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Chapter 759 759 Storm Season 24

"Lingbao, you have to think clearly. If you want it to survive, you need to pay a lot." If Lingbao is really willing to pay, Su You will not stop him. She will only help Lingbao as much as possible.

Because this is Lingbao's own choice, and it is also the fate between Lingbao and this dragon egg.

Although she had previously thought that the dragon egg should have died, it was brought back by Lingbao. This may mean that it "should not die" and Lingbao was its life-saving straw.

If Lingbao didn't want it, Suyou certainly wouldn't force it.

Although there is pressure from the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan may not necessarily discover this dragon egg. After all, the Dragon Clan attaches great importance to future generations. Since this egg will appear here, it means that even within the Dragon Clan, the existence of this egg may not be known.

And even if she finds out, she now has a relationship with the Elf Tribe and the Mermaid Tribe. For the sake of these two tribes, as long as she explains clearly and shows that she really tried her best, the Dragon Tribe will not really do it even if she is angry again. What……

At most, she is disgusted with her and this territory. It will be almost impossible for her to negotiate with the Dragon Clan in the future, but these results are acceptable.

'pay? What? Lingbao asked this question, and before Su You could answer, he continued: "Everyone is willing!" '

Lingbao said yes without even knowing what it would cost. Suyou didn't think it would change the result just because of her answer.

"Currently, it seems that your blood can help it restore its health, so you may need to pay a lot of blood in the future." Of course, this is only the current situation. Su You will definitely not watch Lingbao bleed into a mummy.

Whether it's blood-replenishing props or blood from other beasts, Su You will prepare it.

The former is used to restore Lingbao, and the latter is used as a substitute for Lingbao's blood.

If one kind of blood doesn't work, just replace it with another. If it doesn't work, just find other substitutes. Anyway, now I have a rough understanding of what this egg needs, which is nothing more than a prop containing energy.

If not, just use the spring water from the Elf Spring, Millennium Stone Lotion and other top-notch things to keep...

Su You almost acquiesced to Lingbao's answer. Facts have proved that Lingbao did not regret because the dragon egg needed its own blood to grow. If Su You hadn't stopped it, it would have had to be bled a second time on the spot.

"Don't worry, it has just absorbed some of your blood, and it won't die so soon yet. Follow me to Vivian's place to have a look first." Although Su You could see that Lingbao's blood volume was still close to Full value, but for any spiritual creature, their blood represents not only their vitality, but also the upper limit of a part of their strength.

If a creature loses too much blood at one time, its body will suffer a significant decline in strength due to blood deficiency.

Dragon eggs are important, but to Su You, Lingbao is definitely more important.

'Um! Although Lingbao is still worried about Dragon Egg, it doesn't know how to save Dragon Egg. After knowing that Suyou agrees, it will definitely listen to her.

Because the dragon egg had already been placed in the incubator, it was best not to take it out repeatedly, so Su You had no intention of taking it with her. Before leaving the ranch, Su You told Xite to keep an eye on the egg.

Because of the previous negligence that led to Lingbao's injury, Site felt guilty, so she paid special attention to Su You's explanation this time.

After Suyou left the ranch, she handed over the matters at hand to others, and entered the breeding hut to stay there all afternoon.

...On the other side, Su You brought Lingbao to the medical center. There were not many people in the medical center at this time. After all, it was only the second day of the natural disaster, and the real killer had not yet appeared, so there were not many injured people. Even if there are more, more people still buy the healing potion, drink it, and just rest for a while.

Unless someone is seriously ill or injured, no one will ask a doctor to see a doctor. After all, the price is not cheap, especially if Vivian is a magician. Even if the price she sets is considered a fracture price compared to other magicians, it is only higher than that of ordinary doctors. Some, but not everyone can accept it.

"Lord!" The first person to see Su You was Qiu Yue, and beside Qiu Yue there was a little girl of similar age, but she looked a little thinner.

After hearing Qiuyue's words, she also stuttered and shouted "Lord".

Perhaps she knew that the person in front of her was the one who saved her and helped herself and her sister, so the fear in Sha Ling's eyes gradually turned into gratitude, and the hand holding Qiuyue's clothes slowly relaxed.

Su You knew who she was. After all, she was the one who sent people to the hospital in the first place. This child who looked thin, timid and introverted was actually Sha Ling, the child with the potential to be a god-level ice magician. girl.

Even though she is weak and weak now, anyone can crush her to death. With her current strength, as long as she wants to, ten or eight strong men will not be able to do anything to her, and she may even be killed.

"Sha Ling, how are you feeling recently? Are you comfortable here?" Since sending Sha Ling here, she rarely comes to see the child. If she hadn't happened to meet him today, she doesn't know when she would be able to talk. talk.

"I'm fine!" Sha Ling looked very happy when talking about her body.

Because she was forced to inherit the inheritance before, she changed from a child who could carefree and play wildly to a delicate and frail glass doll.

Now he has finally recovered. Although his physique is still a little weaker than other children, it is much better than before. At least he can do some simple exercises without any problem.

Qiuyue often took her to play with her after the hospital closed. It was obviously a relatively common thing, but it was a new experience for Sha Ling.

"Thank you Lord, my sister said that it was only because of Lord Sha Ling that I was able to recover..." After all, he is a child, and he can express his emotions in a timely manner after distinguishing between good and evil.

Her gratitude was full of sincerity, and Su You felt very good just listening to it.

"As long as you're fine, if you need anything, you can ask Qiuyue or sister Vivian, you know?"


In just a few words, Sha Ling's impression of Su You changed from 'the benefactor who saved her' to 'a gentle, kind and beautiful sister'.

Su You didn't know that her status in Sha Ling's heart had changed, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

"Qiuyue, where is your master?" After chatting with Sha Ling for a few words, Su You stopped talking. After all, she had other purposes for her trip.

"Master, she is in that room." Qiuyue pointed to a door.

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