Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 770 770 Polar Night Storm 6

But the strange thing is that no matter how close the flames come, the building cannot be ignited.

"That's wrong!" Black Shadow discovered the problem. He immediately extinguished the flames and then approached the building to check.

"Damn! What is this..." Before he could finish his sentence, he seemed to feel something. He moved quickly, but in the end he still took a step slower. He was surprised and horrified to find that after he moved, there was actually a fire around him. There was a blazing flame!

Although these flames did not really hurt him, the intense heat and bright and dazzling light brought by the flames still made him uncomfortable.

"Don't you like to play with fire? Keep going!" A middle-aged man with a dark face came out of the corner. From the outside, he looked like an ordinary person. He was even wearing pajamas and slippers, and his hands were empty. No harm done.

But anyone who has stayed in the Sunset Territory knows that the seemingly ordinary middle-aged man in front of him is actually the most difficult person to mess with in the territory, because he is a magician, and he is also a high-level fire magician. His name is Make!
Of course, few people actually know that although Meck is only a senior magician on the surface, his actual level has reached the master level!

A master magician in his thirties, this is unique in the entire continent!
In addition to the reason why Suyou was trained with power-enhancing props in the later period, the biggest reason is that Meike was once suppressed in strength and broke through again, which made his understanding of magic to a higher level and a more solid foundation. At the same time, the experience is several times that of ordinary people.

The combination of various factors has created the miracle of Meck.

But these are not important for the time being. Even if Meck is just an ordinary high-level magician, it is more than enough to deal with this black shadow.

"Tell me, where are the other people?" Meck asked with a cold face.

He was not in a good mood at this time. After all, at this time, he should have been sleeping at home, but because there were 'rats' who wanted to cause damage, he had to run out at night to teach these guys a lesson.

Of course, there is another reason that he himself has not felt. He has been in this territory for so long and has some feelings for it. Not to mention calling this place his home, it is also a good place to live.

Now that someone who lives in his house wants to cause destruction, it's strange that he can be happy.

"..." Facing Meck's question, Black Shadow remained silent.

After all, he came here to do a mission, so he must have known about this territory before coming. He knew that there were several magicians in this territory, and the most famous and powerful one happened to be a high-level fire magician.

He didn't expect that he was so unlucky that he was actually caught by this guy who was the most difficult to mess with. However, he was somewhat professional, so he did not reveal the location of his accomplice.

"Don't tell? It's okay if you don't tell. I don't have time to listen." Meck trapped the man with a flame lock, and then prepared to take him to the dark cell.

Heiying was stunned by Meck's strange attitude. He originally thought that the other party would force him to speak, but why did the other party not seem to care?
Is this playing hard to get?

what is this else?
Meck didn't care what this man was thinking. He dragged him to the dark cell. The flaming chains on the black shadow were like bright lights at night.

Only when they were about ten meters away from the dark cell, the guards of the dark cell were startled by this strange phenomenon - in their eyes, because the black figure was dressed in black and had flaming chains tied around it, it looked like It was a ball of flames suspended and burning out of thin air, and gradually approached them.

"What is that? A will-o'-the-wisp?!" A guard was startled and almost fell to the ground. The other person squinted and finally recognized a human figure.

"No, no, it's a person... No, no, no, there's another person next to him!" He seemed to recognize Meck, or he might have guessed Meck's identity through the flames, so he quickly told his companions and greeted him. Go up.

"Lord Meck, what is going on?" Almost everyone is in awe of magicians, especially this one who is a very powerful magician.

But maybe it’s because Meck is busy working in the restaurant on weekdays, and everyone eats and drinks from the restaurant. Although they don’t really regard him as an ordinary cook, they still feel that the magician is more approachable. Now let’s have a conversation. When I do it, I won’t feel trembling.

"I caught a little thief who sneaked in and was about to tamper with the territory's warehouse." Meck explained the person's background in one sentence, and also explained what the other party had done. As for other things, he didn't say anything else. .

The guard obviously had no intention of continuing to ask questions. After all, in his opinion, there was no need for a senior magician to lie to him. Besides, this person went out at night and dressed like this. He didn't look like a good person at first glance.

"I understand, please hand him over to me. We will watch him carefully and not let him have a chance to escape!" The prison guard did not ask what Meck was going to do or anything like that. If they are brought over, they will definitely be put in a dark prison, and their task is to keep an eye on these people.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. We will deal with this person when the lord comes tomorrow." Meck threw the person forward, and after the guards tied him up, he took back the flame chain on him, then turned around and left.

Watching Meike leave, several guards carefully locked the person into a dark cell. In order to prevent the person from escaping, they also deliberately locked the person into a high-level dark cell with three cages and three locks.

After hanging up the last lock, one of the guards glanced at the black shadow with some sympathy.

"It seems that Miss Vivian has experimental materials again." The guard who spoke did not lower his voice deliberately, so the shadow also heard what he said.

Although Heiying didn't understand what he meant, and he didn't know who the 'Vivian' he was talking about was, he could also hear the danger contained in these words.

"He deserves it. Who let him sneak in and harm our territory?" Another guard snorted, pouted, and continued angrily: "It is a natural disaster now, and resources in all aspects are very tight. Even if the lord has Stock up in advance, but if this guy gets his way, how many people will suffer?”

"It is indeed deserved." The person who spoke before put away the last trace of unnecessary sympathy and left with his companions with a cold face.



[On the fourth day of the polar night in winter, the daytime shortens until it becomes eternal night, and the temperature drops until it reaches eternal sleep. 】

[Today’s morning and evening: The day is slightly shorter and the night is slightly longer. 】

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