Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 761 761 Storm Season 26

When saying this, Vivian raised her eyebrows, looking extremely confident.

"As long as you have confidence, then I'll leave this matter to you." Suyou dropped the matter and left with the general recovery potion given by Lingbao and Vivian.

After leaving the hospital, Su You returned to the ranch again, this time to feed the eggs. With the recovery potion, Su You helped Lingbao bleed to feed the dragon eggs.

[Successfully feeding blood, vitality +19]

[Successfully feeding blood, vitality +17]

[Successfully feeding blood, vitality +15]

[Successfully feeding blood, vitality +14]

Bleed, stop bleeding, drink medicine, rest, continue bleeding, stop bleeding... This cycle lasted about four times. Although Su You still had the recovery potion in hand, she said nothing to let Lingbao continue bleeding.

Although medicine can restore blood volume, and there is no such thing as permanent drug resistance in this world, even with medicine, multiple consecutive bloodlettings in a short period of time will still have an impact on the body.

This impact may not seem big at first, but it accumulates over time and is significant.

[Eggs of unknown creatures]

Status: Incubating

Vitality: 89/100
Incubation time: unknown

Hatching probability: 13%
Hatching tip: The vitality of this egg is in a relatively healthy state, but because it did not receive sufficient nutrients before, the vital signs of the life form are very weak. It will continue to consume vitality to replenish its lost energy during the subsequent hatching process. If you want to hatch successfully, you must continue to provide vitality.


Lingbao's first feeding increased the vitality of the dragon egg by a full 21 points, but in the four feedings just now, it only increased a total of 65 points of vitality, which is obviously less than the first feeding.

Moreover, it can be seen from the improved data with each feeding that Lingbao's blood is not omnipotent, and the vitality its blood can provide will gradually decrease.

As for whether it will eventually be reduced to no effect or fixed to a lower value, it is not known for the time being, but it is obvious that just feeding blood is definitely not enough.

"It already has enough nutrients. There is no need to bleed any more these days." Su You obviously said this to Lingbao. Although Lingbao was obedient, she was also afraid that Lingbao would become confused if he cared about him and sneak over by himself. bloodletting.

'Um! Lingbao nodded, looking obedient and obedient, showing no signs of discomfort or weakness.

"Okay, it's time to go back... Do you want to go back with me or stay here." Under normal circumstances, Su You would definitely acquiesce that Lingbao wants to go back with him, but it is obvious that Long Dan is Lingbao's new love now, so It’s hard to say how it will choose.

After hearing Su You's question, Lingbao hesitated for a moment, but finally went back with her.

'Come and see tomorrow? Lingbao nestled on Suyou's neck and asked softly.

Su You didn't expect Lingbao to make such a choice. She thought Lingbao would stay here for a while.

"You can come over at any time if you want to see it, but you must pay attention to safety and don't let others find it. And you can't bleed it in private. If it needs it, I will know it."

'good! ’



At the end of the day, I thought it would be a day full of surprises, but I didn't expect that because of the twists and turns regarding the dragon egg, my mood today was also ups and downs. Of course, to a certain extent, it was indeed a huge 'surprise' when she found out that the egg was a dragon egg stone.

Although from the current point of view, this dragon egg brings a lot of trouble, if it can really be saved, the benefits will be infinite.

Not to mention other benefits, Suyou needs to visit the four major races for the main plot. With the relationship of Dragon Egg, she doesn't have to worry about not having the opportunity to visit the Dragon Race.

Although the Dragon Clan is defensive and domineering, they are not an ungrateful race. As long as the dragon eggs can survive, the Dragon Clan themselves will invite Su You as a guest.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the dragon egg can survive.

"Let's take a look first..." Less than a day has passed and Su You is not sure of the result, so she can only take a look first.

She couldn't believe that with so many treasures in her warehouse, she couldn't even feed a dragon egg!

On a new day, Su You woke up and didn't feel the familiar fur around her. She calmed down and guessed that Lingbao was looking for dragon eggs. She opened the map and took a look, and after making sure, she didn't care anymore.

Today is the third day of the storm season and the third day of natural disasters. As expected, the polar winter will fall either today or tomorrow.

She looked at the sky outside the window. Although it was still gloomy as if a mountain rain was coming, there were no other changes compared to the previous two days, and today's temperature was considered normal...

After getting up, Su You checked the situation of the territory as usual - all the data were normal.

Obviously being normal is a good thing, but Su You feels a little uneasy for no reason.

Because of this uneasiness, she read the things she had read once before for a second time. It was precisely because of this carefulness that she discovered a problem.

"It's wrong...the number of floating people in the territory is wrong..."

Originally, on the first day of the natural disaster, the total number of people in the territory was about 3,200. Although it was a little more than the 3,000 people she had previously expected, it didn't matter. Regardless of the quality of life, the territory had enough supplies. Thirty-two hundred people survived for several months.

This population figure increased by about two dozen people yesterday morning.

Although it is said that no outsiders will enter this area during a natural disaster, it is not absolute. Some people will still randomly appear (refresh) in this area.

After discovering that there is a natural disaster in this area, these people will naturally come to find territory in this area and stay temporarily. Otherwise, the mortality rate in the wild from natural disasters is infinitely close to 100%.

These twenty people belong to normal population fluctuations.

Until last night, this number had increased by less than ten. These people should have come to the territory during the day yesterday.

But when Su You just checked the territory information, she found that the floating population of the territory increased by about ten people compared to the data last night.

Although Su You couldn't remember the specific data, the number she just saw was indeed more than last night.

what does this mean?
It means that a dozen people came to the territory last night.

And the night here refers to after everyone has fallen asleep, because the time Suyou checked the information yesterday was before she went to bed.

Although there will be guards patrolling at this time and the city gate will be ajar, this is a time when it is almost impossible for anyone to come.

After understanding that there was a problem, Su You immediately found the guards responsible for guarding the city gate and asked them if anyone entered the territory after everyone fell asleep last night.

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