Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 768 768 Polar Night Storm 4

Regarding what the squirrel said, some people believed it, some didn't believe it, and some were half-convinced. It was just that the eavesdroppers were embarrassed to speak, but the people who said they wanted to treat the squirrel to dinner had no scruples.

"What you said is a bit exaggerated. It sounds like protection or blessing. This is not an ordinary thing. There is such a powerful treasure. Why didn't the lord of this territory tell us about it and give it to us for free? ?”

Facing the other party's doubts, Gray Rat smiled calmly: "Why don't you say it? You don't think about such a good thing. What will happen if you say it?"

Squirrel's words made everyone silent for a few seconds. Although he was a bit deceptive, everyone really found a reasonable excuse for this behavior.

If something is very good, then everyone will definitely want to have it. Although it is something that everyone has one share, no one will have too much. As long as the benefits are sufficient, anything can happen, including stealing, robbery, and cheating.

"As for why this is given to everyone for free, I don't know. After all, I'm not a lord. How can I get together with the lord?" Squirrel didn't say much.

Although there is no problem in praising the lord at this time, he can interpret it as the lord of this territory is kind-hearted. She hopes that everyone in the territory will survive safely, so she will give this thing for free... But there is no need. , this explanation seems a bit too deliberate and too exaggerated.

Sometimes the words are half spoken and let everyone make up their own minds, which can actually produce good results.

Sure enough, after the squirrel said this, everyone around who heard it but did not put on the bracelets silently touched their hands and then put on the bracelets.

If he didn't put it on his body, he didn't even drink the tea, said goodbye to his friends in a hurry, and then went home.

In less than a day, this so-called news spread throughout the territory. People came and went on the street, and everyone wore brightly colored bracelets on their hands.

Although today is the first day of the polar night winter, the temperature has not dropped too much after all. Unless you are particularly afraid of the cold, everyone only wears two more clothes at most, and even the cotton-padded clothes have not been used yet, so naturally It won't affect everyone's actions.

It's just that today's cooling has had some impact on everyone. The fuel store's business is extremely booming, and the business of other stores has also been boosted. Everyone has started to stock up on supplies to keep out the cold.

Just like that, the first day of extreme winter passed.

Apart from what happened at the fuel processing plant, there were no other surprises worth mentioning.



[On the second day of the polar night in winter, the daytime shortens until it becomes eternal night, and the temperature drops until it reaches eternal sleep. 】

[Today’s morning and evening: The day is long and the night is short. 】

Except for the different days, the same message as yesterday appeared. Su You glanced at it and closed it directly.

Although yesterday was also the day of extreme night winter, because it was only the first day, the daylight hours had not really started to shorten, so yesterday it was still five o'clock in the morning when it was lighted, and it was still night when it was dark.

But today is the second day of the polar night winter. According to the information I heard from the ranger before, the daytime will be shortened by one hour today. But Su You confirmed that it will be five o'clock in the morning today. Does that mean that today It should get dark at six o'clock in the evening, not seven o'clock?
After all, Su You had never experienced it before and didn't know much about it, so she was ready to see the situation first.

However, no matter what time it gets dark today, one thing is obvious: today's temperature has dropped again compared to yesterday. Su You silently took out the quilt and couldn't help but wear an extra layer of thick clothes. . Walking on the street, you can clearly see that everyone has become "bloated" wherever you can see.

But generally speaking, today's temperature is still in the teens, which is within an acceptable range. But starting from tomorrow, it will drop by ten degrees every day. In less than three days, it will be a challenge for everyone to even walk out of the house...

On the second day of the polar winter, nothing big happened. There were some small things. That is, among the people who went out to hunt for treasures, more and more people encountered ice and snow storms and were injured due to ice and snow storms. There are more and more people.

Fortunately, although they didn't have time to escape from the ice and snow storm, they used their bracelets in time to send out a signal.

According to everyone's statistics, as many as seven signals were sent out on the second day of the polar winter.

Seven signals does not mean that there are only seven people. After all, most of us travel together. In order to save props, only one person in a group usually sends the signal.

After these seven signals were sent out, a total of thirty-nine people were rescued. These thirty-some people were very lucky. There happened to be other teams around them, so they were all rescued and are now sent to the hospital for treatment. .

Fortunately, Su You had recruited a doctor before the natural disaster. Otherwise, Vivian alone and Qiu Yue, a half-baked doctor, would have to treat so many people at the same time. Although they were busy, they were also exhausted.

Most of the people who were rescued didn't have any wounds on their bodies. Even if they did, they were just injuries from accidental bumps while escaping from the storm. They were all superficial injuries.

The real trauma they suffered was invisible frostbite. For this reason, they must immediately apply frostbite treatment plaster and take cold-repelling decoction immediately.

The plasters are prepared in advance and the decoctions are also packaged in advance and can be used directly, which saves a lot of time.

These people were delivered around noon and afternoon, but because the medicine was good, they woke up one after another that night, and most of them had recovered their ability to move. Only a few people with severe frostbite needed to Take an extra day of rest.

Even if everyone is safe, the fact that dozens of people were frostbitten still brought a lot of psychological shadow to everyone, so much so that on the third day of extreme winter, the number of people going out to hunt for treasures dropped significantly.



[On the three days of extreme night in winter, the daytime shortens until it becomes eternal night, and the temperature drops until it reaches eternal sleep. 】

[Today's morning and evening: midnight of day and night]

After seeing "long days and short nights" for two consecutive days, it was finally midnight.

Yesterday's situation was just as Su You guessed. The dark time turned into six o'clock at night, which turned the original fourteen hours of daylight into only thirteen hours.

Today, seeing this notice that was obviously different from the previous two days, Su You knew that today's daylight hours would continue to shorten by one hour and become twelve hours, which would be exactly half of the day and half of the night.

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