Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 756 756 Storm Season 21

Because Site was entrusted to take care of Baicao before, and Lingbao had a good relationship with Baicao. When the herbal garden was first established, he helped take care of the herbs all day long, so Site and Lingbao were familiar with each other after going back and forth.

Although she didn't know that Lingbao was a guardian beast, she also knew that Lingbao was a very special white ferret. It was very obedient and would not cause trouble or make noise, so she felt relieved after receiving Lingbao's response. Go and do your own thing.

Similar to Site's idea, Lingbao was indeed very good and obedient most of the time. After Suyou and Site left, it stayed quietly in the small room where it was the only living creature. I felt bored, so I kept a distance that was neither close nor far away, paying attention to the egg that was like a stone all the time.

It recalled Su You's words and felt increasingly sad, so much so that it couldn't help but let out a whimpering sound.

It knew that Su You was very good, and it also knew that Su You had tried its best to help hatch the egg. It also knew that what Su You said might be true - the egg might not be able to hatch safely.

But it is unwilling to accept this result.


With the wall blocking the way, people outside could not hear the sad sounds coming from inside, so naturally no one could comfort Lingbao.

I don't know how much time passed, but there was a faint "thump, thump, thump" movement in the gestation hut. Lingbao didn't notice it at first, but after its uncomfortable mood passed, it discovered the sound.

Looking towards the source of the sound, it saw that the 'stone egg' that had been sitting peacefully in the incubator seemed to be shaking slightly.

'babble! 'Lingbao made a sound that represented wonder and surprise.

Because of its excitement, it forgot about Su You's previous size and ran directly to the side of the incubator in excitement.

The stone egg did not stop shaking because of Lingbao's approach. Instead, it shook even more violently after a few seconds.

Lingbao seemed to feel something. It jumped up and down anxiously, but had no choice. It wanted to stretch out its claws, but suddenly thought of Su You's previous words. It didn't dare to touch the incubator at all, for fear that the egg would be destroyed by one of its careless moves. All hope of hatching is completely lost.

'Eaaah! 'What’s wrong with you?
'Eey! 'Are you still alive?
'Uh wow...' Can you understand me...


A scene very similar to the one before took place again, but this time the object of Lingbao's "chicken-and-duck talk" was an egg.

A few minutes later, the stone egg stopped shaking, and Lingbao's heart suddenly skipped a beat. At this time, it completely forgot what Su You said before. Now all it could think about was the scene when the stone egg stopped shaking——

'Is it dead? '

This question echoed in Lingbao's heart. He rushed to the incubator and knocked on the incubator hard.

Originally, Lingbao's small body would certainly not be able to cause any damage to an incubator that was twice its size, no matter how much strength it exerted, but this was based on the premise that Lingbao did not use its true abilities.

But don’t forget, the current one is not the white ferret who couldn’t restrain a chicken before, but the dragon ferret who mistakenly ate the dragon’s inner elixir, and is also the guardian beast of Sunset Territory! Because of his excitement, Lingbao accidentally unleashed part of his true strength, and the incubator, which was just an ordinary device, was shattered under the sharp claws of the dragon marten.

Because the shell of the incubator is made of glass, the Lingbao who broke the incubator would inevitably have his claws scratched by the broken glass. The bright red blood fell on the stone eggs drop by drop, because the color of the stone eggs is inherently natural. It's just black, so it leaves almost no trace.

At the same time, the huge noise caused by the broken incubator also attracted Site's attention. She was startled at first, and then she guessed that something might have happened to the Lingbao, so she quickly dropped the things in her hands and directly After breaking into the incubation room, she saw the mess all over the ground.

"Lingbao? Are you okay... What happened?!" She hurried to Lingbao's side and looked at its body stained red by blood. The original snow-white hair turned into a bright red, and she looked very... Scary.

Site looked at the broken incubator and the stone egg held tightly by Lingbao, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"Lingbao, okay, let me take you to bandage it, okay?" Lingbao's claws were still leaking blood. Because it held the stone egg hard, the blood flowed faster, but the strange thing is that , none of the blood flowed onto the table. Except for the blood that Lingbao accidentally rubbed on himself before, the other blood seemed to be rubbed on the stone eggs...

If Site observed carefully at this time, he would have found that after Lingbao's blood touched the stone egg, it seemed to be absorbed and gradually disappeared on the surface.

But right now, Site only focused on the spiritual treasure in her hand, and the color of the stone egg was not conspicuous, so she did not notice it.


Faced with Xite's inquiry, Lingbao did not respond.

Xite tentatively stretched out his hand to touch Lingbao, but Lingbao did not refuse, but his claws never let go of the stone egg.

"Then hold it tightly, and I will take you with it..." Although Site didn't know why the incubator suddenly exploded, this did not affect her guess based on past experience that the egg had basically no chance of survival.

After all, if the hatching process is interrupted, even if it is an egg with a 100% hatching success rate, the success rate will be at least halved after experiencing this kind of thing, not to mention the low hatching success rate, which is a headache for the lord. Egg.

However, she had long known that Lingbao valued the egg and was unwilling to let it go even though she was injured, so naturally she could not say such words to irritate Lingbao. The first priority must be to persuade it to bandage and treat it.

Fortunately, Lingbao was still obedient. As long as he was allowed to hold the egg, he had no intention of resisting Sitter's actions.

When Xite took the Lingbao to clean the wound and prepared to bandage it, Suyou also came back from the library. She went to the pregnancy hut as soon as she came back. As a result, she saw the scene that she had not had time to clean up, and she felt bad in her heart. premonition.

She asked other staff at the ranch where Sitter was, then found Sitter and saw two dragon martens with their paws bandaged into balls.

"Lord, I'm really sorry. I didn't take good care of the Lingbao..." Although theoretically speaking, Lingbao's injury had nothing to do with Sit, but Site still blamed himself very much.

After all, the Lord specifically asked her to take care of the Lingbao before leaving, but her negligence resulted in two serious consequences...

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