to the last person's words. The last person, A Qiao, was the one who led the way. That person, her strength is average, but she is very calm. After knowing that her companions are safe and sound, I didn’t notice that she had encountered the danger of her life for the first time, and felt the emotions of surviving the disaster after being rescued..."

Although they only met once and spent less than two hours together, and didn't even exchange a few words, Duoya's ability to recognize people was pretty good, so he still managed to say something. A Fei and A Ming didn't see anything for the time being, but A Qiao followed them after all, and Duo Ya found that she naturally had more problems.

"The three of them have a very good relationship. It's not like they're pretending at all, but the weird thing is that they seem to be hiding something important..." At this point, Duo Ya felt that something was inappropriate, so she added : "That Aqiao insists on finding their own things, but normal people obviously won't care about the things they left behind after encountering such danger."

"Since it is left behind, it means it is not a particularly important thing. But since it is not important, why would she go back to look for it?"

"That A Ming obviously knew what she was looking for. Although she was worried, she did not dissuade her. Therefore, this thing should be owned by the two of them... or even three people. For the three of them, it is important. Nothing important."

After saying this, Duoya herself was a little confused by the contradiction in her words.

Su You understood what she meant, and she was even more certain that there might be something wrong with these three people.

Su You really wanted to go find these three people to investigate the situation, but she obviously didn't have time during this period. Moreover, the other party had just encountered such a great danger. It was when he needed to rest and was at the deepest level of defense. Instead, she came to the door at this time. Nothing is gained.

But it just so happened that it was a natural disaster, and those who didn't want to stay had already left. Those who stayed in the territory now basically couldn't leave, so there was no need to worry about them leaving.

Su You: "Do you know where the three of them live, or can you find them?"

Duoya nodded.

She had already guessed that there might be a problem and that the lord would want to pay attention to them, so she specifically asked Aqiao for the address.

Duoya: "The three of them live in the inn. The specific location is also known. I will go to the inn later to check and find out whether it is true or not."

Su You nodded with satisfaction: "Now that we know where they live, let the people at the inn take care of them."

The care here is for surveillance, and the other is to protect their safety.

Su You already had several guesses about the reason for their appearance——

Either they are undercover; or they are characters with clues to a certain side plot; or they are characters related to natural disasters; and the last possibility is that they are important characters with clues related to the main plot.

From the current point of view, the first possibility is low, and the latter are possible, but no matter which one it is, their safety is very important.

The system can deliver clues to her, or destroy them when she fails to grasp them.

What Su You has to do is to protect the clues and get them.

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