Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 773 773 Polar Night Storm 9

The potion he was talking about was actually the potion that Vivian had said before, which was to be tested on people in the dark prison.

The function of this potion is to enhance the strength of the skin in a short period of time, making it resistant to the impact of storms and strangulation.

But a storm is a storm after all. No matter how powerful this potion is, it doesn't use the best materials, so it can only withstand a small storm for one minute at most.

If it is a medium-sized storm, it can barely resist for ten seconds, but it is still life-threatening. As for the medium-sized storm or above, it is instant death if it is touched, and this potion cannot have any effect.

Although the effect is limited, it is enough. After all, although large storms have evolved in the current storm season, and the appearance rate of medium-sized storms has also increased, small storms still account for the majority.

Moreover, it is generally difficult for medium and large storms to enter dense forests, and their speed is reduced. As long as they do not seek death, it is basically impossible to be harmed. Only small storms can move freely in places with slightly sparse trees because of their small size.

This potion is a new product, and all stores will promote new products, and this potion is naturally among them. However, the potion is not cheap, and everyone does not think that they will be involved in the storm. Even if they are really involved, There was no time to use this potion... Due to various factors, the sales volume of the anti-storm potion was not high.

It can even be said that there is almost no sales.

As of today, it is already the third day that anti-storm potions have been put on the shelves. Only less than five bottles of anti-storm potions have been sold, and three of them were bought by the same person. In other words, more than three thousand people In the territory, only three people bought this potion in three days.

The storyteller in front of me is the one who bought three bottles.

It's not that they knew the potion was easy to use, but that they had discovered traces of this large storm the day before, and they had already discovered signs of 'fatigue' in this large storm, so they returned to their territory early and did When you're ready, stay for a day.

Unfortunately, after one day, the large storm did not dissipate, but they did not want to give up, so they made a secret mark and planned to come back the next day.

So they went again today.

They were lucky, and this large storm did not disappoint them. Although they waited outside for a long time and suffered from the cold for a long time today, they still waited for a huge harvest!
Of course, they would definitely not tell these truths to outsiders, so they naturally made up a half-truth and half-false story based on luck.

"Okay, we are going to join everyone." The two people waved their hands and left the scene quickly while everyone was still immersed in their own thoughts.

At this time, they didn't know that they still underestimated the degree of obsession with wealth, so even though that person showed numerous scars on his body, there were still many people who prepared things that day, gathered their companions, and traveled together.

That night, many people returned disappointed. It was not that they did not encounter good things, but that the dense storm in the forest made it difficult for them to move, but there were indeed things.

However, there are also people, like the group at noon, returning excitedly with big and small boxes and enviable harvests.

Originally, it was okay if I didn’t gain anything, but the most terrifying thing is that when I didn’t gain anything, others gained something! And it’s still a huge gain!
There is no grievance or enmity. People will not expect others to be bad, but they will also not expect others to be good. Otherwise, they will always feel uncomfortable in their hearts. And it is this discomfort that adds a lot of motivation to them, so that after today, more people are willing to spend money to buy various things, just to be able to use these things to make greater profits outside!
Unfortunately, it was still too late. The six hours of daylight were not enough for them to stay outside for long, let alone for them to find something more valuable.

But they had no choice, especially after discovering that the entire area would fall into eternal night due to the polar winter in two days, everyone could only regretfully swallow their greed.



In the blink of an eye, another two days have passed. Today is the twelfth day of the natural disaster, the ninth day of the polar night, and the last day of light before entering the polar night.

Although there were only two hours of light today, from the original time of 11 am to 1 pm, everyone was still waiting quietly in the long dark night.

As the sky gradually became brighter, everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Everyone put on thick cotton clothes and warming runes, left their houses, and spent the last two days with others. hours of dawn.

At the moment when the sun, which had not appeared for twenty hours, was rising high, some people could not help but sigh.

"It's great, I can still see the sun today... It's a pity, this is the last day of the sun." This sentence contained two contradictory emotions of joy and regret, but everyone didn't find it strange, because they also I have felt depressed and confused in the past twenty hours without seeing the sun.

Now that I have seen the sun, the haze in my heart has disappeared with the sunshine, but everyone knows that this hard-earned light only lasts two hours... No, it should be only the last hour and fifty-four minutes now. .

For a moment, everyone's emotions were stirred up and down by this sentence, and they were indescribably bitter and sweet.

"Forget it, don't think so much. Let's take a walk while the sun is nice now!" Because there were only two hours, everyone didn't think about going out. Going out at this time would either lead to nothing or seek death. roads, so they all chose to wander around the territory.

I don’t know if it’s because it was the last two hours of dawn, but God actually gave them plenty of sunshine.

The sun was also unusually high above their heads, as if it was moving with them. As long as they stayed outdoors, they could see the fiery red sun shining down on them whenever they looked up. figure!
Because the sunshine was just right, many people felt warm on their bodies. Even if someone didn't pay attention to the time and accidentally let the warming runes on their bodies expire without having time to replace them, they didn't feel cold at all.

You must know that yesterday’s temperature had already reached minus 30 degrees, and today it has dropped by a full ten degrees!

In other words, the current temperature has reached minus 40 degrees!

What is the concept of minus forty degrees?

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