Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 764 764 Storm Season 29

If they hadn't been lucky enough to meet another group of people, otherwise their limbs would have been frozen and they wouldn't have been able to return to the territory on their own.

But even if they come back, they will still be in a 'vegetative state' that cannot move. Currently, these three people have been rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Su You felt relieved after hearing that the person was sent to the hospital.

Since he can survive, it means that the frostbite here is not that serious. Vivian can definitely solve it. If things go wrong, she will definitely ask Meck for help. Although some are overqualified, at least these three people can definitely survive.

Originally, Su You should have gone to the medical clinic, not only to check the conditions of these three people, but also to learn the specific information about the ice and snow storm from their mouths.

But Su You has more important things to do now - she needs to inform everyone about the ice and snow storm as soon as possible, and she also needs to check the fuel storage and processing status.

Needless to say about the first thing, this is to avoid more people getting hurt.

As for the latter thing, it is naturally to prepare for the low temperature that is enhanced by random events.

The injuries of these three people have already happened. No matter whether she can get through it or not, this will not change. Moreover, the three of them will not run away. She can ask questions at any time.

But the ice and snow storm has appeared, and she must do something to deal with the impact of the ice and snow storm.

Su You first went to the fuel warehouse on the outside of the territory to check. The amount of fuel inside was slightly less than the previous day, but this decrease was consistent with the territory's daily consumption and sales. So there is no problem.

After that, Su You went to the fuel processing workshop. To put it bluntly, the so-called processing workshop is a room full of workbench where synthetic fuel is being processed.

Because there was a lot of fuel, Su You hired three people to help here.

Two people are responsible for adding raw materials, that is, when there are no raw materials in the workbench, they will add the raw materials and let the workbench continue to work.

One person is responsible for taking out the processed fuel and then waiting for someone to carry it.

Seeing Su You coming, the three of them seemed a little nervous. Even though Su You told them to continue working and pretend they didn't exist, they couldn't help but look at her secretly out of the corner of their eyes.

Su You understood the nervousness of the three of them. Their nervousness was the kind of nervousness experienced by employees when their boss came to inspect them at work, so she didn't think there was any problem.

In order not to affect their work, she left quickly after checking that all the processes in the processing workshop were operating normally.

After leaving the processing workshop, Su You returned to the City Lord's Mansion to prepare an announcement about the ice and snow storm. However, before making the announcement, she first saw the message left for her by the captain of the guard.

The method proposed by the man mentioned by the captain is actually similar to Su You's original idea.

She thought that everyone would be given a prop that could prove their identity, which would be similar to a real-life ID card, and then they would conduct an investigation on the people in the territory. After all, people in hiding can't hide forever. They always have to come out to replenish items. But then she will issue a policy that only allows people with "ID cards" to buy things. This is equivalent to cutting off the escape route of those unscrupulous households.

However, the trouble with this method is that not everyone is willing to carry their ID card with them, and as a portable item, the ID card will not be exposed to the outside all the time. During the investigation, you can only ask and check one by one, which is more inconvenient.

But what this person proposed was to turn the certificate into something that can be worn on the body, which is somewhat similar to the work permit that is hung on the body in this world.

If Su You was given some time, she should be able to think of this, but there is no way, she has too many things on her body, so she can only pick the important things to do first, and put other things behind for the time being.

If Chi Jin had not begun to gradually take over the middle and lower-level authority of the territorial economy, she would help handle some of the things, and Su You would only be even busier...

Now that there was a way to investigate the illegal accounts, Su You thought about it and issued two announcements in succession.

[Emergency notice, a mutated storm has appeared outside the territory. The mutated storm is of ice attribute, also known as ice and snow storm. Ice and snow storms move slowly, but wherever they pass, the surrounding temperature drops and everything around them freezes. The bigger the storm, the greater the damage, and the speed will be lower... In the future, if you feel that the surrounding temperature is obviously abnormal when going out, please stay away from the area immediately and notify people around you to evacuate in time. 】

The first announcement is naturally about the ice and snow storm. It mentions the difference between ice and snow storms and ordinary storms, and the information is very detailed.

The origin of this information was learned by Su You from the mouths of the three people at the medical clinic. Because Su You offered to waive the medical expenses of the three of them, they answered the questions very attentively, paying no attention to every detail. Omission.

[In order to facilitate timely rescue of people who have accidents in the forest, everyone can receive a special enchanted prop in the mission hall tomorrow. Whether you are out or in the territory, try not to remove the enchanted prop...]

The above is the general content of the second announcement.

The second announcement was obviously aimed at gangsters. It was just distributing clothes inexplicably for everyone to wear. This was obviously problematic, so Su You had to think of a reasonable excuse to let everyone wear the props naturally.

Then Su You thought of the enchanting materials that Qiu Yang used to practice before.

After leaving his unreliable teacher, Qiu Yang now spends most of his time training with Jing Que. It was not until recently that Su You arranged for another enchanter to teach him the knowledge of enchantment.

Because this enchanter works for money, there is no competition with Qiu Yang, so the other party teaches with all his heart.

Especially after discovering that Qiuyang had solid basic knowledge and was very diligent and eager to learn, she became more interested in talents. If she had not already had a disciple and Qiuyang's enchantment talent was slightly lower, she might not have learned anything. I want to take him as my disciple.

Although he has no apprentices now, because of this love, this enchanter has no teaching skills except for the skills inherited by his master. It can be said that he teaches everything else.

With a good teacher and Qiuyang's own hard work, his enchanting technology has improved by leaps and bounds.

Any learning requires practice. Even a person with 100 talents who can only talk on paper will never make a breakthrough, so Su You gave Qiu Yang a lot of low-level materials suitable for enchantment to practice.

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