Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 760 760 Storm Season 25

"In the afternoon, a customer brought an injured patient. She looked very serious. Master wanted to treat her alone, so he sent her to a small room." Qiuyue briefly explained what happened.

Su You thought for a while and guessed that the injured person should be the person Duya and the others rescued... I guess his name was A Fei?
"You're busy, I'm going to find your master." Su You saw that someone else had entered the hospital, so she didn't stop here. She approached the small room and knocked lightly on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened, ready to ask who had disturbed her. Vivian was startled for a moment when she saw Su You, then she left the word 'wait a moment' and closed the door again.

A few minutes later, Vivian came out of the room with some potions and some dressing props.

After following Vivian to the inner room, Su You told the situation about Lingbao, and then successfully received a blank look from Vivian.

"Lord, I am not a veterinarian!" Although she said so, Vivian still took the Lingbao.

When she saw Lingbao being bandaged into two ball-like paws, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch. Su You couldn't tell for a moment whether she was helpless or trying to hold back a smile.

Vivian took off the sloppy bandage, glanced at the wound that had almost disappeared, and subconsciously clicked her tongue.

"This wound is serious. If you had been a little longer, I'm afraid it would have healed." After saying this, Vivian recited a magic word casually, and the wound, which was not that big, healed immediately, without even leaving a scar. .

After all, it is a guardian beast. It is impossible for ordinary glass slag to cause any serious damage to it. With the healing ability of Lingbao, the wound can indeed be recovered in a short time.

"I'm not just here for Lingbao's wounds, I also want to ask if you have anything here that he can use to replenish his blood." Fearing that Vivian might misunderstand her meaning, Suyou also expressed her concern for Lingbao's future. Something that might require a 'hemorrhage'.

She came here mainly to get some things so that Lingbao could recover as soon as possible after the 'hemorrhage'.

Vivian looked strange. She didn't know for a moment whether she should complain that the lord thought she was a veterinarian, or she should be curious about what happened, so that the lord was asked to donate the guardian beast, causing the guardian beast to bleed profusely.

"If you want something for human recovery, I have a lot here, but if it's for animals, all I can think of are some general recovery potions. If you need something with better effects, I'll need some time to research it." Wei After all, Wei An is a professional doctor. Although she has never treated animals in her entire life, she is very receptive and treats Ling Bao as a human being.

Things that humans can use may not be used by animals, so she still needs to spend some time researching herbs that animals can use.

Of course, she has a universal healing potion on hand. This potion has a general effect, but it can be used by any creature and can be used as a temporary substitute.

"Then I'll trouble you." After saying that, Su You took out another thing from his backpack: "This is the beast pattern fruit. You should have heard of it. Although it is something used by orcs, if it is supplemented by some Mild herbs can also improve human health."

Vivian's eyes lit up, and she took all the beast-marked fruits away from Suyou's hand without any politeness.

"This matter is on my shoulders. My teacher has given me a similar formula before, and the formula just lacks the animal pattern fruit..."

Su You looked at Vivian's excited expression, and then showed a strange smile.

"No, I don't need you to make it into a potion for human use."

Vivian: "?" To be honest, if the person in front of her was not Suyou, Vivian might have been able to kill the person who was teasing her with poison on the spot. Suyou ignored her expression and continued: "I need you to use this beast-marked fruit to make an energy potion that the cubs can absorb." Her words directly revealed the purpose of doing so.

Obviously, the 'cub' in her mouth refers to the dragon egg, and she wants to use the animal pattern fruit as nourishment for the dragon egg!

Since the orcs can absorb the power of the beast pattern fruit to improve themselves, then most of the dragon cubs can do the same.

It's just that the dragon cub can't eat after all, so there's nothing he can do about the whole beast-marked fruit. If you squeeze the juice to feed it, it's somewhat wasteful, so it's better to make it directly into a medicinal solution, which is easier to absorb and less likely to be wasted. It can also Maximize the effect of the animal pattern fruit.

"Feeding the cubs? What a pity..." Vivian sighed. Although she was regretful, she did not interfere with Su You's decision.

She knew that since the lord said so, he must have had his own ideas.

Vivian has always been able to talk a little bit, but in fact, she can complete every task arranged by Suyou perfectly.

"It is indeed a waste of some money, but it is very important." Su You was not prepared to tell anyone about the dragon egg. The less people knew about it, the better.

After all, even spiritual treasures of treasure-hunting beast bloodline will encounter covetation from other beasts in their childhood, let alone dragon eggs that are defenseless.

The bloodline of dragons is at the same level as that of treasure-hunting beasts. Although most creatures cannot offend dragons, if there are young dragons and dragon eggs, there will definitely be beasts willing to risk their lives for a gamble.

If you win the bet, your bloodline will be upgraded and your strength will be greatly increased. If you go to the ends of the world, you won't be able to find a dragon. Naturally, you can live a life of ease. If you have descendants, their bloodline will also be improved to a certain extent.

But if you lose the bet, you will naturally die under the claws of the angry dragon clan.

What's more, this is still a dragon egg wandering outside. Without the protection of the dragon clan, the attraction will only be greater!

"I need some time. When will the Lord need it at the earliest?" Although Vivian is a person who is very confident in herself, her confidence has always been based on her own strength and is not blind.

The matter this time was something she had never been involved in before, so she was naturally more cautious. She also asked Su You about the time to ensure that she could provide things in time and not delay important things.

"It's best before the natural disaster ends...the sooner the better." This time was given because Su You was afraid that the system would be indifferent and the dragon clan would come to 'visit' the territory just after the natural disaster.

During natural disasters, creatures outside the area are almost unable to enter, even dragons are no exception, so Su You can at least not worry about dragons during this period of natural disasters.

"It will be at least a month before the natural disaster ends..."

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