Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 765 765 Polar Night Storm 1

There are many low-level materials with low value, and it doesn't hurt if they are destroyed, but Qiuyang still takes every enchantment very seriously.

From the most basic defensive enchantment, to attack enchantment, it has grown step by step. Until now, the warehouse has been filled with thousands of the lowest level enchantment items.

This number may seem like a lot, but because low-level enchantment is indeed simple, as long as the materials are sufficient, the enchantment can be completed in a few minutes, so it is not surprising to have this number of enchantment results.

It's just that the level of these enchanting props is too low, so low that even enchanting shops in small territories will not put them up for sale, so these can only be piled up in the warehouse temporarily.

After all, it was the result of Qiuyang's hard work, so Su You wouldn't lose it. There was enough space anyway, so she would keep it. What if it was useful in the future?
In fact, even Qiu Yang himself did not expect that the 'little rags' he made could actually come in handy. He only thought that what the lord said was to comfort himself, but when he was really killed by Su at night When Yu found him and asked him to help, he was stunned.

"Lord, do you want me to cover all these enchantments into another enchantment?" This is the first time Qiu Yang has heard this statement.

He had always thought that once the enchantment was successful, it could not be changed unless the enchantment on the equipment was completely destroyed before it could be re-enchanted. However, even if the enchantment was destroyed, there was a chance that the equipment would be damaged. After all, the enchantment contained energy.

Destroying energy will definitely produce an energy explosion. Although the explosion here will not hurt people, it will damage equipment.

Therefore, everyone is generally more cautious when enchanting equipment, especially good equipment, because once it is enchanted, it is equivalent to being unchangeable.

For example, Su You suddenly mentioned that enchantment can be overridden, which can be said to be completely unheard of.

"Yes, I need you to change all the enchantments on these props to exposure enchantment." The so-called exposure enchantment is actually somewhat like the previous flares. As long as the exposure enchantment prop is used, a rocket will be released in place to fly upward and Exploding light circle.

With this thing, everyone only needs to release it in advance when encountering danger, so that as long as there are people around, as long as they are willing to help, they can locate and search according to the position of the aperture.

Even if you are unwilling to help, you can use the aperture to avoid dangerous places and reduce casualties.

Normally, this exposure enchantment is of little use, but it is suitable for this natural disaster. And because the enchantment level is very low, the materials are cheap, and it is very practical, it can also be used as a prop for distribution.

"I have learned exposure enchantment, but I don't know how to overwrite enchantment." Although Qiuyang has never heard of this enchantment method, he will definitely not question the Lord. He will only think that this is because of his shallow knowledge of the world. , he still has a lot of knowledge about enchantment that he has not yet finished learning.

However, he obviously subconsciously ignored that his current teacher had never mentioned anything that enchantment could cover, so he currently had no idea how shocking the enchantment method proposed by Su You was.

"It doesn't matter, I'll teach you. I just need you to work harder and cover all these enchanting props tonight." The principle of covering enchantment is actually to use the original enchantment track on the enchantment props, and then modify it to become a new enchantment.

The most important reason for the low level of exposure enchantment is that its trajectory is simple. Almost all other enchantment trajectories include it, so Qiuyang only needs to 'wipe' these finished enchantment props a few times, and then he can cover the original enchantment. Effect.

"You try it first. If there's anything you don't know how to do, you can ask me." Su You taught him how to modify the enchantment. Qiuyang was a little nervous at first, but it was too simple to expose the enchantment. For him with solid basic skills It's not a problem at all.

From covering an enchantment in one minute at the beginning to covering an enchantment in the last ten seconds, his efficiency has improved by leaps and bounds.

However, no matter how fast his efficiency is, it is only for one person. Calculated based on modifying four enchantments per minute, if he wants to have one person in the territory, it will take thirteen or four hours. Even if he only prepares the part of the people who can go out, then It also takes close to ten hours. For this reason, Su You also called Qiu Yang's current teacher to help.

Originally, no one would like to do this kind of "overtime" work at night, but Su You had a brand-new technique covering enchantment, which could subvert the mainland enchanters' inherent impression that enchantments cannot be modified, so the teacher came anyway. Helped.

However, it is obviously impossible to obtain a brand new skill by just helping for a few hours, so Su You only promised that in addition to exposing the enchantment, she could also teach the other party several enchantment covering methods.

As for whether the other party can study the rules of enchantment coverage based on these methods, that is her own business.

After the agreement was reached, the two enchanters worked overtime all night, and they finished the more than 3,000 exposure props not long after the third day of the natural disaster.

Su You wouldn't stay by her side while they were working. After all, it was late and she needed to rest.

If she didn't get enough rest, then obviously if something happened, no one would be able to deal with it.

Perhaps because she sensed the crisis, Su You had an uneasy sleep. She had already opened her hazy eyes before dawn.

She looked at the time and found that it was not yet four o'clock. She wanted to rest for a while, but unexpectedly the system seemed to find that she was awake, and a message directly woke her up from her drowsiness.

[The polar night winter is coming, the daytime shortens until it becomes eternal night, and the temperature drops until it reaches eternal sleep. 】

[Today’s morning and evening: The day is long and the night is short. 】


The content of the message was not much, so Su You took a few minutes to read it, and after thinking about it for a while, the sleepiness in her mind disappeared.

She stood up to take a look at the situation in the territory, but when she lifted the thin quilt, she was irritated by the significantly lower temperature in the air.

Also stimulated was Lingbao, who slept with her.

When Su You lifted the quilt, the slightly cool air flowed directly into the warm quilt. Although Lingbao hadn't woken up yet, he couldn't help but shrink his whole body.

Seeing this, Su You quickly covered it with the quilt, got out of bed and left.

Although it is still early, no matter where you are, there are always people who get up early. Su You stood on the top floor of the City Lord's Mansion and looked down. Under a few lights, a few scattered people were walking on the street.

Although they were far away, Su You could still notice that these people had put on thick clothes.

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