Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 758 758 Storm Season 23

Xite had never cleaned the egg, Lingbao did not have the ability to clean it, and no one else was involved during the process, so the problem could only occur in this egg.

Su You suddenly had a bold idea in her heart. She brought the Lingbao in front of her and asked seriously and solemnly: "I asked you before if you knew what this egg was. What was your answer?"

Lingbao tilted his head, then chirped.

'Know! '

Lingbao pointed at himself: 'Black dragon, inner elixir, evolve! '

Then he pointed at the egg and said, "Same as Lingbao!" '

Suyou: "?!"

Suyou's head stopped for several seconds because of Lingbao's words, and then when she looked at this seemingly ordinary order, her shock did not diminish at all.

"Is this a dragon egg?!" Because Xite had just left the incubation hut, Su You didn't hide it, but gave his answer directly.

'Uh-huh! Lingbao nodded wildly.

Su You: "..." You are really my little ancestor!

Now Su You knows why Lingbao was so excited when he saw this egg.

The value of dragon eggs is self-evident. Lingbao's bloodline is treasure hunting, and it is inevitable to be excited about rare and precious things.

Secondly, because of eating the inner elixir, Lingbao evolved into having the blood of the dragon clan, so rounding off it can be regarded as a mink of the dragon clan. This dragon egg is also from the dragon clan, so it can also be regarded as the same clan of Lingbao.

Since they are precious things and they are members of the same clan, it’s strange that Lingbao isn’t excited!

But obviously, Lingbao was only happy that he had picked up a treasure and a partner, but he never imagined that he had brought back a big trouble for Suyou!

Any race attaches great importance to its offspring, and this is true for the human race with the strongest reproductive capacity, let alone the dragon race, which has difficulty in producing offspring.

Because the dragon clan has strong bloodline, its combat effectiveness is also very strong, but the disadvantage is that the bloodline is too strong, making it difficult to breed the next generation.

For example, it is not uncommon for the Dragon Clan to not necessarily have a newborn baby for hundreds of years.

Under such circumstances, as long as the Dragon Clan has a dragon egg, it will definitely be held in the palm of the entire Dragon Clan.

But now the 'treasure in the palm of the Dragon Clan' is in Su You's hands.

And it looks short-lived.

If the Dragon Clan were to know that there was a dragon egg here and that it was about to die, regardless of whether they picked up the egg accidentally, the Dragon Clan would definitely become angry and the consequences would be disastrous.

So although this dragon egg can be called a treasure, it is still a hot potato, but Su You can't throw it away. After all, she has brought the egg back. There is the aura of the dragon egg in the territory, and there are people from this territory on the dragon egg. Even if they throw the egg out now and let it die outside, Suyou and the others will definitely be targeted by the dragon clan.

Even if it was explained clearly later, it was useless for her to say that she didn't know about the dragon eggs. The dragons' guardians were always unreasonable, and they still preferred to speak with their fists.

So Suyou only has two choices now. One is to pray that the dragon clan will never come to Sunset Territory and never find traces of a dragon egg here.

The other one is Suyou trying to find a way to make the dragon egg hatch so that the little dragon baby inside can be born healthily. As long as the dragon cub is alive, the dragon clan will not care about the dragon egg. After all, the dragon egg was not stolen by Su You. Instead, they may be grateful to Su You for hatching the dragon egg.

But when you think about it, you know, how can a dragon cub that may not be born for hundreds of years be hatched by humans so easily?

So Su You really has a headache now. There are still natural disasters that need to be dealt with. She can't spare the time to study and take care of the dragon eggs, so she has an even bigger headache now.

'Master, what's wrong with you? Lingbao looked at Su You worriedly, watching the change in her expression, and seemed to feel that he had done something wrong.

This was the first time that Su You clearly heard Lingbao calling her 'master'. In response to its concern, Su You touched his head.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about how to keep this dragon egg alive." To be precise, how to keep the entire territory.

Now that she knows the identity of the dragon egg, Su You naturally knows that it is very difficult to keep the dragon egg alive and successfully hatch it. Fortunately, this difficult task is not without the possibility of success. After all, this dragon egg Hasn't his vitality increased?
Although the increase is not much, it represents hope.

If you guessed correctly, this increased vitality should be related to Lingbao.

Lingbao is a rare treasure-hunting beast in the world. Its bloodline level is not much worse than that of the dragon clan. As mentioned before, before the treasure-hunting beast grows up, it will attract the covetousness of countless beasts. They all hope to pass Devour treasure hunting beasts to improve your bloodline.

Because of this, Lingbao's blood should be used as nourishment for the growth of dragon eggs.

The reason why the dragon egg has low vitality is because it does not stay in the dragon clan, has no source of energy, and cannot provide enough energy to survive, so it can only slowly overdraw its vitality to support its growth.

But its vitality is limited. When the overdraft is over, it will die completely.

As long as other suitable nutrients can be found to support its growth, the dragon egg still has a chance of survival.

Thinking of this, Su You looked at Lingbao with a complicated expression.

"Lingbao, do you really want it to survive?" If there is only a small amount of bleeding, it may not have any impact on the Lingbao, but it obviously takes a long time to hatch the dragon egg.

The longer the time goes, the more nutrients are needed. As the only spiritual treasure that can provide nutrients, it may have to bleed heavily to barely provide for the survival of a dragon cub.

Everything on the continent is balanced. To force an egg that should have died to live, the price that needs to be paid is to say that it is a life for a life. It is not an exaggeration to say.

And this is just to keep the egg alive, whether it can hatch is another matter.

Being alive does not mean that it can hatch, because the dragon cub inside still needs to break out of the shell on its own strength, and no one else can help.

If you help, even if the dragon cub breaks out of its shell, it will have a wrong perception of the outside world because it has not broken out of its shell personally, and mistakenly think that it is still in the egg, so that it will continue to fall into a deep sleep.

A deep sleep without the protection of eggshell is a real sleepless night.

Likewise, if it cannot break out of its shell on its own, it is considered a failed hatch.

But after all, this is a dragon egg that needs to rely on overdraft of life force to survive. Su You doesn't expect it to use the extra power to improve its strength... The fact that it can survive until the moment of hatching is already a miracle in itself. Got it!

'think! What should Lingbao do? 'When he heard that the cub he had picked up had hope of survival, Lingbao spoke a lot more fluently.

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