Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 755 755 Storm Season 20

After hearing Su You's words, Lingbao quickly took a few steps back. Because he was walking backwards and did not look behind him, he almost fell off the table. Fortunately, Su You caught him in time.

"You..." Su You was helpless, but at the same time, she was even more curious about what kind of creature was inside the egg that could make Lingbao so abnormal.

But before that, she needed to see the condition of the egg.

[Eggs of unknown creatures]

Status: Incubating

Vitality: 3/100
Incubation time: unknown

Hatching probability: 1%
Hatching tip: The egg's low vitality results in a very low probability of hatching. If you want to successfully hatch, you need to increase the egg's vitality as soon as possible.


"It's only three points of vitality?" Su You looked at this number in surprise, and then immediately went to Xi Te to get a prop that could restore the egg's vitality.

"Lord, each creature has different things to enhance its vitality. If you don't know what kind of creature it is, then I suggest you not to use it, because some creatures are particularly repellent to other substances when they are in the embryo." Knowing that Suyou needed tools to restore his vitality, he first took out many items at once, and then reminded him like this.

Su You also knew about this matter, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"The vitality of that egg is very low. I'm just treating it like a dead horse." With only three points of vitality and a 1% hatching probability, what's the difference between this and nothing?
If you don't do anything, it may die during the hatching process... Anyway, if you use the wrong prop, you will die, and if you don't use it, you will die, so you might as well give it a try.

"Since this is the case, there is really no other way." Faced with this situation, Site was helpless.

Su You returned with the things she got, and then took out the props one by one, starting with the one with the highest quality level - after all, it was the egg that Lingbao valued, and even if it could only hatch a little chick, it still had to be used. , otherwise Lingbao will definitely be sad.

【Should we use 'green advanced hatching potion' on 'unknown creature's eggs'? 】

['Green Advanced Hatching Potion' has been used on 'Unknown Creature's Egg', vitality +0, hatching success rate +0%. 】

Suyou: "???"

Seeing this result, Su You was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and took out another advanced hatching potion and used it.

[Should I use the 'Red Advanced Hatching Potion' on the 'Eggs of Unknown Creatures'? 】

['Red Advanced Hatching Potion' has been used on 'Unknown Creature's Egg', vitality +0, hatching success rate +0%. 】


Perhaps because she had seen this result once before, Su You was not particularly surprised this time.

She continued to change the potions, from green to red, then to yellow, purple, white...

The function of these potions is to increase vitality and hatching rate. Their colors represent different production materials. For example, the raw material of green hatching potion is a kind of grass plant, and the raw material of red hatching potion is an ore.

Then different potion colors are suitable for different organisms. For example, green hatching potions can be used for grazing cattle and sheep; green peacocks that produce malachite, and golden-tailed chickens that produce golden colored stones can use red hatching potions.

There are only nine colors of commonly used hatching potions. In just a short time, she has used all the hatching potions. Just like the beginning, every time the hatching potion was used, it was successful, but every time it was used, it had no substantial impact. This was undoubtedly a very strange thing.

Although I had already guessed that the egg was of a high level and that ordinary medicines might not work on it, the ending of being both successful and ineffective was really unexpected.

"Lingbao, you may want to be prepared." So many hatching potions were ineffective, and Su You felt that the chance of the egg surviving was slim.

Although she really wanted to know what was inside this egg, it was a free egg after all. She didn't actually feel bad whether it hatched successfully or not. But seeing Lingbao like this, she was a little worried that Lingbao would be sad.

'Hmm...' Lingbao seemed to understand something. It looked at Suyou blankly, with a hint of water in its clear black eyes.

Su You: "...Calm down first, and I will think of a solution."

Although she said she was thinking of a solution, Su You knew that she actually had no solution.

An unhatched egg is different from a creature that has hatched. If it is a creature that has hatched, she has countless healing potions that can milk it back, and she can even ask Vivian to milk it with magic!

But it's just an egg now!
What could she do to an egg? !

What can she do to a thing without a health bar! ?

Su You rubbed her head and couldn't think of a way for a while. She had to put the Lingbao here first. She went to Xi Te to ask if there were any other ways to increase the egg's vitality and hatching probability.

If there was nothing Sit could do, then she would go to the library and ask Ed if he knew if there were any books related to incubation in the library.

"I'll find a way. You just stay here and don't run around. If you have anything to do, go to Xi Te. Do you understand?" Su You knew that Lingbao didn't want to leave, so she didn't force it and spoke politely. After it was discussed, she left here again.

"Site, I want to ask you a question." Suyou asked if there was anything else that could restore the egg's vitality, but Site's answer was regrettable.

"I'm sorry, Lord, I don't know of any other ways to increase the vitality of the egg." After hearing Su You's question, Xite knew that the hatching potions just now probably didn't help.

She also wants to help, but the birth of life is very magical and subtle.

To use a very vague word to describe it, whether a life that does not exist in the world will appear and whether it is allowed to live in this world is determined by nature and heaven. What they can do is very limited.

"Okay..." Su You sighed, "Then please help me take care of the Lingbao. It is very concerned about the egg. I will go to the library to see if there is any other solution."

"Okay, please rest assured, I will take good care of the spirit treasure." Sit was originally curious about why the lord valued an egg so much, but now she finally knew that it was not the lord who valued this egg, but the egg. ermine.

The lord probably also wanted to prevent Lingbao from being sad, so he was so careful.



"Lingbao? I'm right outside. If you have anything, you can come to me. I'm right outside." After Xi Te watched Suyou leave, she went to the pregnancy hut to say hello to Lingbao, and then continued her work. Things on your own hands.

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