Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 771 771 Polar Night Storm 7

On the new morning, Su You learned that there was an additional undercover in the dark cell, and also found out that it was Meike who had caught him.

She had already received the news yesterday. Someone found a stranger in the territory wandering around the warehouses, so Su You directly arranged for Meike, Zen Yue, and Jing Que to wait around several warehouses.

Meike is the strongest, and it is basically impossible for anyone to escape from him; Zenyue is a wind magician, fast, and can follow people to their hiding place even if they cannot catch them; Jingque was once an assassin, It is the best way to catch the slightest hint of danger, and by the way, it can also find out whether the identity of these people is related to the assassin organization.

One night passed, and each of the three people gained something.

Meike caught a person and could interrogate him at any time; Chanyue followed him all the way to an empty residential house in the territory, and then discovered the underground hiding place dug by these people in this room; although Jingque did not recognize the identities of these people, But based on what he knew about the assassins' habits, he found something they had hidden.

After Su You woke up, she asked Vivian to deal with the captured people, and asked Lake to take people to their hiding place to arrest people, while she herself got what Jing Que found - explosives.

The pile of explosives that was half a man high was filled with the most powerful gunpowder powder. If they were really detonated by them, although the territory would not be razed to the ground, it would definitely cause heavy losses.

The territory had just reinforced its buildings to withstand the storm season, but once the explosives went off, the reinforcement work was in vain.

And the most important thing is that buildings can be reinforced and can withstand the damage of a single explosive, but people are not made of steel, so after so many explosives explode, the casualties are the most terrifying.

Suyou originally wanted to ask Vivian to be more gentle, so as not to screw her up and ask for information later. Now that she saw that everyone was here to destroy the territory, she was holding back some anger in her heart, so She simply let Vivian go and let her do whatever she wanted, as long as she saved her life.

You may not be able to get the information out anyway, the most important thing is to vent your anger first!
Vivian was a little surprised when she heard what Su You said. It wasn't until she learned about the explosives that her face darkened at first, and then she smiled even more horribly than Su You.

"It just so happened that I just developed a potion that can fight the storm. I was worried that no one could do the experiment~" After saying this, Vivian took the potion into the dark cell with a smile.

Su You didn't know what happened next. Anyway, she didn't plan to care about these people until the natural disaster was over.

However, even if she didn't care, the guards in the black cell couldn't help but report the news after hearing the screams of those people. It wasn't that they sympathized with them, but they were just worried that they died accidentally.

After all, although they didn't know about the explosives, they had heard that these people wanted to destroy the territory. When they thought about the good home they lived in, they almost lost it, and even their own lives were almost lost. They didn't kill these people. Those who destroy are good, but sympathy is impossible.

Regarding this news, Su You just reassured them and didn't need to pay attention.

Su You had said so, so they just pretended not to hear the cries of these people and just checked every day to make sure they were still alive.



After this batch of gangsters were caught, Su You did not take it lightly, because she was not sure whether she had caught them all, and even if she caught them all, there was no guarantee that someone would continue to sneak into the territory.

However, catching these people was not without benefits. At least through Vivian's efforts, Su You knew how these people sneaked into the territory, so that she could take precautions in advance. The black household matter has come to an end for the time being, and Su You still continues to worry about natural disasters.

The reminder of natural disasters this morning has been very obvious, "the day is slightly shorter and the night is slightly longer", which means that the day time is shorter than the night time.

Yesterday there were twelve hours of day and twelve hours of night, and today there were eleven hours of day and thirteen hours of night.

Because the sunrise is still at six in the morning, the dark time today will be five in the afternoon... No, it should be said to be five in the evening.

Su You had hung today's morning and evening times on the bulletin board and on the notice board at the door of the mission hall early in the morning, just in case someone forgot this, miscalculated the time, and failed to return to the territory before dark.

In addition to the longer nights today, the temperature today also managed to drop to single digits.

Most of the people had already put on cotton-padded clothes. The few who didn't buy cotton-padded clothes were shivering from the cold. Finally, they gave up the last bit of luck in their hearts and went to the sewing shop with money.

Because the cold-proof items were sold in advance, even if the temperature dropped suddenly today, everyone could still put on thick clothes and go out to hunt for treasures to make money as before.

Eleven hours of daylight is actually not too short. Even excluding the time to eat and rest at noon and the time spent on the road, they can still have seven or eight hours to hunt for treasures outside.

In order to save time, some people directly packed enough dry food, fuel, and tents, went out in the morning and came back in the evening.

At first, some people only wanted to bring food, but after going out, they discovered that although the temperature inside the territory was in single digits, the temperature outside the territory was already several degrees below zero due to the ice and snow storm.

If there happens to be an ice and snow storm nearby, or if the ice and snow storm has just left, then the surrounding temperature will be even lower. It is not an exaggeration to say it is minus ten degrees or more than twenty degrees.

At such a low temperature, even if they wore thick cotton clothes, they could not resist the cold. They had to rely on making fires to keep warm, and setting up a plush and thick tent to hide and rest for a while.

Fortunately, there are many trees in the forest and there is a place to shelter from the wind. If it is in an open place and the cold wind blows from all directions, this kind of coldness will penetrate deep into the bones!

With these lessons learned, everyone is more prepared to prepare things.

In order to stock up on more food, Su You had previously asked Meike to arrange for people to make a lot of dry food that was easy to store. Now that they saw demand, Su You asked Meike to take part of the inventory and sell it in limited quantities.

Everyone can buy two adult meals of dry food every day.

Although it is said to be dry food, it actually tastes good. There are breads and pastries with various kinds of jams, dried fruits, and pancakes with vegetables and meat.

In addition to these, Su You even made self-heating food based on reality. The heating pack used for heating self-heating food was developed bit by bit by an alchemist in the territory based on the formula given by Su You.

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