Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 762 762 Storm Season 27

"Reporting to the lord, no one entered the territory late last night." The guard gave an affirmative answer.

If the question is about who comes in and out during the day, then he may have to think and hesitate for a while, after all, there are too many people coming in and out during the day.

But what Su You is asking now is at night, late at night when everyone is already asleep. Let alone anyone coming at this time, they will remember it clearly if a mosquito flies by!
"Lord, did something happen last night?" Although the person who answered was very sure, he also knew that since the Lord would ask this, something must have gone wrong.

Could it be that someone entered the territory through abnormal channels last night? !
The so-called normal channel is definitely through the city gate; there are many abnormal channels, but no matter which one they are, only people with bad intentions will use them.

"Don't tell anyone about this yet. You gatekeepers can just communicate privately. Pay attention to see if there are any strange faces in the territory these days." It was a natural disaster at this time, and everyone was already panic-stricken. If you let everyone know if you have any intentions, If well-intentioned people break into the territory, it will undoubtedly make the atmosphere in the territory worse.

Therefore, the arrest of these "blackmailers" must be hidden and must not be known to others.

The biggest problem at the moment is that Su You and the others don't know any information about these people, whether they are men, women, old or young, tall, short, fat or thin. It's obviously not possible to rely on the guards' eyesight, but this is currently no solution.

"We know, we will never tell anyone else about this!" The guards present are all old residents who have been in the territory for a long time. Their favorability and loyalty values ​​are full, so Su You is not worried about their betrayal. .

She was afraid that some of them would be nervous and accidentally spill the beans, so before leaving, she didn't forget to remind them to keep it a secret.

Looking at the lord's leaving figure, the expressions of several guards returned to seriousness.

"This matter is very important. Everyone remember what the lord said and never let anyone else know."

"Captain, don't worry, we are sure of the others." First the lord emphasized repeatedly, and then their immediate superiors seriously reminded them that no matter how stupid they are, they will not make mistakes knowingly.

After confirming that the matter was confidential, they also began to think about ways to find out the culprit.

"Captain, since someone sneaks into the territory, they must want to do bad things. The territory is so big, if they want to hide for a few days, we have no way to do it, and there are so many people in the territory, not everyone recognizes them... …”

"How about we ask the patrol guards to check the places where people are easy to hide in the next two days?"

"No, I told you not to let others know about this. If I tell the patrol guard, how can I explain it?"

"I think no matter what they want to do when they sneak in, they will definitely show up. Otherwise, how will they do things? Otherwise, we will just wait and wait for them to show up on their own..."

"What kind of solution is this? What we have to do is to find these gangsters as soon as possible and stop them from doing bad things. If they wait for them to show up on their own initiative, then maybe their affairs will be finished!"


After some discussion, no one could think of any good solution.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, which was a reminder for them to change their shifts.

Four of the people who were originally in the room went out to get ready for work, and then there were four more doormen in the room who had just gotten off work. Because the lord said that this matter could not be known to outsiders but could be communicated privately by the gatekeepers, after these four people came in, the captain of the gatekeepers told these four people about the black household.

"Captain, actually I have an idea." One of the guards who had just gotten off work said hesitantly.

The captain raised his eyebrows and told him to go ahead.

"That's right. I see that the combat team in the territory has a special set of clothes so that they can easily identify their teammates."

"If we also prepare something as a token, just like this piece of clothing, and distribute it to everyone in the territory to use it, then we don't actually need to identify who is a gangster. Anyone who has no use for it is suspicious. , can be arrested and investigated."

Someone with a slow head turned asked: "Isn't everyone willing to wear the prescribed clothes?"

Before the man could answer, the captain, who had already understood this method, reminded him: "I said it doesn't have to be clothes, it can be hats, shoes, bracelets, necklaces..."

To be honest, the method proposed by this person is slightly rough, but if some details are modified, it can be regarded as a good method.

Although this method is troublesome, it is currently the simplest and most useful.

"I will tell the lord about this matter. The lord is a generous man and will definitely give you a lot of rewards when the time comes." Now that a method has been found, the captain did not hesitate to get up and prepare to go to the city lord's mansion.

However, he left in a hurry, and Su You had just left not long ago. She was still checking the operating conditions of various shops in the territory, so she did not go back. The captain was so empty that she could only write down the matter and leave it to the city owner. On the table in the house.


On the other side, Su You, who didn't know that someone had already thought of finding out the illegal accounts, was currently checking the registration status of each store.

The registration here refers to the purchase record of limited-edition goods in the past two days. Almost every store will ask people who have purchased certain limited-edition goods to leave their signatures as proof.

But not all goods require leaving proof when purchasing.

Things sold in restaurants, medical clinics, and charcoal fire shops are all consumables, and you must buy them after you use them up. Therefore, although they are sold in limited quantities, they do not need to leave proof for every purchase. This is not only troublesome, but also Moreover, when the number of credentials increases, it is difficult for them to sort them out.

Only when you purchase for the first time, the store will give you a small book called the 'Restricted Purchase Record Book', which is stamped with the territory's exclusive seal and a unique number to prevent counterfeiting.

The function of the purchase limit record book is that every time you buy consumables, you need to bring the record book with you. When you bought something, how much you bought, and how much you spent will be recorded on it. In this way, not only Customers can easily check their purchase records, and stores can also register easily.

Considering the importance of the record book, in order to prevent someone from buying other people's record books privately in order to buy more things, or deliberately lying about losing the record book and wanting to make a new one, and then buying two copies of something by one person, so this The record book itself also contains many secrets.

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