Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 763 763 Storm Season 28

Not only that, everyone only gets the first record book for free. Starting from the second one, it costs one gold coin to reissue it. This is also to avoid someone not paying attention to the record book and transferring the record book privately.

In short, in order to prevent situations such as 'trading, counterfeiting, and theft', Su You and others spent a lot of effort to come up with this thing.

Considering that each store has a record book and it is inconvenient for everyone to carry it, everyone only has one record book. This record book is common in all stores. In order to distinguish it, each store will use different color pens and different pens. recording method.

So far, a total of 2,300 record books have been distributed in all stores, which means there are still about 900 people who have not received their own record books. There are many reasons for this, but at least all residents of the Sunset Territory have received them. For the record books, that was enough.

As for the others, Su You will only consider taking care of them after ensuring that the residents of the territory are protected, so she actually doesn't really care about whether everyone has received the record book.

There were almost no changes in the territory in the past two days, because everyone spent most of their time out hunting for treasures. Even in the territory, it was still time to sleep.

As for the newly launched items in the territory store, it was only on the first day, and everyone's enthusiasm was very high.

In less than a day, those who were still hesitating to buy anything no longer hesitated. More than 80% of people gave up buying expensive cold-proof items, such as warmers and hand stoves.

Because the weather hasn't really cooled down yet, they may all feel that they don't really need these things.

Anyway, every boss has said that there is sufficient inventory of various commodities in the territory's warehouse, and they can buy them in time no matter when... Most people actually think like this, and few people are willing to buy in advance for a disaster that has not yet happened. Pay a lot of money.

To be honest, this situation is actually something Su You doesn't want to see.

While it may seem like it doesn't matter when they buy something as long as there's enough inventory, that's not actually the case.

Su You put these products on the shelves in advance in the hope that everyone can replenish these supplies one after another. Otherwise, when the natural disaster really comes and everyone swarms at the door of the store, it will definitely have some impact on the territory.

Let’s not talk about how chaotic it will be when there are too many people. Let’s just say that when a natural disaster does come, everyone actually has their own things to do, so these necessary things must be prepared in advance, so that everyone will not be in trouble for the disaster. I can't keep my hands off my own affairs.

"Ignore the others for now, Dolly, please arrange for someone to notify the residents of the territory and ask them to prepare at least three items to keep out the cold." As mentioned before, Su You will definitely take more care of his own people when there is no perfect plan.

There are many cold-proof materials in the territory. Cotton clothing belongs to the same category. Hand stoves, warming cauldrons, cold-proof potions, cold-proof runes and other items and props all belong to the same category.

Currently, among the more than a thousand residents in the territory, only half have more than three items to keep out the cold. Although the remaining half are not unprepared, their preparations are indeed not sufficient.

"I will inform everyone." Dolly can be said to be the group of people in the entire territory who believe in the Lord's arrangements the most, so she has already prepared everything.

However, because Su You didn't explain it specifically before, she couldn't tell everyone, so every time she saw someone thinking that they only needed to buy cotton clothes to survive the extreme winter, she wanted to remind her, but she didn't know whether she should or not. remind.

But since the lord has given the order, she will definitely do it.

The sewing shop is one of the first shops to appear in the territory. Anyone who has stayed in the territory for a while knows that the sewing shop is the most special shop in the territory, because they can often learn a lot about the territory from the owner of the sewing shop. Related news. Although the news that will be released is obviously allowed to be released, everyone is still enjoying it.

People's thoughts are always complex. They may not believe the official news, but they are very willing to believe the 'tattletales' they have learned about. Perhaps in their eyes, these news are more credible.

This is why Suyou didn't make an announcement asking everyone to prepare supplies to keep out the cold. Instead, she asked Dori to remind everyone, because issuing an announcement would seem a bit businesslike and inhumane.

And it is inevitable that some people will misunderstand and think that the territory is bought and sold by force.

But in everyone's opinion, Dolly's identity is just that of a well-informed sewing shop owner. If they find out from her, they will always pay more attention.


Dori was always very positive about things arranged by Su You. In just one morning, she used several methods to remind more than a thousand people to prepare more supplies to keep out the cold.

According to the news released in the morning, many people who returned to the territory at noon chose to go to various stores to check various cold-warming supplies after finishing their meals and receiving their rewards.

Because the enthusiasm of this group of people to buy things successfully inspired other people around them, many non-territorial residents also bought more things.

As of about four o'clock in the afternoon, more than 800 residents of the territory had prepared more than three pieces of cold-proof materials. Considering that some people live together and some of the cold-proof materials can be shared, this data is actually equivalent to a comprehensive cover.

As for the non-territorial residents, Su You couldn't see what items each person had on them, but she could guess based on the sales of each store that more than 40% of the two thousand people should have prepared sufficient supplies. More than half of the shared parts should be covered with cold-proof materials.

Seeing this result, Su You breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before she could completely let go, a series of random natural disasters caught her off guard.

[Random natural disaster events have been unlocked (1/3): Ice and snow storm. 】

[Ice and Snow Storm: Future storms will carry ice attributes. Ice and snow storms will freeze everything around them and accelerate the drop in temperature. The bigger the storm, the faster the freezing speed, and the larger the size of the objects that can be frozen. 】


Less than an hour after the random natural disaster occurred here, Su You heard the news from Lake - someone had encountered an ice and snow storm.

According to Lake, there were three people who encountered the ice and snow storm. These three people were traveling together. None of their lives were in danger, but they all suffered varying degrees of frostbite.

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