Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 754 754 Storm Season 19

Duoya got Su You's arrangement and went directly to the inn to pay attention to the three people. Su You got all the trophies that Duo Ya and the others had gone out for the past two days.

Because of the presence of Lingbao, and the high combat effectiveness of Duoya and his team, they dare to go further than others, and they also have space bags to hold things, and their efficiency is beyond ordinary people, so they have been... in the past two days... ...To be precise, the value of what he brought back in one and a half days was four to five times that of others.

Even if you don't count the thing you went to find today, Su You has already seen many rare ores, gems, herbs, enchanting materials, etc.

Su You put these things into categories, then picked out the ones that were not useful for the time being and put them in the basement. The useful ones were sorted out and given to those in need.

Because there were hundreds of things, and Su You had to sort them out by herself, it took a lot of time. But after they were sorted, Su You felt very happy when looking at these things whose total value was close to a thousand gold.

"Unfortunately, the good thing about collecting resources is probably not good..." As expected, Su You suspected that the extreme winter would come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

As the daylight hours gradually decrease, everyone has less and less time to go out, until it is completely impossible to go out.

By then, even if there are mountains of gold and silver outside, it will have nothing to do with them.

But it's good to have so many things. At least the income is much better than the previous double natural disaster, because in addition to these things, Su You also got a box specially given to her by Chan Yue.

Chanyue said that the things in this box are what Lingbao is very concerned about.

To be honest, the box was quite big, at least bigger than Su You's head. She thought there would be something moving inside, but when she opened it, she found that it was just an oval, black 'stone' inside. .

[Eggs of unknown creatures]

Category: Others

Quality: unknown

Introduction: A weird egg.


The above content can be said to be the shortest item description Suyou has ever seen.

"Lingbao, do you know what this is?" Suyou called over to the dragon marten who was lying on the ground after finishing the meal, and then shook the egg in front of it.

Lingbao didn't speak, but his black eyes were obviously brighter. He opened his hands and hugged the unknown egg tightly, looking very fond of it and very close to it.

Su You was a little confused and didn't understand what Lingbao's actions meant for a while.

Fortunately, Lingbao still remembered her question. He hugged the egg, then released his paws, and danced as fiercely as before.

'babble! The snow-white dragon marten pointed at the egg.

'Well! The snow-white dragon marten pointed at himself.

'Wow! The snow-white dragon marten hugged the egg again, and this time rubbed it with its head, looking very affectionate.

Su You: "..." Damn it if she can understand it!

Although she still didn't understand what it meant, Suyou still saw Lingbao's closeness and love for the egg. In this case, the creature inside the egg should not harm humans, otherwise Lingbao would not be so relieved to let them bring it back.

"Let's go to the pet breeding hut to check on the egg." Suyou skillfully picked up the Lingbao and took it away. Then she wanted to put the egg into her backpack, but she was surprised to find that the egg couldn't be put into her backpack!

Although it is true that the system backpack cannot hold live animals, unborn eggs do not belong to the category of live animals. For example, those eggs in the pasture were all put by Su You into the backpack and sent to the pasture. Why can't it suddenly be done this time? Already?

Su You's only explanation for this was that the creature inside the egg was too special, so it couldn't be put in.

"...You shouldn't have come back here to cause me a lot of trouble, right?" Su You looked at the egg, whose appearance could no longer be described as ordinary, and helplessly rubbed Lingbao's head.

Lingbao was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook his head, and then continued to hold the egg without letting go.

Su You: "..." Forget it, that's it.

There was nothing she could do if it couldn't be put into the backpack, so Su You could only hold the mink and the egg in one hand.

Fortunately, the appearance of this egg is too plain and unpretentious, so no one thinks there is any problem when walking on the road. At most, they are curious about why someone would walk around holding a 'big stone'.


"Site, is there any room in the breeding hut at the ranch?" Suyou came to the ranch and planned to borrow the ranch's equipment for incubating pasture creatures to try to hatch the egg.

When Su You asked, Xi Te happened to be feeding some cows. Seeing Su You coming, she threw the grass into the trough and took her to a nearby hut.

"Lord, you are here just in time. The eggs in this room are about to hatch. It will take about half an hour." Xi Te pointed to one of the incubation boxes. In Su You's eyes, the countdown on it was indeed only twenty. It's been a few minutes.

"What are you trying to hatch? If you are in a hurry, you can leave it to me." Xi Te obviously didn't recognize the 'big stone' in Su You's hand. She looked at Su You curiously, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart. I wonder what kind of egg makes the lord come to the ranch.

Facing Xite's questions, Su You was also helpless.

"No, you go ahead and do your work first. I'm not sure what species this egg is. I'm just going to come over and check on it first." Su You said this, and Xite didn't force it, she just said it roughly. He talked about the recent situation at the ranch, and then left the breeding hut.

Su You waited here for half an hour, and she was not idle during this period. She checked and sorted out the various data of the territory, and then adjusted the number of tasks and task rewards in the task hall according to the current natural disaster situation.

Time always passes faster when you have something to do.

Half an hour later, Su You's hand was rubbed by something furry.

She came to her senses, and under Lingbao's expectant gaze, she put the egg, which was completely unrecognizable as an egg, into the incubator.

As for the little white-feathered chicken that was originally born in this incubator, Suyou gave it to Xite. When she came back, Lingbao had been sticking to the incubator for a while.

"Be careful, don't damage the incubator, or it will die." Su You touched the Lingbao, and then gently pulled it back.

You must know that the incubator is not 100% hatchable. There is a probability that any egg will hatch. The probability here is related to the level of the egg, the level of the incubator, the level of the breeding hut, and the external environment.

Although the level of the breeding cabin and incubation box is very high now, reaching level eight, if there is any huge movement from the outside world, it may still affect the success rate of incubation.

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