Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 769 769 Polar Night Storm 5

According to the normal biological clock, Su You usually wakes up at dawn, but it was also five o'clock. When Su You opened her eyes and looked out the window, what she saw was not the bright sky, but the night with a few twinkling stars.

"Yesterday it darkened an hour earlier, today it will light up an hour later..." Su You muttered to herself, opening the territory building panel and controlling the street lights outside to turn on again.

Because it used to be five o'clock in the morning, Su You set the automatic lights off time at five o'clock, but now it was delayed by an hour. It was still dark outside, so Su You could only manually control the street lights to turn on.

About seven or eight minutes after the street lights came on, there were more people on the street. They communicated with each other and finally determined that the dawn time had become later today.

During their communication, Su You also speculated on the changes in this polar night winter.

In the first five days of the polar night winter, except for the first day, which has no change, the second and fourth days will darken one hour earlier, and the third and fifth days will light up one hour later.

According to the ranger, starting from the sixth day, daylight will be shortened by two hours every day. These two shortened hours are either the same as the pattern of the previous four days, with darkness two hours earlier one day and dawn two hours later one day. , lasting for five days; another possibility is that the dawn time and the dark time are postponed/advanced by one hour respectively, so the total is also two hours.

Comparing the two situations, Su You felt that the latter was more likely, but it was not certain after all, so she issued an announcement and only said what could be determined so far, about the laws of the polar night winter.

Because it was still dark outside, no one paid attention to the announcement. When it dawned, everyone saw the announcement. They were surprised that the lord had discovered the pattern of the polar night winter, and they were scared of the consequences of this pattern.

They felt gloomy at the thought that they would only see the sun for another week.

"Only half of today is daytime, and tomorrow it will be less than half. In seven or eight days, it will be night forever." A person who understood the announcement said depressedly, with fear and confusion in his tone, but more importantly There are still many regrets.

This kind of regret appears somewhat inexplicably, but many people have this emotion.

"Then we won't be able to go out until the eternal night?" The other person's eyes widened, and what he said seemed to have grasped the point, but he missed the point.

"Yes, you can't go out at night. If it's night all day, then naturally you can't go out all day." The person next to him also echoed with regret.

"Isn't there any way to go out at night?" As soon as these words came out, almost everyone around them looked at the speaker. The person who was looked at was stunned for a moment. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still spoke confidently. : "You must all think so, right? Although this storm season is dangerous, you can make a lot of money. There are not many opportunities like this!"

As this sentence ended, although others did not respond, they basically agreed in their hearts.

At this point, all their previous regrets have been explained. They are actually regretting that the polar night winter is coming. After the dark nights become longer, they cannot go out and explore the treasures left by the storm.

Today is the third day of the polar winter, but it is also the sixth day of natural disaster. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone’s average income has increased by about four to five times. If you are lucky, it can even be more than ten times. Even if you are lucky, The bad ones are also more than usual income.

Although it is a bit more dangerous, no one has lost their life so far, and there has never even been a case of missing arms or legs. The work is the same, but the income in the past five days is almost as much as the previous month. Income, who wouldn’t be greedy in exchange for this?

Thinking about it this way, it is not surprising that after they learned about the specific conditions of the polar night winter, their first reaction was not that the polar night was terrible, but that the polar night prevented them from going out and making money. After all, for most people, having no money or no way to make money is a particularly scary thing in itself.

"Actually, you are all thinking too much. Even if there is a way to go out at night, it is useless. Don't forget what the lord said. In addition to the polar night, the temperature will also drop during the polar winter. At this rate, you will not be able to do it in a few days. It's hard to leave the house." While everyone is still paying attention to the time and the polar night, someone has discovered something more serious, and that is the temperature.

When it gets dark, they can still find ways to light up, but when the temperature is low, they can't make the temperature rise back up.

"Forget it, I've made enough money anyway... There are still a few days left, so hurry up and get some valuable things back now. When it gets really dark or cold, you'd better stay in the territory and rest. Well." Someone sighed and said.

Although it is a pity, everyone has the same idea as him. After all, money is important, and so is life. If life is gone, there is no point keeping money.

"There is actually nothing wrong with staying in the territory. Apart from being a little bored, you have food, drink, clothing, shelter, and heating is not a problem... This is a double natural disaster! You are lucky to be able to survive, and other people Too greedy."

"Yeah yeah……"

After some discussion, the crowd in front of the announcement dispersed, and everyone went out together, determined to take advantage of the last few days of light to find more valuable treasures.

As they left, calm returned to the streets.

However, somewhere they can't see, a disaster that is not God's will is quietly approaching...


On this night, when everyone fell asleep, several black shadows shuttled through the territory.

They are extremely fast, and their figures are as mysterious and unpredictable as ghosts.

If someone sees them at this time, they will definitely be able to find that although the goals of these black shadows are different, they are similar - they all stop by the warehouse in the territory.

In other words, the targets of these unknown shadows are the warehouses full of supplies in the territory!

With a slight friction, a bright spark appeared in the night. The spark swayed with the breeze, and suddenly went out the moment it approached the building.

"Tsk..." The black figure holding the igniter said impatiently. He just thought that the flame was blown out by the wind and didn't care. So he took out another igniter from his body, and a weak fire lit up in the dark night again. .

This time, he was lucky. The flames approached the building smoothly and did not go out halfway...

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