Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 767 767 Polar Night Storm 3

She also had to look through them one by one to find the fuel in question.

If she hadn't happened to come over at this time and happened to look at the fuel pile, I couldn't imagine what would have happened after the problematic fuel was sent to the warehouse!
"Lord, both of them can testify for me that before we left the processing room yesterday, all the fuel was fine!" Jiang Yi saw that the Lord was silent, and for a moment he didn't know if she believed him. ...But think about it, if he were in the lord's perspective, he wouldn't trust others so easily.

Jiang Yi knew that what he said was not very credible, so he had to use other people to prove it for himself.

"Do you two have anything to say?" There was no emotion or anger on Su You's face, so the three of them were very careful when speaking.

Ma Yi: "Jiang Yi is right. Every day when he leaves the processing workshop, he checks everything in the processing workshop. The three of us check it together every day. There is indeed nothing wrong with it."

Jiang Er: "Lord, there must be some misunderstanding here... I don't quite believe Jiang Yi would do such a thing."

The three of them looked very united and did not try to push each other down in order to clear their suspicions. But what they didn't know was that Su You had no suspicion that the three of them had done this.

The reason is very simple, firstly, because there is no problem with the loyalty of the three of them, and secondly, because the time is wrong.

If the three of them wanted to do something bad, there was absolutely no need to do it today.

You must know that today happens to be the first day of the polar night winter. Just because it is the first day, all aspects must be more nervous. They are stupid to choose to do something at such a conspicuous time.

Of course, it is also possible that they did not know that today was the polar night of winter, but this possibility is not high, not only because these three people have experienced the last natural disaster and have some experience in double natural disasters, but Su You also found that An announcement was made to remind everyone that the polar winter is coming in the next day or two.

This reason may be a bit far-fetched. This alone is definitely not enough for Su You to rule out their suspicion. What really confirmed her idea was that she saw pry marks and a shoe print outside the window of the processing workshop.

Jiang Yi, Jiang Er and Ma Yi all have keys to the workshop. They don't need to pry the window to get in. Moreover, the three of them are tall and strong men, but the shoe prints are too small, even if they are not women. , is also a slender and thin man.

If you have small feet, it is possible to wear big shoes, but if you have big feet, wearing small shoes, it is obviously inconvenient to move, especially if the other party jumps in and out of the window, so there is basically no intentional element.

With so many factors superimposed, Su You didn't believe there were so many coincidences, so the truth was that the three of them were innocent.

But she wanted to lure out the person behind it, so she could only pretend not to know, and she also had to lock up these three people.

So, although the three of them tried very hard to explain and had a clear conscience, they were finally 'persuaded' by Su You to 'rest'.

The three people rested, but the fuel processing workshop did not stop. Su You turned around and recruited a few more people to do the same work.

She recruited a total of six people this time, two of whom were residents of the territory, three were travelers, and one was a wanderer.

The work in the fuel processing workshop is not difficult, it just requires carefulness, and the salary is not low, so these six people joined the job very happily, and they quickly got started with the job. From the current point of view, They all do a great job. When Su You saw this, she was 'relaxed' and temporarily left the matters at the fuel processing plant behind.

While Su You was dealing with matters in the processing workshop, another matter was also going on in full swing. This matter was mentioned in Su You's second announcement yesterday, asking everyone to go to the task hall to receive a Expose enchanted items.

Because the items are free and can protect one's own safety, no one will refuse to pick them up. Even people who don't go out will get one and put it on their body.

The carrier of the enchanting props is a colorful bracelet woven with silk.

The bracelet is not big, not ugly, and does not get in the way, so many people will wear it directly on their hands. In less than a day, more than 80% of the people in the territory have put on the bracelet. Even those who are not wearing it, some of them will notice it when they see it. After others wear it, I also wear it, otherwise I always feel a little out of place.

Even if you don’t want to wear it, or you think it’s unnecessary to wear it, most people will remind you when they see it. Some people will wear it after being reminded, while some people find it troublesome and are unwilling to listen or take care of it. What other people think is normal.

But since Su You needs to check people, everyone must bring this thing, so a piece of gossip spread...



"Hey, have you heard? The bracelet that the lord gave out today can not only transmit signals, but also has another function..." A person in the teahouse said mysteriously.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you have any news about Squirrel, please tell me immediately!" Squirrel is the nickname of the previous speaker because he is well-informed, quick-footed, and as clever as a mouse, and he always likes to dress in gray. , so after a long time, everyone called him that.

"You kid, stop whining. I know you want to eat the restaurant's new deluxe boiled set meal. Tell me if you have any news. I'll treat you to dinner tonight!"

Although this person is very obvious about his lies, everyone obviously likes this trick.

"Don't forget the treat you promised, otherwise I won't tell you any news next time." The squirrel chuckled and said to the person who wanted to treat him to dinner, and then hurriedly said before the other party became impatient. He told all the news he knew.

"You don't know, this bracelet is something that has been placed in front of the guardian beast and the statue of the god. In addition to being enchanted, it is also protected by the guardian beast and the statue of the god!"

"Don't say brother, I didn't remind you. If you are fine, don't take off this bracelet. This is a blessed treasure. Even if you don't need the enchantment on it, you can still bless it and keep you safe..."

The squirrel seemed to be speaking quietly, but in fact the teahouse was not big. They were not in a private room, but in the lobby, and the sound of their chat just now was quite loud, so those who were interested in this topic had already gathered together. Come over here.

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