Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 772 772 Polar Night Storm 8

This kind of heating pack is not only more effective, but you can also take the heating pack with you to warm your body after eating.

With such a variety of choices, although the food is still not as good as in the territory, it is still a good meal. With good food, everyone will naturally be more motivated.



Time has come to the tenth day of the natural disaster, which is also the seventh day of the polar winter.

The temperature has continued to drop in the past few days, and the length of the day has also increased from fourteen hours at the beginning to six hours now.

Six hours means that even if everyone rests outside, they can only explore for less than four hours at most.

And today, even the temperature in the territory has reached minus 20 degrees, and in the forest it is as low as minus 40 degrees. If there is a storm around, it can be even lower than 10 or 20 degrees!

Under normal circumstances, it would be absolutely difficult for humans to move outside at this temperature, but this is the Sunset Continent after all, a magical world.

As early as the fifth day of the polar winter, when the temperature in the territory was just below zero, various stores in the territory launched new products and stepped up promotions.

There are all kinds of things that can be used to keep out the cold, such as potions, runes, enchantments, devices, alchemy props... all kinds of things. As long as everyone is willing to spend money, they can also operate normally outside in temperatures of dozens of degrees below zero.

It’s just that these things are definitely more expensive than physical heating things such as hand stoves and cauldrons, so everyone is reluctant to buy them at first. If it’s really cold, buy enough fuel and call a friend or make an appointment with someone. Heating your home lasts all day.

If you feel bored, you can also go to other stores in the territory for entertainment, because since the temperature dropped, all the stores belonging to the territory have been equipped with heating equipment.

It's freezing cold outside, but it's as warm as spring inside.

Some people are reluctant to spend money, so they stay in the store during the day to use the heater. Under normal circumstances, as long as it does not affect the business, the people in the store will not drive them away, but if it does, most people will leave voluntarily.

Even a small number of those who are shameless and greedy will be reluctant to leave because they are worried that they will violate the rules of the territory and be kicked out by the territory.

Su You said she didn't drive away people who were using the heater. It wasn't because she was kind, but because she wanted to save fuel.

Anyway, the heating in the store must be turned on. One person can keep warm, and ten people can keep warm. Since they keep warm in the store, they naturally don’t have to consume fuel themselves, so the total amount of fuel in the territory will decrease more slowly.

Although there are four or five warehouses full of fuel on the surface of the territory, and there are several overcrowded basements, she must be careful in everything before she knows what will happen next.

But soon, on the ninth day of the natural disaster, that is, yesterday, a group of people returned to the territory carrying four huge treasure boxes and three small treasure boxes. Such a spectacular scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It just so happened that most people had been resting in the territory for the past two days, so many people saw this scene. There were about a dozen people in this group, but they couldn't help but be stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes, especially since these looks were both good and bad. They were also afraid of accidents, so they carried the box directly into the mission hall.

Seeing them enter the mission hall, the greedy thoughts of those who originally had their hearts stopped instantly. They patted their faces, sobered up, and then entered the mission hall to join in the fun like everyone else.

As soon as they entered, they saw that two people in the group were left alone outside the mission hall. These two people actually stayed on purpose because they all knew that coming back with so many things would attract a lot of people. They had to pay attention, but there was nothing they could do. After all, the thing was so big, and they didn't have the space to pack it, so they had to carry it back.

Otherwise, you can’t let go of the free money just to keep a low profile, right?

However, in order to distract everyone from paying attention to what they gained, they deliberately left two people behind. Both of them were good eloquent people. Both of them were just like the storytellers, and they even sang and sang in harmony. , telling half truths and half lies about what they encountered while out today.

As for their companions, they took those treasure boxes into the compartment of the mission hall and went to the administrator of the mission hall to exchange these conspicuous items for money.

"...Come to think of it, it's a good thing that a group of us went out today, otherwise how could we have achieved this harvest?"

"That's right! And the most important thing is that we were lucky today. If we hadn't happened to encounter a large storm that dissipated, we wouldn't have been able to find so many things!"

"But having said that, large storms are still very dangerous... Look at my hands." Because the mission hall was also heated, one of the 'storytellers' took off his clothes decisively and rolled up his sleeves.

After seeing the tragic situation on his arm, there were sounds of inhaling one after another all around - I saw that the wheat-colored skin was covered with bruises, and there were more than a dozen as long as one finger. knot, a scar as long as a finger.

Although these wounds have almost healed due to the use of medicine, everyone can still see how terrible these wounds are.

Not only that, this man also tugged on his collar, and in the gaps, everyone could see some marks that were very similar to those on his arms.

After showing everyone the marks on his body, the man put on his clothes and said with a wry smile: "I almost lost my life because of these treasure chests today."

If he had said this before, not many people around him would have cared. After all, they had no idea what these people had gone through.

But after seeing these scars, those who originally thought about going out also gave up.

"Thanks to brother, if he hadn't broken up a small storm, the rest of us might have died." Another person patted the shoulder of the seriously injured person in cooperation.

Originally, everyone was already afraid of this horrific scar, but when they heard that the wound was actually caused by the scattered storm, everyone's eyes suddenly changed.

There are doubts, shocks, admirations, and doubts.

"Why am I so powerful? It's all because of the potion." Before anyone could ask, he smiled and took out a bottle of potion, and then continued to explain: "This is a potion bought by the medical center. It's a new product. Listen. I didn’t believe it at first because it said it could withstand storms, so I bought it and tried it, but to my surprise, it actually saved my life.”

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